Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"The Destruction of the Darkness and those who Love It" "John 3:17-21"

              "The Destruction of the 
       Darkness and those who Love It

                           "John 3:17-21"

Satanas {the devils} are guilty of many evils, and temptations too numerous to be numbered. 

Their goal is exactly as outlined in the book of Daniel 7:25. 

They are set in array to battle us, to wear us out. The Hebrew word used for "wear out" means, "to accuse, to levy accusations against"

Lucifer has his adversarial natured daughter Lilith, the Satan {Adversary} pitched against mankind, and Lilith has her offspring, satanas, or shayateens {the demons} pitched against our offspring.

Yet it is s futile effort on Lucifer, Lilith's, and the demonic host part. Lilith has reared in a senseless war all they, whom have already been declared defeated by Almighty G-D in the book of Revelation 20:7-15.

The Holy Word of Almighty G-D declared in Genesis 3:15, that the Seed of the Woman {Ishshah} Strong's Exhaustive Concordance #802 will crush the head of the Rival Seed of the Serpent, Lilith, the Adversary, ha Satan, the Devil. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance #127 {Adhamah}

I believe G-Ds declaration, and ridicule Lucifer, Lilith, and the Demons for their immensely stupendously idiotic declaration of their insanity. 

That the simple fact that they even thought and even conspired to try and overthrow Almighty G-D makes me burst out in laughter.

From day one Lucifer wanted to be G-D, and the L-RD cast him out of heaven and Lucifer had lost everything.

So he did not learn his lesson, but has instead resolved to transform his leadership into a form like unto the Government of Almighty G-D, from whence he was hurled out of his office to G-D, dejected from heaven and whose place is found no more. 

The Devil lost his authority but retained  in his wicked ability his power which is his ability to manifest the darkness he conceived in his rebellion. When the holy Bible speaks on our Authority, it is always in connection with our relationship to G-d. If you have no relationship you have no authority, yet you have power which is ability to manifest in the natural realms. 

You do not need a relationship to maintain power, but if you want to win against Lucifer and his demonic daughter Lilith the Adversary Satan, and her demonic host, you need to maintain your relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ because if you do not, you will be reduced to fighting fire with fire and it will be a shouting match. 

Example below:

You: I rebuke you.

Your Adversary: No I rebuke you.

You: No I am rebuking you.

And so on and on you bicker back and forth with no results on either end except you burn out and get frustrated to no end, and that is exactly what Satan wants. 

Instead if you want victory, you must fight Satan's fire {power} with the water {authority} of G-ds Word.  Isaiah 14:12-23, and Luke 10:18-19.

And what is even more scary is the chance many people make daily with their walk with the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth. 1st John 1:5-10.

They bare forth a form of godliness but forsake it in their lack of perseverance because they refuse to be 100 percent obedient to Christ. 2nd Timothy 3:5, and James 3:4-10.

They say,"O G-d understands I am not perfect, Or, G-d forgives"

Oh really? Read the Book of Acts 17:30.

Even while these are true facts they are used by Cosmetic Christians as excuses to willfully sin against the blood of Christ by which they were once saved. Hebrews 10:29, and 2nd Peter 2:22.

The Key words here are, "Were Once" because just as fast as you received your Salvation you can lose it by choosing to walk away from it by your acceptance of a little darkness, just a little sin, just a little iniquity.

Listen real good, give me your ear.

"A little Yeast {Leaven} Leavens {Corrupts} the whole batch" Matthew 16:6-12.

Entertaining the notion of just a little is all Satan needs to corrupt you completely. 

G-d is light and in him is no darkness. 

If you want to remain in relationship with the real Jesus Christ from Nazareth, you cannot entertain any amount of darkness. Ephesians 5:11.

To do so and maintain you know him effectively makes you a heretic and a liar and the truth is not in you. 1st John 3:6-10.

G-d says come out from going around and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness if you wish to remain the light of the world, a city set upon a hill which cannot be hidden. If you refuse to come out from amongst the unclean and wicked doers then you will become as they are, for the weak will make you weak, but the strong in turn aid you in becoming strong. 2nd Corinthians 6:14-18.

