Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Violence Ends when Christians Begin to be True Peacemakers"

"Violence Ends when Christians Begin to be
                 True Peacemakers"

I bet Abel never thought his brother Cain would murder him. And I bet Abraham never thought the descendants of his Sons Isaac & Ishmael would be at war in the future.

I bet Sunnis never thought they'd be at war against their brethren the Shiites over religious differences.

But this is the way it is, and it cannot be changed until we change it and change it we shall as the Name of the L-rd whom we the Ekklesia are.

We are the Ekklesia {the called out of every Nation} and we are not the Church {the Gathering} as King James has falsely rendered it.

Its time to effect positive change in the world in which we live and to stop being passive onlookers. It's time to be the Children of Almighty G-d and become the Peacemakers Jesus told us to be!!

The Violence won't end unless we arise to end it. 

G-d gave us this amazing thing, perhaps you've heard of it? 

It's called FREE WILL.

STOP Abusing your Free Will and start Using it to Effect a Positive Change to Mankind's Future! 

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