Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Prayer Proclamation of Indemnification for Divine Intervention.

A Prayer Proclamation of Indemnification for Divine Intervention by Authorized Override Intervention by G-D the Holy Spirit who is blessed forever Amain.

Speak your name in the blank spaces provided.

My Dear Yeshua from Nazareth,

Hear my plea O L-rd my Precious Savior. “________________, being of sound mind, and of a perfect judgment do hereby indemnify, and fully authorize you to override my free will at what time the tempter comes against me flying upon me as a warrior doeth the treasure he wins by violence of war. 

It is at all such moments from here on until you return for me, and the remaining Ecclesia of those you’ve called out of the world into thy marvelous light within thy Kingdom, that I will not, nor do I trust my own self to do what is always right 100 percent of the time. That at such moments, knowing in, and of myself, my own frailty, humanity, and my inherent weaknesses, and tendencies to succumb to the tempters wiles of manifold seductive enticements by way of the subtly in the ways of the approach of his demons, some feminine, and some masculine in nature.

It is at these moments in which those demons sent by their Leader Lucifer will come up against me to lure me, and my attentions away from you My Father in ways ever so gradually, that I either may be aware of, or unaware thereof, whether confident in my abilities to withstand the onslaught of their wicked insidious attacks, or not confident, I implore thee O G-d, My Abba, arise O G-d, defend me at those moments when I am about to surrender my will to their whims, for I authorize you fully, and indemnify you completely, and hold you guiltless of any wrong doing in any way, of which may had anyway otherwise been seen as violations of my free will, for I so say, being of sound mind, and of a perfect judgment, do so indemnify you, thus authorizing your perfect will to override my own free will, if should I be at anytime in danger of transgressing any of your holy commandments, at anytime from here on until the end of time, so say I, thy ebed (servant) and friend, ____________________, So Be it.

I further send forth a remembrance unto myself by Agency of thy Holy Spirit, to remind me of these, my indemnifications of thee, and the Holy Blessed Triune Godhead consisting of yourself As G-d the Father, G-d the Son Yeshua of Nazareth, and of G-d the Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity forevermore.

And I, _________________ being of a sound mind, and of a show of my personal free will, and intent, have made these binding, and lawful indemnifications, and lawful statements of disclosure permitting thy lawful overriding influence in my future of any unforeseen events contained in my future, and yet fully known unto thee, and thus this is why I entrust my spiritual welfare, and wellbeing into thy pure hands now, for the intent that I may reap the benefits of your presence in all of my times of dire need of your prevention, protection, and providence, that when, and if I, either willfully or unbeknownst to myself lay to the side sound rational reasoning able to conquer temptations geared toward the destruction of thy saints eternal lives, and mine even more also.

I thank you in advance for your great love you have for my eternal life, in that you have vested in me this prayer of providential provision sending it by way of my prayer inspired of thee, and my willful intention to send you forth by my free will, un-infringed upon, and thus my own free willful act, and intent, hereby sending you O my L-rd, and my G-d, the Almighty into my future to prevent my misguided intentions to sin willfully by succumbing unto any known advances of Lucifer’s demonic hoards sent to prevent me from destroying his kingdom, which plans we thwart right now before he can lift a finger against us to prevent us from sealing his doom through the anointed ministry given unto me by thee, the Anointed Lamb of G-d, the Living L-rd of the Universe, Selah.

I reiterate therefore, and hereby thus now avow, hereby indemnifying the L-rd G-d Almighty, G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and G-D the Holy Ghost from any wrong doing by acting upon my petition, and invading my free will at the aforementioned times contained in this legal notice of indemnification herewith, that when G-d shall preemptively strike out against the enemy for my sake by giving my mind sound discretion, good sound judgment, and clear rational thought while I am in the midst of temptations thrown at me by Lucifer’s hoard, by which in any other circumstance otherwise noted, that in these turbulent circumstances, that discretion, good sound judgment, and clear rational thoughts do not normally attend the sin infected minds filled, and injected with manifold, and numerous allurements of temptations. It is at these times that those said benefits will be present with me, in me, and in my mind at the aforementioned said times during the times of any such temptations. That whether in any direct, or indirect ways by which I may attempt to override my own free will to be void of discretion, good sound judgment, and clear rational thoughts, I now send discretion, good sound judgment, and clear rational thoughts into my future through intervention by G-d, My L-rd YAHWEH. And because of my own free will at this present moment in this my prayerful intent right now this day of _____________________________ A.D.

