Below the pictured Vau, you can see the Energy Drink of the Monster Corporation.
Look carefully at the M.
Upon closer examination you can see the M is comprised out of 3 Vau's.
We clearly understand and see each Vau = 6.
So Monster has blatantly stated to us all, that their Corporation has and does support their Stated Belief which is founded in the shame of the number of the name of the scornful pride of man which is 666.
May I further point out that pride was the sin that had caused the downfall, and did bring the judgment of G-D Almighty down upon Lucifer himself, and those angels who foolishly followed after him, to their utter delusion they too were damned for all eternity along with Lucifer the accursed rebel.
For also has he sought a retribution against Almighty G-D to the tune he had used the accursed Serpent Lilith the Adversary of Adam and Eve, and to this day Lucifer, Lilith the Serpent Satan, and the Masculine Devils, and the Feminine Demons all have allied themselves to fight against the decendants of Adam and Eve to get back at G-D Almighty in some attempt to hurt him. Yet they will not prevail against Almighty G-D, nor those the faithful to his holy Name, Amain, and it is truly so.
When Lilith deceived Adam and Eve by the wiles of her evil source, none other than the accursed rebel Lucifer himself is when Adam ate the fruit as did Eve who first did partake, and Adam who unable to bare the loss of Eve by the wages of sin, he chose to eat the fruit as they died together for the love they had one unto the other.
But it was brought about due to the foolishness of pride, for we bethink ourselves into believing we are strong enough to the point that we feel apt to the challenge to overcome the simple temptations we are faced with without running to the Word of Almighty G-D for strength to procure our Faith to sustain us to victory, that we forget we are nothing at all without our Father the L-RD our G-D.
It Is Written: Man shall live not by bread alone, but by every word which does proceed forth from out of the mouth of Almighty G-D!