Friday, December 28, 2012

"Sid Roth's Recent Interview with Marilyn Hickey on It's Supernatural"

 "Sid Roth's Recent Interview with Marilyn Hickey on It's Supernatural"
Do you feel there just has to be more? More for you? A Greater purpose for your life?

Would you open your heart to Jesus from Nazareth and his Anointed Ones? Let him speak his purposes for your destiny through his Anointed Ones, his Ministers who he makes a flame, and his Angels that he makes ministering spirits.

Be blessed with the Purpose of Almighty G-D as you are endued with his power from on high as you sit there watching I pray the Baptism of the Holy Ghost fall freshly upon you, Amain. Halleluyah!


Friday, December 21, 2012

"Christ Mass Greetings To Everybody"

"Christ Mass Greetings To Everybody"
According to Nostradamus and the Mayan Calendar the world just ended 30 minutes ago. Well then, I guess this Post doesn't exist hey? LOL.

Aren't You glad we serve the Only Wise, True, and Living G-D? I know I sure am. You know Jesus Gave Us a Gift On His Birthday Just by Being Born.

I am the most thankful person for the Love, Mercy, and Grace of My Savior Jesus from Nazareth, My Messiah because I know that only he could keep as he did nearly two thousand years ago every last law in the Torah, all 613 commandments.

Yes there are 613 commandments, not just the Top Ten of Familiar Christianity.

Aren't you glad Jesus from Nazareth is L-rd, that he is our Savior? If it were up to anyone else, we'd all be doomed and probably already in hell long ago.

But Thank G-d for the Blood, the Blood of my L-rd Jesus, the Christ from Nazareth who takes away the sins of the world, Halleluyah Amain!

I Love You Master, My Precious L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, O' Blessed, and Sovereign King of Israel* AMAIN!

Merry "Christ Mass" to You, With All My Love,

Brother Joshua Carl Vitale*
                                                 Jesus from Nazareth
                                      The Savior of the Whole World*

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Sid Roth's Recent Interview with John Benefiel on It's Supernatural"

Is there a Storm raging against your prayer life right now Saints? Learn how to defeat the enemy in the name above every name, by the name of Jesus the Messiah from Nazareth. Learn who the enemy is so then you can take him out.

Sid Roth examines the various levels of who Baal is with his Guest John Benefiel.

You can live set free, If You want to Be free. Do you want to be free? Then watch the segment here and remember Almighty G-D is in Control and remains Sovereign throughout all ages, Amain!

Monday, December 17, 2012

"The Seven Shedding's of the Blood of Christ our Messiah and King"

"The Seven Shedding's of the Blood of Christ our Messiah and King"

In Deuteronomy 28 it says if we Hearken to the L-rd, that is Listen with obedience to Him, that blessings will not only be upon our lives, but that they will overtake us. That means the blessings of the L-rd our G-d will be running over us like an avalanche. Malachi 3:10.

Now in Deut. 28:7 G-d promises protection of a very special type. He says our enemies who rise against us will be smitten before our very eyes, and that they will be forced to flee from us seven ways. This can only happen if the life of the believer is submitted to Ha'shem in obedience to his Holy Spirit and to Yeshua his Son the Word.

Many Christians and Messianic Jews realize it not, that Yeshua shed his blood in seven different ways. Is it just mere consequence that Satan must flee from the presence of the Christian and Messianic Believers who know these truths seven different ways? Of course not, Deut. 28:7 was not written in vain, nor is the scripture saying we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. 

Meaning the truth we know will set us free, however the truth we do not know cannot set us free. We remain in bondage to spiritual principalities and rulers of darkness of this world, all because we have a lack of knowledge of the truth that can so easily set us all free. Today I plan on breaking those strongholds off of your life in and as the name of my L-rd Yeshua of Nazareth.

The first way Satan has to flee from the life of the believer in Messiah is by removing the blindfold of spiritual poverty. Spiritual poverty fell upon all mankind through the sin of our father Adam. Spiritual poverty is when you can no longer hear the voice of the L-rds Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit.

It is also the inability to receive revelatory words from the word of G-d. Yeshua put an end to this when he shed his blood in the garden of Gethsemane. Remember Genesis 3:17-19 G-d cursed the ground because of Adams sin.