I do decree, and declare this petition lawfully validated, and fully operational.

I am Therefore sending all of the aforementioned, and said benefits into my future state of mind by divine providential provision from my G-d, and I thus most acute, and aware certainly, fully, and most assuredly hereby have authorized the L-RD my G-D, My L-rd Yahweh Nissi, My Victory to legally act on my behalf whence I shall be rendered unable to maintain my salvation by forming or producing rational thoughts, and or clear sound judgments, while I am in the clutch of such pondering's of temptations, and their insidious affects which are always leveled against the rational thinking mind given by, and maintained by the L-rd my G-d, by which the known punishments of sin are spiritual death, and total bereavement of the manifest presence of Yahweh Shammah in my life as a firm believer in him, and as an confirmed servant sealed unto the day of redemption, and blessed follower of, and eternally blessed by his Son, my L-rd, Yeshua of Nazareth, the Firstborn among many Brethren of the only begotten Son of G-d, and only provisional, foreordained, and Anointed holy Messiah Amain.

This agreement between myself, and the Triune Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is binding until time is no more attended or exists as we in humanity have come to know it, being that time as we perceive it is “Eternity slowed down within the sphere of a bubble known unto his creation as, the Universe, of which outside the Universe is Eternity and the Domain of Almighty G-d, the holy angels, the host of the heavens, the holy saints passed from death to everlasting life with him who sits upon the Throne of his Glory perpetually, and unendingly for all Eternity.” When time as we know it ceases so shall this Covenant agreement cease, but it shall not be invalidated until such time as time as mankind knows and perceives it is ended, and that which is perfect has come, at which time that which is in part shall be done away therewith.

I Thank Thee my Abba Daddy, Almighty G-d, my Ishi Yeshua, and my precious, my most dearest, my most treasured companion I shall ever know throughout all Eternity. And O how glad I am that I met you my Most blessed Friend, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit who through you saved me O L-rd. I shall ever be thanking you for your eternal gift of everlasting love, life, joy, and shalom you hast given unto me. It is my privilege, and honor to know you, to love you with all my heart, and to be your Bride, Your Body, and a Khatan of Your Kingdom for Eternity, O’ My L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth. Thank You My L-rd for saving me, world without end, Amain.
Signed Sincerely You’re Friend, __________________________________.

The Face of King Messiah In The Past, The Present, and The Future.


2nd Peter 2:7󾓸 And delivered just the Veil of  Many Members - 1st Corinthians 12:12-14󾓸

Isaiah 52:14󾓸JCLHT󾓸

[14] For many were astonied at you; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form was disfigured more than the sons of men.

The word, "Visage" is the Hebrew word "מראה which is ma'reh" and it means to be perceived, and visibly seen as one literally is, as he/she appears as to be in the literal sense. And it also means to have ones ability to see so skewed, and obstructed" that one cannot even clearly see a vision one {1} foot before themselves to maneuver adequately in a mental scenario case scene.

The above state of mental torment could clearly explain the condition of the righteous soul of the man Lot, who was Abraham's nephew.

For that righteous man's soul was thus continuously "vexed" - which means he was terrorized, tormented by the deeds he was forced to observe beholding as daily he needed to conduct business in the society of Sodom, and Gomorrah to earn his living.

Critical Must Read:
2nd Kefa 2:4-8󾓸JCLHT󾓸

Kefa is Hebrew for Peter.

2nd Peter 2:4-8󾓸JCLHT󾓸

Now we know the Veil {Lot} is the term used when Jesus said I am the Life for the Life was relayed in symbol as the Veil, or the Lot, as in the lot in life you ought to take but most often do not enter in thereat for the way is narrow, too narrow for many. It is a shame really!

For we are the members of the Messiah, therefore we are one Son of G-D with Head, Jesus The Messiah from Nazareth, My L-rd, and the L-rd of every L-rd in his Kingdom Administration.

Yeshua from Nazareth is the Head of all the heads, and as such we answer to him directly. As he answers to the Father directly too as do all of us as well!