Churches around America tonight made what they term, "Substitute Alternative Gatherings" as a deterrent to Halloween. 

AGAIN, Listen to me real carefully! Give me your ears, and obey the instruction of a father. Proverbs 4:1-10.

Any Acknowledgement of Halloween whether it be substituting alternatives is again an admission of it and you are equally guilty of the wickedness of that night. You cannot turn people from darkness to light if they do not want to be turned around.

Thus saith the L-rd of Hosts, Meddle not with them whom are given to change. I am the L-RD. Proverbs 24:19-24.

"If you entertain darkness in any amount, it will dilute the light you are and in the end you will be transferred back into the kingdom of Darkness once again. 2nd Peter 2:18-21, Jonah 2:9, and 2nd Peter 2:9.

Lucifer has resolutely formed his demonic Luciferian triad containing himself as a replacement god, Lilith as a type of the second in command in his demonically conspired devilish godhead, and the Seed of Lilith as the final positional role in his fiendish demonically conspired, and failed godhead administration.

He wasted his time!!

The L-RD G-D Almighty had foiled Lucifer's plans nearly 2000 years ago in the person of his holy Son, Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth at the place where he crushed the headship of Lucifer, Lilith, and the Demonic host of demons inhabiting human hosts, many unknowingly, and some stupendously stupidly willfully. Hebrews 10:26.

And all they shall be heinously hewn {cut} down, and shalt assuredly be decimated for all Eternity when at the Brightness of the Advent of the return of the L-rd Jesus, the Christ at his second coming, they all shall be destroyed. Found in the Book of 2nd Thessalonians 2:8-12.

Loving All of You Eternally in the Holy Spirit,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                                          Jesus "G-d the Son"
                                          Prophet Joshua Carl*
                      Lilith is the Adversary Satan

Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Are You Trusting In G-Ds Solution, Or You're Dilution for Your Pain"

"Are You Trusting In G-Ds Solution, Or You're Dilution for Your Pain"

                        "Proverbs 14:12"

v.14, "There is a way that seems right unto a mans sensibilities, but at the end of those ways death is waiting"

Now Let us Embark upon our Discourse:

Most people deal with loss in strikingly amazingly similar ways. Whether it be the loss of a loved one which they feel they could've prevented the loss, Or the loss of a marriage, or similar friendships that grow so incredibly close.

Most people turn to avoidance of the pain, until it becomes unbearable about to erupt like a volcano with such destructive force like unto Mount Saint Helen's.

So they turn to form a new relationship, and the pain seems to be eased, only because they medicated the effects of their pain with a new relationship as if the new relationship is as a Bayer Aspirin.

But the pain has not diminished, neither can it be diminished until that individual confronts the wound that is dealing them such a severity of pain, and deals with it responsibly by surrendering it to G-d in the person of his Son, Jesus from Nazareth, the Messiah, the Christ. 

When nobody is with you, when your alone in your marriage bed all alone but your husband/or wife never to return, what will you do with that heart wrenching, spirit tearing, foul tormenting anguish? Will you languish in wreathing pain? 

Or, will you spit out your pride and cry crocodile tears out unto the L-rd your G-D desiring him to wrap his loving arms around you and help you bear the Cross of pain he permitted you to endure to the Glory of the privilege of being known as, and being called by his name as you and Jesus walk to your Golgotha experience where you shall die, only to be raised in to the newness of his Resurrection Life that he shall revitalize inside of you, healing your broken spirit when once you let go of your pain he died to take away from you provided you surrender it unto him, and then Jesus will bury it, and then he will resurrect the newness of his everlasting and eternal life within you as the two of you walk onward leaving the pain of the past where he buried it. 

Leave it where Jesus put it! It's in the grave! Do not go fishing it out again. Besides the L-rd put a no fishing sign up at that grave sight where your pain is buried.

Don't violate his Grace to satisfy your flesh. 