G-d said by the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you shalt return. When G-d told Adam “In the sweat of your face you shalt eat bread” G-d had pronounced a spiritual hardship, a curse upon Adam and all his seed of whom would come after him.

That is, we will have to labor very intensively to hear any word from G-d because we came out of light and walked into darkness in our father Adam. Scripture says by one man’s sin death entered the world and by another man’s obedience (Yeshua our Messiah) all are made alive again.

Today the ability to hear and listen with obedience to the Holy Spirit is given to the People of G-d whom Yeshua has redeemed by his shed blood. This includes Jew and Gentile both equal in G-ds sight and one house, not two houses.

The first shedding of Christ Blood was when Yeshua sweat great drops of blood in Gethsemane the garden. Fitting yes, in that Adam had the curse pronounced against him by G-d in the Garden of Eden and here we see G-d the Son Yeshua breaking that same curse off Mankind by the shedding of his blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Jesus broke the back of the devil of spiritual deafness off of those who have become his disciples and off of those who will believe on him through their preaching his name. So far we have covered the first shedding of The Messiah’s blood.

The second shedding of Christ’s blood I wish to discuss with you and focus on is when they crowned him with thorns. In the very same chapter of Genesis 3 we see that the ground cursed for Adams sin will yield to him thorns and thistles.

That is the financial curse upon Mankind.  In Genesis 3 G-d speaks to our father Adam saying “the ground will yield to you thorns and thistles as you work the land to cultivate it.” Adam and all after him toil to earn a living from the work they do in this life. That as we endure the toil we will not only reap a living but thorns and thistles will choke our investments, trying to lay aside our investments and we must fight to protect our investments.

But G-d rich in mercy sent Jesus, who when the Romans crowned him with the crown of thorns upon his head, Yeshua (Jesus) bled the second time. In so doing Jesus (Yeshua) our Master bled shedding his blood and broke the curse of financial poverty off everyone who believes on him and who shall ever believe on him through his name. Genesis 3:17-18 and John 19:2.

It is through the Headship of our L-rd Yeshua (Jesus) that we are blessed. Especially financially when we come into a right relationship with Yeshua and are water baptized into his Body by his Spirit, the water and the blood, for these three agree in one. We cannot rob G-d and expect to be blessed by him at the same. We must obey his rules and regulations set forth in the torah and New Testament. 1John 5:8, Proverbs 3:9 and Malachi 3:10 and 1 Corinthians 16:2.

The third shedding of Christ’s blood I wish to discuss is the nailing of his hands. When we talk about hands were talking about a system of works. James 1:27. James talks about a system of good works which the Father approves of as pure religion. 

Religion was never meant by G-d to be an organization but only a system of good works leading to rewards to be enjoyed eternally. Our works were never meant to be used as a means of gaining personal salvation.

For if we can gain personal salvation through our system of good works done to others, Christ our Messiah died in vain. Please understand salvation is not earned, but is the gift of G-d which is given to you and I by and through his Son Yeshua (Jesus) our L-rd.

The religious system of good works which we do to others is only meant as a means to gain eternal rewards to enjoy eternally. Eternal life is only given to us by Yeshua G-d the Son. When Christ shed his blood through his hands being nailed to the cross, he purified our religion, our system of good works aimed at giving him all the glory.

So when you sow the word of G-d into someone’s heart, Satan cannot come afterward and steal away the word of the L-rd you sown in them, because it is covered by the shed blood of the Lamb of G-d. The words we sow today will eventually lead to the salvation of those individuals sooner or later because our works are covered by the shed blood of Messiah Yeshua. It is the third way Satan must flee from our students and us. John 20:25.

The fourth shedding of Christ’s blood I want to share with you is the nailing of his feet. Symbolically feet speak of our walk in the L-rd our G-d. When Yeshua shed his blood through his feet, he purged our walk purified our walk with him by his shed blood. Psalm 22:16 and Matthew 23:35, Ephesians 5:8 and Hebrews 10:19-25.

The fourth way Satan must flee is from our presence when we abide in G-d by his word and prayer. The devil cannot abide in the presence of true prayer where the divine presence of G-d dwells, for he inhabits the praises of his People.

The fifth shedding of Christ’s blood I want to share with you is the stripes upon his back. They whipped his back with a cat of nine tails which had sharp bone fragments and nails fastened to them.

