Sunday, June 7, 2015

“A Treatise on What An Authentic Government Ought to Be"

The Founding Fathers Seen Pictured Here as They Prepare to Declare the Freedom of the American Nation They Were Forging in the Fires of the Trials of Persecution They Suffered at the Hands of the British Government.
G-D has never left his throne. It was we as men, and women, who in our humanity, or rather inhumanity did walk away from G-D, walking right out of the holy throne room of G-D, directly into the depravity of the dimness of the beginning of darkness.

Now so very unhappily we've found ourselves victims of the outer obscurity of the depraved, and the pseudo psyche of secularism, socialist, and atheistic society.

As we do now find ourselves in the plight of ill favour by the tyrannical distempers of a socialistic regime we once new as the Integral American United States Government.

But the government has forgotten the main central aspect of how, where, and why they have been thus "given, and granted" the power they have.

To which the power they have been granted unto them was given by "We the People" to which ends they, the government is to amicably settle the differences of "We the People" in peaceable accord, and the role of government is "Not" to create more civil unrest due to the train of abuses, and usurpations we now see this present governmental administration thus therefore so doing.

The Founding Fathers of this American Continental Nation did not sweat, bleed, and die so we could, and pardon my blunt rash choice of words here I now use, they did not do all, sacrifice all, lose their lives for us to pursue happiness, only to see us in this our last days as an Nation, piss it all away, as we flush our own personal, yet individual responsibility, as also it is our corporate duty as one Nation albeit made up of many members, some still say citizens, it is our duty to live free, and if necessary die for the right of all others our neighbors to have the same rights as we our own selves do possess.

But they never intended us to use the constitution to tear down the people it was stipulated to protect by abusing executive privilege, and too many violations of which are too numerous to innumerate here in this our present salutary dissertation.

In order for the government to be free, ALL of the people to whom they govern must be, and must also remain free FIRST!

Free to pursue happiness, but not free to abuse the amendments, rewrite them until they also their own selves cannot any longer be legible, and even be able to be seen identifiable as they were when they first were written to preserve the sagacity of the purity of the expression of the freedom of the right to freely so practice ones religion without fear of a tyrant bearing down on them by governmental tyranny.

Our Founding Fathers {and they were more in number than just those who had signed the Declaration of Independence} for they set up the government to rule in unbiased non prejudice formats, so as to secure the rights of the citizens they protect, and are sworn to so serve.

Not to allow rights to the base, the vile, to practice the abomination of their wicked lawlessness hiding under the protection of their pretended constitutional rights to pursue their vile lifestyles, and legalize villainy in the United States which was a free nation once, yet those days are long gone having been exasperated by those lewd few children of Beelzebub who now are the vile majority, and the virtuous are now the remnant, the few who the blessed L-RD G-D of our L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth shall soon come to catch us away from all the cesspool of debaucheries to which America has now been turned into; with a free for all to do what is right in each their own eyes, as they shake their fists in the face of G-D Almighty making no never mind of all his Righteous Declarations, Laws, and Testimonies.

To this we now end our present discourse for if we do not end here today, I should happily be found writing ten more volumes albeit we would find no end, for of the transgressions, and innumerable infractions of the American nation being in plenty, and that shamefully could provide me an unending opportunity to author many hundreds more volumes of all the abominations of the government, and her wayward citizens.

But I spare you that destiny until our next discourse my beloved children for whom I labored to birth, and I shall labor in the vineyard of My Father until Messiah be fully formed within you, until you in other words do grow up into him, in all good doctrine, and teachings.

Until Next Time,
Loving You Everlastingly & Eternally In Messiah,

Brother Joshua Carl•*
Joshua 1:8* & 1st Corinthians 13:1-13•* 
Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of Our Blessed L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
My Shofar Trumpet Shall Soon Sound, Calling Out My Ekklesia Whom is My Almah, and Who Shall Become My Eternal Calah, My Eternal Bride*

Saturday, June 6, 2015

"Behold, I Have Dreamed Yet another Dream, a Vision within a Dream of Precaution, and of Warning"


Joseph {Yosef} Fast Asleep as He Dreams.

I was with a young woman not yet of a fully mature age, we were laying upon a couch as I was re-laying the fullness of my maturity.

My age of maturity was not compatible to her immaturity.