Or you can abuse drugs, alcohol, and any number of stimulants such as visual stimulants {magazines, porn sites, etc} to fire chemical endorphins in your brain that may numb the symptoms of your pain, yet shall never diminish it at all ever. 

Time only prolongs the duration of your pain, Time never aids in the healing of your soul, not even one bit. 

The healing process begins when you begin entrusting your need of deliverance in the Solution of the holy risen Savior of all the "Whosoever's" who trust in his antidote and not their own remedies.

Until Next Time,

I AM Loving You Everlastingly,

In the Holy Spirit,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                               1st Corinthians 13
                       The L-rd G-d of Glory
                    Yeshua{Jesus}the Christ*
                     The Prophet of The L-rd
                                Joshua Carl*

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"You May Think Nobody Cares, but You're Wrong says Jesus from Nazareth, I Care for You"

Unto you I write my Beloved Children,

You may think nobody cares for you, but you're wrong. Jesus from Nazareth cares for you. He cared so much that almost 2000 years ago to show he loved you so much, that when the question was asked, L-rd how much do you love me? Jesus from Nazareth replied, "This Much" as he stretched out his arms as they nailed him to the Cross at Golgotha.

I am ready to cry because I feel such a sweet Presence of the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit in my room with me right now.

It's at times like this I feel as Isaiah, O G-D, what am I that you are mindful of me? L-rd why me, I am a man of unclean lips.

Then the L-rds Angel came to the altar before the L-rd, picked up the tongs at the altar, picked up a hot coal from the altar and flew to Isaiah and touched his lips with the burning coal.

Then the L-rd spoke to Isaiah by agency of that Angel of Adonai and said, See you say, I am a man of unclean lips no more, for your iniquity I have made to pass from you, now you are clean Isaiah. My Italics added* Isaiah 6:1-8

*My Hearts Daily Cry*
L-rd Jesus you are all I want, you are all I live for, you are my desire, and you are my reward! Does anyone else love him this way?

He could of walked away from the Cross but he chose to die for you and me. But just as he said to the Leper who was crying before him saying, L-rd if you are willing you can make me clean.

The L-rd replied, I am willing, be clean. And instantly the Leper was cleansed. Then Jesus said to the man, go now, show yourself to the priest and offer the prescribed sacrifice that in the Torah {Law} Moses said you need to offer. Leviticus 14:1-7 & Matthew 8:1-4.

The Sacrifice is a picture of what Jesus did for us.

In Leviticus 14:1-7 

"v.5, the Leper when he was cleansed in that day was to bring two living birds. And the Priest shall command that one of the birds be killed {symbol of Jesus} in an earthen vessel over running water: v.6, As for the living bird {symbol of us} he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird {symbol of us} into the blood of the bird that was slain {the blood of Jesus} over the running water {symbol of the water of the word} v.7, and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy {a symbol of our spiritual leprosy} and sprinkle him seven times, and the priest shall then pronounce him/her clean, and shall let the living bird {symbol of us} and let the living bird go free loose in the open field.

1.} The Scarlet is symbolic of the Blood of Jesus.

2.} The Cedar Wood is symbolic of Cross of Christ.

3.} The Hyssop is symbolic of Soap, like the Holy Spirit whom cannot be defiled for the dirt we heap at times against and upon him just wipes away and the Soap is still the Cleaning Agent, still Soap, Still Pure as Always for Soap cannot be defiled, neither can the Holy Spirit be defiled.

4.} And we are the living birds who along with the Scarlet, the Cedar Wood, and the Hyssop get dipped into the Blood of Jesus from Nazareth, and then we are set free into the Open Field.

5.} In a nutshell we are all spiritual lepers, in need of the love of Jesus, and to have him cleanse us in his blood, to surrender our souls to him and then have him, the High Priest of our Profession set us free in the Open Field {The Kingdom of Heaven}

You see, many people receive cleansing but never offer the prescribed offering to the L-rd and miss out on their healing. That is why sickness often returns or the condition reappears in their lives again.

