Saturday, May 9, 2015

Voice of the Prophetic Presents: "Behold I Dreamed Yet Another Dream - The House of Refining"

 Yosef {Joseph} as he is dreaming with his staff in his hand.

Lo, I was at a house near many trees, and there were many people both in the house, and around the house inside, and outside.

And one of the trees by the house caught fire through the careless actions of others, and it fell upon that house, and it caught fire, and immediately I was inside the house viewing as it were looking out through the window, yet all I saw was the fire.

Yet suddenly a woman appeared in the fire, and she walked out of the fire into the upper level of the house where we all were, and she, and I walked out of the house onto the street of the nearby neighborhood, and we beheld children walking.

As they walked up to us, the lady spoke the one child's name, to which responded the child, how knew you my name, and yet again how know you all these things? Then we came upon my father's house where I grew up, and new people were living there so I knew it was not representing my earthly father's house, but my Heavenly Father's House, and the Parents of the house were Pastors, and the children being returned were the Children of the house of G-D.

Basically the dream is this.

We whom are the Prophets, and at times Prophetesses of the L-RD, do come from, and come forth of the fires of the house of refining. That was the house I saw where I was in after that it caught fire, when the woman came forth out of the fires by agency of the window in the house.

The window speaks of visions, or one who receives visions, and the woman appeared out of the window of fire, a vision of fire, which has a duel meaning here for she had not become at all consumed by the fires, so fire in this sense represents the Authority of those who are Prophets, Prophetesses, also known as seers, or visionaries.

And the other meaning of the fire is that it represents power, mainly the power of G-D to restore, to accomplish matters of the Spirit, and matters as pertains to mankind.

The reason why the woman was not burnt by the fire {power} mainly is because she had been imbued, and enveloped by the Complete Authority of Almighty G-D.

Authority is that which extinguishes fire.

So G-D imbues his Prophets, and Prophetesses with his full Water Authority, enabling us to not only be unhurt by the fire power of Satan, the Enemy of Mankind, but to extinguish the fires of the Enemy walking right through them because we have the Authority over them, and we have authority over all those who possess such abilities who use their power  wrongfully, for their use of power which they use is to burn the people they are supposed to protect.

We were walking in the neighborhood which is a shadow, a figure of the Field. Two shall be in the field, one will be taken, the other left. It is a reference to judgment, not the rapture.

So Prophets, and also Prophetesses can be found not only in the Field, but at the house of G-D too.

And it is our commission to bring the strayed ones, the ones who left the ninety and nine sheep, and carry them safely back to the House of Our Father in the safety of our wings, returning them back unto the Sheepfold where they can be watched over, and also be protected from all of the wolves of the wild lurking in all the shadowy forests of the fields they surround waiting for any of the stray sheep to catch them as their prey.

And that is what the dream meant.