When used those bone fragments along with the nails tore the flesh off of the back of our L-rd leaving his backbone exposed. It is by the blood of his stripes we are healed from all diseases and manner of sicknesses. I think you need to shout to G-d and Praise Jesus now for that Amain! Isaiah 53:8 and 1 Peter 2:21-24 and John 19:1.

The sixth shedding of Christ’s blood I will share with you is the piercing of his side from which blood and water flowed. In this shedding of his blood Yeshua (Jesus) baptized us into his body by water baptism and the baptism of the Blood, the Spirit. 

I say the Blood and the Spirit are one and the same. Leviticus 17:11 says the Life of the flesh is in the blood. The Spirit needs to be in the blood in order that the flesh may have life. Therefore the Blood and the Spirit are the same. John agrees with this synopsis in John 6:53-63.

By the Baptism of the water and the blood (Spirit) we can see the Holy Ghost accomplished the sealing of our salvation unto the Day of Messiah. John 19:34, Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 John 5:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 and John 3:5-6.

I know we are baptized by the water, yet by the blood as well. The life of the flesh is in the blood Leviticus 17:11. For the blood to have life, the Spirit must be in the blood. Jesus said the words he speaks to us, they are spirit and they are life.  John 6:63 therefore Yeshua by speaking his word into us has spoken his Ruach, his Holy Spirit into us and has taken out of us the Stony Heart, that hardened spirit unable to hear him and replaced our hard heart with his Holy Spirit. When you received Yeshua (Jesus) he gave you a Blood (Spirit) transfusion. He took your stony heart and put his Heart (Holy Spirit) in you and sealed you unto the DAY of Redemption. Halleluyah! Hebrews 9:22. Ephesians 1:13 and Philippians 1:6.

The seventh and final shedding of Christ’s blood is when he bruised the head of Satan and Satan bruised Jesus Heel. When Satan bruised Christ’s heel, he bled internally. The skin discolors by reason of the bleeding internally. Why was Jesus bruised? For our Iniquities! Yeshua was chastised with the chastisement of our peace and the devil has to flee from us when were submitted to our L-rd Jesus completely for he whose mind is stayed on G-d, G-d keeps him/her in perfect peace. Isaiah 53:5, Genesis 3:15.

Romans 16:20, shows that we are partakers of the Sufferings of Messiah.  Therefore we will also be glorified with him and sit down in his throne with him. Revelation 3:20-22. Glory to G-d Almighty forever for his marvelous plan of redemption which he formed before the foundation of the World, Halleluyah and Amein.

Won’t you take a minute and receive the L-rd Jesus today?

"Father G-D, I have lived my whole life thinking I knew you, and now I just learned I haven’t ever really known you at all. I am both angry and sad. Angry because I was deceived by the god of the world and sad because I feel robbed of the years wasted on trivial pursuits when I could had have been spending those years in passionate pursuit of you. Please forgive me L-rd for the wasted years, and help me redeem the time for the time is evil. Let me know the real true you. And I vow I will never knowingly run after other false gods ever again but serve only you L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, Amain."

Congratulations friend, you are now a child of the Most High G-D, the Almighty G-D and Father of our L-rd Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Living in His Sight, and Eternally Loving You All,

Prophet Joshua Carl*

                               Our Blessed Comforter, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
                         G-d the Son Jesus from Nazareth, Our Savior, and My L-rd!
                                     The Prophet of the Living G-D, the Almighty*

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Can I Be A Christian "IF" by Prophet Joshua Carl*

Can I Be A Christian "IF" - NOW On YouTube.Com.

Dearly Beloved, I think you will like this Video Jesus and I produced together.

Many people think they Can Conform Christ into their Image and Not be Transformed into His Image and Still be A Christian. It Is Impossible!
                                           The Symbol of Our Blessed Comforter
                                                       The Precious Holy Spirit*
                                             Our Blessed Messiah, and Our L-rd
                                                 Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth*
                                The willing and obedient servant of the L-rd G-d Almighty*

Friday, December 7, 2012

"Blessed Are The Peacemakers saith thy G-D"

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Children of G-D"

Have you ever had an altercation with someone before, and you knew you were wrong? Or have you had altercations with people and felt they were the reason for the dispute between both you and them? Or perhaps they were definitively wrong, or you were definitively wrong.