Now I know we cannot offer a turtle dove as Mary and Joseph did in the days Jesus was presented to the Father in Heaven before the priests in the Temple because the temple was destroyed.

But right there in your long chair, in your lazy boy there is a sacrifice G-d is longing for from each and every one of us. He desires our hearts. A broken heart is the sacrifice of G-d, he is close to those of a broken and a contrite heart. Psalms 51:17. 

My heart breaks everyday, because I see the children rebelling, looking for someone to say STOP, go no further, there is danger ahead. But no one cries out to show them the way. Luke 7:29-32.

Why does not anyone care? Are we afraid of reprisals? Matthew 5:9.

King David said, L-rd whenever I speak of peace, they are for war. Psalms 120:6-7.

******Prophecy from the L-rd*******

"Fear not saith the L-rd thy G-d, for haven't I said I would be with you even always unto the end?  Matthew 28:18-20 And Isaiah 43:2.

Yes indeed I have said this unto you. Therefore go into the byways, the highways, and compel them who are lost, compel them to come to me says the L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth, and I will save them just as I saved you; I am the L-rd.  Luke 14:15-24.

Fear not what man will do unto you, for I am with you and my Angels are standing by your side to protect you from all harm.  Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 54:15-17, And John 14:21-23.

Go therefore, do the work of an Evangelist as I gave you council before by my Apostle Paul. And behold, there shall no evil befall you, neither any plague come near your dwelling. Psalm 91*

I Love Each and Every One of All of You*
End of Prophecy from the Presence of the Most High G-D

Until Next Time,

Everlastingly Loving You,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                                                      Jesus {Jehovah} G-d the Son
                                     Prophet of the L-rd G-d Almighty
                                                         Joshua Carl*

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Regarding the ATTACK on the American Consulate in Benghazi, in Libya" TERRORISM IN 2012

"Regarding the ATTACK on the American Consulate in Benghazi, in Libya"

Allah Akbar is said to mean that "G-D is great"

THAT IS A LIE from whence it has been birthed in Hell!

Akbar in Arabic means, "Greater"

Islam teaches its Muslim followers to lie. Lying to profit the cause of Allah and his prophet Muhammad is termed as, "Taqiyya" which means to lie.

To perform taqiyya in Islam is an honorable belief. In the Middle East you are raised to believe that to tell the truth is to show your enemy you are weak.

Allah is not G-D, because G-D is Almighty and can never become Greater, never can be Akbar {Greater} when the L-RD our G-D is the Greatest, the Almighty.

Islam is following Satan whom said he was greater {akbar} than Almighty G-D.

I love Muslims but I hate Allah and Satan, for they two are one and the same false god.

The Sura 5:33 instructs the followers of Islam and its prophet Muhammad to kill, maime and murder their enemies, even in the Hadith it teaches to kill those less pious Muslims who are less devoted, maybe not as holy as you are.

Sura 5:33, "Retribution for those who fight Allah and His Prophet Mohammed his messenger, and commit horrendous crimes, is to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land to humiliate them in this life, and then they will suffer a far worse retribution in the Hereafter"

Is that Love? Is that sound like a G-d of Love to you?

It sounds like Satan, because it is!!

Follow Jesus who said bless those who curse you, bless them and curse them not, do good unto those who spitefully use you, and forgive your enemies. THAT IS LOVE!!

                       ******Matthew 5:43-48*******

You have heard that it has been said, you shall love your neighbor and hate thy enemy.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good unto them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise upon the just, and also on the unjust.

For if you love them which love you, what reward is there in that? Don’t the sinners even do these things?

And if you salute your brothers only, what are you doing more than others do? Do not even sinners do likewise?

Be therefore perfect {sincere} even as your Father in heaven is perfect. {sincere}
There is no other Name under heaven whereby men can be saved but by the Name of Jesus from Nazareth, Amein.

******The Book of ACTS 4:10-12*******

                                      Jesus, G-D the Son
                              The L-rds Prophet Joshua Carl
The Sunnis vs. The Shiites
at War against themselves
and Killing everybody else in
the Process right along with themselves.