If two cannot agree, so they can not walk together. Amos 3:3.

She departed from me rising up from the couch, and then she had disappeared into the background.

Immediately I rose up to depart from the couch of relating, and relations. And I found myself walking through the hallways of a school, and I was opening my locker. Schools represent the place where the uneducated get educated, where I was opening the hidden, unlocking the very mysteries of life, as I did, I was effecting the environment of the atmosphere of the "train" of the students thought life patterns, and it affected the hold of the enemy who came in through the door to the school after he was alerted by his informant.

Because I was effecting his vile realm by penetrating all of the darkness of the indoctrinations of all the lying doctrines of the enemies teachings by shedding light, opening a new "train" of thought in the school of mans wisdom so I may lead them to not lean onto their own wisdom, but that they may lean onto the L-RDs understanding, and his wisdom. After all that is what schools symbolize. Uploading a "train" training ones thoughts.

1st Timothy 4:1-2, and 2nd Corinthians 10:3-8.

So the devil reached for, and he then pulled out a knife which is representative of the sword of adversity, and he plunged it into my belly.

The stomach {belly} is the seat of the spirit. Which signifies the enemy always launches spiritual attacks against all those who do effectively enlighten those who presently sit in the darkness of their own minds.

For the Serpent bites without so much as even being provoked by enchantment.

Then at the time the enemy carved his name into the back of my neck.

The neck represents ministry, or It can also be symbolic of the governing of the government of the administration of G-D Almighty.

And the government shall be upon "his shoulder" and of the "INCREASE" of his government there shall never be an end.

Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 61:1-6, Luke 4:14-22, and Matthew 23:33-36.

And then Satan attacked my government because it was effective in enlightening many people unto the ways of the Kingdom of the Light drawing many out of the darkness of the alienation in their own minds who are presently aimlessly lost, and wandering as stars in a fallen cosmos.

The fact he carved his name into my neck shows the level of his scornful pride. It further is suggestive of the fact Satan is attempting to claim ownership over the throne of G-D again by attempting to usurp the validity of the structure base of G-Ds Authority on the earth by falsely assuming he controls all things done under the Sun.

Yet he is being constrained by G-D the Holy Spirit by all of the people, and also the ministries he attacks by trying to claim ownership over them by branding his name into their neck {government} due to the fact they are effective in leading all those the enemy has thus kept in the covert darkness of his blindness of the truth by holding the cover of darkness over their eyes, and it is all these people, and all those ministries which are removing the covers of the darkness of this world.

Isaiah 25:1-12, memory verses 6-7, and Ephesians 6:10-18.

Satanas {the masculine devils, and the feminine demons} will continue to attempt to discredit all those who pose the greatest threat to the administration of darkness by means of subtle sexual alluring temptations, for they worked well against many former men, women, and countless ministers in causing the downfall of their lives, families, and their ministries, and thereby eliminating the threat to the vile kingdom of the kingdom of rebellion, of witchcraft, and of outer darkness.

Then the dream had moved on into the next phase where I was at my own apartment within the community.

Know also that community symbolizes cooperation, and sometimes it can represent coercion.

I was in my bathroom hearing no intruders, yet the door to my apartment was locked, yet my couch had been stolen, as well as my stove, and oven, which represent appliances, or the ability to apply, to effect growth in others through nourishing them with the bread of all the heavens, as the learned men, and women, we relay unto them the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens as we dwell upon the earth.

And the locked door of my own apartment represents threats I invited in, indicating what I allow in; or what others also allow in their lives. For the couch, and the stove were both stolen, yet the door was locked.

Which means the enemy could not be external, for then the enemy would not possess any ability to lock the door unto my apartment upon his exiting. So it is the little foxes that spoil the vitality of the Vine. It is whatever we allow to influence us, what we allow into each our own environment which steals away our abilities to relay {the couch} the things of the bread {the oven} of the heavens.

So we must take extra precautions to vouchsafe the enemy cannot steal away our abilities to communicate the words of G-D Almighty if we do open ourselves up to attack by inviting disaster through those subtle temptations we allow.

1st Peter 2:11-16, Psalms 101:2-3, Hebrews 12:1-11 and 2nd Peter 1:1-10.

Then the dream ended, and I awoke.