No matter the case, G-Ds word is clear. Blessed are the Peacemakers.

You should care deeply about what G-d cares about. If something you said, even if you felt you were in the right, and felt they were in the wrong, doesn't negate G-ds word!

Go to them, reconcile the issue because if it takes away from their peace, you should be concerned about it. Then rest after dealing with it, because G-d says you will reap what you sow.

"Thus saith the L-rd, break up your fallow ground, sow to yourselves in righteousness, not wickedness. Care about people like I care about you. No greater love does a man have than this; that he lay down his right to be just before men, but pours in the oil and the wine and addresses the wounds of the lives of other men, and women to heal them. In so doing these things you shall then be known as my Disciples says Jesus from Nazareth, and shall be known to be the Children of your Father in Heaven says the Highest, the L-rd of Hosts is my name. I AM the L-RD."

Sow forgiveness, and reap healings, both physical healing, mental healing, and spiritual healings too.

Loving You With an Everlasting and Eternal Love,


Prophet Joshua Carl*

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What "IF" Hell Really Does Exist, and You're Wrong? The Series

       What "IF" Hell Really Exists - the Series

PLEASE RE-POST On Your TWITTER & FACEBOOK ***This Is Outrageous-A Predators Playground***


                   ******URGENT ALERT, THIS IS A BAD IDEA*******
                *****This Is Outrageous-A Predators Playground*****

Now they are trying to cater to our kids from the tender age beginning at age 5 to the age 13. I think they have lost their minds.

This cannot be allowed to happen, and it must not go unchallenged by Christians the world over on an ecumenical sense. Where is the Common Sense we have been raised to know? Has it not been cast right out the window to the trash where it to have never been thrown. Yes, I say it has.


                                      The Symbol of Our Comforter
                                           The Precious Holy Spirit*
                    Our Blessed Savior, Jesus from Nazareth,
                                   Our Messiah, the Christ*
                             The Prophet of the L-rd G-D Almighty
                                              Prophet Joshua Carl*

Friday, November 30, 2012

“With Him, In Him, and For Him” ******MATTHEW 10:16*******

     With Him, In Him, and For Him
          ******MATTHEW 10:16*******

And Jesus said, be you as wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16.

Joshua Carl's Midrashim:

It is now time for the Ekklesia, the called out, to be wise, and to stop playing with our old lives of sin. ******ROMANS 6:1-2*******

We must now choose, Yeshua, or the spirit of error {mammon- the demonic false god of Egypt} ******MATTHEW 6:24, LUKE 16:13, & JOHN 8:35*******

We cannot serve two Masters, for we will obey, love, and cleave unto the one, and end up hating the other. ******2nd CORINTHIANS 6:14-18*******

Whom will you serve? Will you serve Jesus from Nazareth? *2nd KINGS 18:38*

Or will you serve the spirit of error {Mammon - one name out of the numerous foreign false gods of that ancient era of time}  

******2nd KINGS 18:31*******

"The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in this present era, many have been beguiled by fanciful soothsaying preachers, preaching a conformist gospel, but it is not My Gospel says the Spirit of the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ” GALATIANS 1:6-9*

Therefore Thus saith El Gibbor, the Mighty G-d, learn how to apply the tactics Satanas uses against you in order to cause you to react in your carnality, and flip it by effectively using the Adversaries own bad medicines against the Enemy of mankind.

******1st CORINTHIANS 2:6-8*******

This you shall accomplish as you learn how to apply those tactics, and to teach your talmidim, your students how to use those same tactics to the edifying of the multitudes.

******LUKE 16:8, and 2nd TIMOTHY 3:16-17*******

And in so doing, you will have begun to become wise as serpents, yet remaining harmless as doves. I AM Adonai.

Loving You All Everlastingly with an Eternal Love in the Precious Holy Spirit.

With Him, In Him, and For Him

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                                 The Symbol of Our Blessed Comforter
                                  the Precious Holy Spirit*
                                                   Our Blessed Messiah
                                                  Yeshua from Nazareth*
                                       The L-rds willing and obedient
                                       servant, Prophet Joshua Carl*

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Forever Faithful, That's Who You Are"

 "Forever Faithful, That's Who You Are"

You tried for years, they call it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder {OCD} when you wash your hands, over, and over again, but they never come clean.

