|_Hakadosh L'Adonai_|
Read In JOHN 16:3.
Jesus said, My peace, shalom, wholeness rest, everything I AM I give to you.
JOHN 14:27.
Not as the world gives, but such as I give: this is My Shalom I give to you, and the world cannot take it away from you because the world did not give it unto you.
Now why think you I said the word peace in varying differentiations?
If you're reply is: Brother Joshua Carl, it is because you say real peace is true shalom, rest, health, and wholeness, and are what authentic peace truly is.
Then truly I say unto you, you are right in saying as much. Because Shalom is all elements of goodness, virtue, and mercy added already. It is Complete, it is Fulfillment, it is Contentment with the Absence of Complacency.
And while Yeshua ben Da'vid our holy Messiah said the world cannot forcibly take away the Shalom I give you, He never ever said it was not possible for us to forfeit it as did Adam, and Eve when they gave their Shalom over to Lucifer when they sinned against G-D in the Eden, the Garden of G-D.
My Beloved Bride & Body, Hear me O' you Great Assembly of Innumerable members says the L-RD whose name is the L-rd G-D of Glory. I have given you my life that you may live mine upon the earth to walk within my sanctification in my holiness, and within my anointing of fiery yoke destroying Shalom.
Come apart for a while, take stock of the inventory of your life. Let me show you what is displeasing to me of what you permit in your life. And quickly, I tell you, repent of it. Lest I come as a thief in the dark, and bleak night, and thus remove your candlestick {your ability to hear, discern, and comprehend} my pure, and holy words.
Time is short! Soon, and very soon I shall return for you, that where I AM, you mayest be also says Yeshua ben Da'vid.
Therefore veil yourself away from all of this worlds pleasures, cover your head, and enfold yourself within my mitzvah commandments; For if you seek my Manifest Presence with your whole entire heart, I will be found of by you saith your L-rd.
I will meet you in the "Secret" Place, in the Eye of the Storm of Impetuosity, of Fast Paced Reckless Living.
I want you to slow down! I want you to refocus your attention on entering the Narrow Gate back into my manifest presence. I abide in the eye of the storm because there is where "The Great Calm" can be discovered, and found.
If a man, or woman finds the "Pearl of Great Price" left Ă‚bandoned in a Field of Barley Grain, do they not go, sell all that they possess, and purchase that Field of Reeds, and then with Great Joy go, and share their News of Fortune with their friends?
Hear yet another parable: a man went to the market of trees. Once there he espied two olive trees. A wild one, and a native olive tree, one indigenous unto his homeland.
He purchased the native olive tree for three hundred, and sixteen shekels of silver.
Then he returned unto his Vineyard, and he planted that native olive tree in the midst of his Vineyard.
And patiently waited for it to produce fruit. The first year came to pass, yet it bore no fruit. The second, and third years also, and it yet bore no fruit.
Finally at the fourth year the Goodman of the House who owned the Vineyard said, Lo these four years I longed with a great longing for my Olive Tree to bare me fruit, yet it has not known me.
I will go now to visit the Storehouse of Trees, and I will purchase a noble wild olive tree already bringing forth the fruits I long for: and I will graft certain branches thereof into my native olive tree.
Perhaps after the Second Day it will provoke growth in the native branches, and they might begin to be zealously stimulated, and effected to produce the fruits I have long-sufferingly longed for Lo, these four years.
And it came to pass, that after two days both native, and wild branches became as one new Olive Tree, and began producing leaves, and Lo, upon the Third Day behold, fruit blossoms did Appear.
And the Owner heard how his Olive Tree had sprung to New Life. And he sent his son to make inquiry of the full matter, and after an arduous journey of forty two weeks, the first harvest was brought in, and both Father, and Son were well pleased. Selah.
Let they who have ears to hear, let them hear what my Spirit is saying unto the called out from every tribe, tongue, language, people, and nation, and let them obey my Spirit says the KING whose Name is Echad yet many members. I AM The L-RD thy G-D.
It Is Accomplished!!!