Saturday, October 27, 2012

"You May Think Nobody Cares, but You're Wrong says Jesus from Nazareth, I Care for You"

Unto you I write my Beloved Children,

You may think nobody cares for you, but you're wrong. Jesus from Nazareth cares for you. He cared so much that almost 2000 years ago to show he loved you so much, that when the question was asked, L-rd how much do you love me? Jesus from Nazareth replied, "This Much" as he stretched out his arms as they nailed him to the Cross at Golgotha.

I am ready to cry because I feel such a sweet Presence of the Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit in my room with me right now.

It's at times like this I feel as Isaiah, O G-D, what am I that you are mindful of me? L-rd why me, I am a man of unclean lips.

Then the L-rds Angel came to the altar before the L-rd, picked up the tongs at the altar, picked up a hot coal from the altar and flew to Isaiah and touched his lips with the burning coal.

Then the L-rd spoke to Isaiah by agency of that Angel of Adonai and said, See you say, I am a man of unclean lips no more, for your iniquity I have made to pass from you, now you are clean Isaiah. My Italics added* Isaiah 6:1-8

*My Hearts Daily Cry*
L-rd Jesus you are all I want, you are all I live for, you are my desire, and you are my reward! Does anyone else love him this way?

He could of walked away from the Cross but he chose to die for you and me. But just as he said to the Leper who was crying before him saying, L-rd if you are willing you can make me clean.

The L-rd replied, I am willing, be clean. And instantly the Leper was cleansed. Then Jesus said to the man, go now, show yourself to the priest and offer the prescribed sacrifice that in the Torah {Law} Moses said you need to offer. Leviticus 14:1-7 & Matthew 8:1-4.

The Sacrifice is a picture of what Jesus did for us.

In Leviticus 14:1-7 

"v.5, the Leper when he was cleansed in that day was to bring two living birds. And the Priest shall command that one of the birds be killed {symbol of Jesus} in an earthen vessel over running water: v.6, As for the living bird {symbol of us} he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird {symbol of us} into the blood of the bird that was slain {the blood of Jesus} over the running water {symbol of the water of the word} v.7, and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy {a symbol of our spiritual leprosy} and sprinkle him seven times, and the priest shall then pronounce him/her clean, and shall let the living bird {symbol of us} and let the living bird go free loose in the open field.

1.} The Scarlet is symbolic of the Blood of Jesus.

2.} The Cedar Wood is symbolic of Cross of Christ.

3.} The Hyssop is symbolic of Soap, like the Holy Spirit whom cannot be defiled for the dirt we heap at times against and upon him just wipes away and the Soap is still the Cleaning Agent, still Soap, Still Pure as Always for Soap cannot be defiled, neither can the Holy Spirit be defiled.

4.} And we are the living birds who along with the Scarlet, the Cedar Wood, and the Hyssop get dipped into the Blood of Jesus from Nazareth, and then we are set free into the Open Field.

5.} In a nutshell we are all spiritual lepers, in need of the love of Jesus, and to have him cleanse us in his blood, to surrender our souls to him and then have him, the High Priest of our Profession set us free in the Open Field {The Kingdom of Heaven}

You see, many people receive cleansing but never offer the prescribed offering to the L-rd and miss out on their healing. That is why sickness often returns or the condition reappears in their lives again.

Now I know we cannot offer a turtle dove as Mary and Joseph did in the days Jesus was presented to the Father in Heaven before the priests in the Temple because the temple was destroyed.

But right there in your long chair, in your lazy boy there is a sacrifice G-d is longing for from each and every one of us. He desires our hearts. A broken heart is the sacrifice of G-d, he is close to those of a broken and a contrite heart. Psalms 51:17. 

My heart breaks everyday, because I see the children rebelling, looking for someone to say STOP, go no further, there is danger ahead. But no one cries out to show them the way. Luke 7:29-32.

Why does not anyone care? Are we afraid of reprisals? Matthew 5:9.

King David said, L-rd whenever I speak of peace, they are for war. Psalms 120:6-7.

******Prophecy from the L-rd*******

"Fear not saith the L-rd thy G-d, for haven't I said I would be with you even always unto the end?  Matthew 28:18-20 And Isaiah 43:2.

Yes indeed I have said this unto you. Therefore go into the byways, the highways, and compel them who are lost, compel them to come to me says the L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth, and I will save them just as I saved you; I am the L-rd.  Luke 14:15-24.

Fear not what man will do unto you, for I am with you and my Angels are standing by your side to protect you from all harm.  Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 54:15-17, And John 14:21-23.

Go therefore, do the work of an Evangelist as I gave you council before by my Apostle Paul. And behold, there shall no evil befall you, neither any plague come near your dwelling. Psalm 91*

I Love Each and Every One of All of You*
End of Prophecy from the Presence of the Most High G-D

Until Next Time,

Everlastingly Loving You,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                                                      Jesus {Jehovah} G-d the Son
                                     Prophet of the L-rd G-d Almighty
                                                         Joshua Carl*

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