The problem is not your hands are not clean. The problem is you are not clean. Inside you feel filthy, you try to wash it off naturally, but it is a supernatural issue.

You need to surrender yourself and the filthiness you feel over to the Precious Holy Spirit.

Let him touch you with his Holy Presence, and allow yourself to cry, and cry, and cry some more until your totally purged from your sadness. Your tears are the soap of the Presence of the Precious Holy Spirit, and as you cry you will be cleansed from the inside dirt on your hands.

His holy Presence will heal you.

The Precious Holy Spirit is right there with you in your room right now, on the Metro Bus while you're reading this through your cell phone app. He is right there with you, and he will cry with you. You are not; neither have you ever been alone. He has always been there though at times you may not have felt his presence, he still was there. He was holding you when you didn't even feel like holding yourself. He loved you when you couldn't even look in the mirror and say the words "I Love You" to the person you were looking at in the mirror you stood in front of.

It is time to be healed. Let the Precious Holy Spirit touch you now. He loves you so much, and so do I.

May you embrace the Shalom Jesus died to give you. Until next time my Beloved.

Everlastingly and Eternally Loving You In the Precious Holy Spirit,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                        The Symbol of Our Blessed Comforter
                                    The Precious Holy Spirit*

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"The Evening Prayer Oblation to Almighty G-D my Holy Father"

"The Evening Prayer Oblation to Almighty G-D my Holy Father"

***************PSALMS 141:1-4***************

O G-d in the name and as the name of my L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, I come to you Father, and thank you for the privilege of being called by your name.

        ******2nd CHRONICLES 7:14 & JAMES 2:7*******

My Father please forgive me I pray, for because of your mercy you have shown me my shortcomings and one of many is my quickness with which I rush to cut another off for their infractions against me, or what I suspect to be infractions when they are not infractions or injustices, but mere misunderstandings. ******MICAH 7:18-20*******

I pray for those who read these my words unto you Father, I pray not only for myself, but for their welfare also my Master Yeshua from Nazareth. O L-rd Jesus, please I beseech thee O L-rd to help me surrender to you completely. I realize I cannot do this in one night, and probably not even in one month, but this I vow before thy holy Presence Master. 

******PHILIPPIANS 1:6*******

And that is I vow to never quit, to never surrender to the deception of Anger, to be swift to dismiss, quick to speak, and even quicker to get infuriated. I vow to endeavor to be swift to hear, to be slow to speak, and to be slow to wrath, for I know that the wrath of man doesn't work out the righteousness of G-d in men and women's lives.

******2nd PETER 1:3-13******

O G-d help me Father, I do not wish to hurt people, but to lead them to you, for you are the only hope we have Father, and Jesus you are our only way back into the Presence of our Father, and Precious Holy Spirit, I never want to grieve you as I am grieved right now by my own wickedness. And as Job confessed when you shown unto him himself that he hated himself. ******GALATIANS 6:1-5*******

I hate the sin of my flesh, the sin that so easily besets me and throws me off course. ******HEBREWS 12:1*******

I willfully submit it, and myself to you, that it be nailed along with myself to your Cross O L-rd, let it die, for now I am crucified in Christ, and yet I live, yet not I, but Christ lives within me, and through my life which I willingly lay down at thy feet My L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth, Amain. 


Please continue to show me myself, my shortcomings, and my own fallibility, and to know I am sincere and made perfect in your love, yet never let me forget I am not sinless as are you Master. ******ROMANS 3:23*******

You Reign, you Reign, you Reign on High!!! Halleluyah to you my Precious L-rd. Glory Halleluyah!!!! AMAIN!!!!

*DANIEL 7:18, REVELATION 11:15, & DANIEL 7:27*

I Love You Forever O My G-D, My Father, My Savior, My L-rd, You are the Eternal Lover of my Soul and My Best Friend Forevermore, for You are My Everything Precious Holy Spirit, and I Love You for All Eternity and beyond. 

Love Joshua Carl*
                                            My Blessed Comforter the Holy Spirit*
                                                   My Beloved Savior & My L-rd
                                                         Yeshua from Nazareth*
The willing servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty
Prophet Joshua Carl*