in the Light of His Holiness”
As days go onward and pass by, I grow brighter in my
knowledge of G-Ds holy words, the Tanakh {The Old Covenant Scriptures} and the
B'rith Hadoshah. {The New Covenant Scriptures - All Which Are Founded Upon the
Old Covenant Scriptures}
It is not that the words of the L-RD are getting brighter,
because all of the words of the L-RD are perfect, and pure. It is however that
he is enlightening my darkness which I entertained in the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:7 And 1st John 1:7.
It is however, his holiness that is so bright that when I
enter into his presence with Thanksgiving, and into his courts with Praise, he
enlightens my darkness for the darkness and the light are equally viewed the
same by him. Psalms 100:1-5 And Psalm 119:130, Psalms 119:105, Proverbs 6:23,
Genesis 1:4, Psalms 139:1-12.
******And 1 John 2:3*******
It is, that when I encounter the Candlestick Lampstand of
Revelation in the holy place, and stand before the shewbread, eat thereof and
am satisfied with his holy presence, it is then when I am persecuted because of
the scent of his holy presence in my life, that is when I am ushered into the
throne room of the purity of holy worship as I fall down upon my face prostrate before
his feet. Exodus 25:30-37, Exodus 27:20, And Leviticus 24:2.
It is then, when I enter behind the veil into the very
Presence of Jehovah before the Ark of the Covenant he made with my Fathers
Avraham, Yitz'Chak, and Ya'akov, of whom he made also his Covenant with me, the
Seed of Avraham.
It is at that moment that I am loosed from my earthly
restraints of limitation, that I get lost and again I fall down upon my face in
his holy Presence, and remember why he created me.
******2nd Chronicles 5:7-14*******
He created me for fellowship with him for the expanse of ALL
Eternity and then beyond it. Genesis 3:9, 1st John 3:9, and Revelation 3:9.
Behold O L-RD, thou fillest the heaven of heavens, behold O L-rd, they cannot contain thee. Great art thou O L-rd, and in the beauty of thy
Holiness shalt I Praise thee, and as I behold thy Magnificence, I stand in awe of
thee, O L-RD my G-D. Selah
This is the Light, the true Light that lighteth every man,
woman, and child who cometh into the world only his hands have both fashioned
and formed. John 1:9.
He is the L-RD, the Possessor of the Heaven of the Heavens
and the Earth. Follow Him and None Other. ******Job 42:5*******
Yea I say, Follow Him and you shall live forever, and ever,
and ever, and ever Amein. Psalms 12:6,
Psalms 18:26-28, Psalms 19:8, and Psalms 119:140.
******Proverbs 30:5-9, and PROVERBS 4:18-19*******
John 1:9, Revelation 1:10-13, and Revelation 1:4,
and also
Revelation 1:16-20
I Love You All Everlastingly in the Gospel of Christ Our
Beloved Messiah, and Our Holy L-rd, and Our G-d.
Everlastingly Endeavoring to Win Souls unto the holy One of
Israel, the L-rd G-d of Glory, the Amein*
The Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty,
Prophet Joshua Carl*
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