There is a heavy horrible price to pay when people neglect to enter into the Narrow Way of the Life {Lot} in which we ought to walk with our G-D Humbly. Micah 6:8-9󾓸

Suffering accomplishes a measure of obedience in the life of those it touches because pain causes us to reflect on our life in a mighty way. It also works gratefulness into the life of the one undergoing the pain suffered albeit by sickness, or accident.

Many say G-D does not use sickness, and I admit it is not his first choice because he does not willingly afflict the children of men, but I would not ever say G-D does not work it out to the good of those who are called according to his purpose, those who love G-D.

Because you know what folks? He uses it! He may use it as a tool of repentance, reflection, to cause that one who is straying from the Truth to reflect, to come to their senses, and repent. Pain is a very effective motivator people, and I wouldn't have you to be ignorant brethren, that G-D is willing to use whatsoever he must in a broken fractured Creation to regain the relationship he once had with you.

G-D is not lonely by any definition of the word, but he created you, and me to have a relationship with him. He is a jealous G-D! He wants you to know him, but he won't force a relationship with him upon any soul of man ever, nor woman.

We have to come to him willingly, because he won't force us to serve him, or to know him in the {exousia} authority of his bodily resurrection, which body we are {1st Corinthians 12:12-14󾓸} if we will enter in through the Veil {the Lot} of the Life of the Faith he died to deliver unto us because He so loved the world, that the Father agreed to give him up for the world he so loved, that whosoever would receive him, to them gave he the Authority to Become the Sons, and Daughters of G-D his Father, and our Father now!

But we must enter in at the Narrow Way {the Gate to the Holy Temple of Almighty G-D which Way, Gate, is the Flesh {Us the Body of the WORD Made FLESH - Many Innumerable Members} and is why Evangelism is such a very powerful tool in ministry to reap in the End Time Harvest of Sons, and Daughters to spend all Eternity with the Love of our Father, and our G-D!

So Come, Follow me as I follow HIM.

I AM the Lot sent to you by Jesus from Nazareth, and if any man, woman, boy, or girl enter into the the Fathers House by me, he enters by Jesus from Nazareth too. For he has sent me to find you, to reach out to you, to tell you this.

It is now as the days of Noah! and It is as the days of Lot, RIGHT NOW! We are not waiting for those days no more! There Here! RIGHT NOW!

So Repent Please! Give me your heart, your ears, I will teach them, I will love you when no one else wants to be around you says Jesus from Nazareth, and I his servant, his friend tell you likewise! We will Love you friend! We won't hurt your heart, we just want you to come home to Faith in G-D Almighty, that he does what he has promised. He does not lie, he does not cheat, he cannot lose, and he will never die.

He wants this all for all of us, and especially for you whom he died, and arose again.

Will you pray to receive Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth today?

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He is forever the Word, the Creator, and he wants to be the Word in you today made flesh! Become a Member, a Member of his Body, his Flesh of Believers. If you eat this bread, and drink of this Blood {Spirit - John 6:63} you shall never die eternally, but you will live for ever.

Everyone dies physically but we live on in eternity. We do not have to ever be alone again! THAT IS GOOD NEWS!!

I Ask again. Would you like to receive Jesus {Yeshua} from Nazareth as your Saviour, and make him your L-rd?

If so, congratulations!!!

Pray this prayer after me:

L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, I come to you a sinner seeking you, your love, your forgiveness. Please forgive me for my life of sins, and failures, by all respects I am not a religious person, but I want to know you, I want to love you with all of my heart O' L-rd. I want to love G-D your Father L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, and I want to be his Child too so he can be my Father also. I love you L-rd, there is nothing I want more than to be with you forever. Please come into my heart L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth, and save my soul from sin, dying, and eternal death, world without end, in your name, and as your name I now pray, Amain.

Congratulations to you now brother, or sister. You are now a Child of G-D. READ Romans 10:9󾓸 2nd Corinthians 5:17󾓸 & Colossians 1:9-20󾓸

Love Everlastingly & Eternally In King Messiah Yeshua from Nazareth,

Yeshua from Nazareth & Joshua Carl󾓸
2nd Peter 2:7󾓸 And delivered just the Veil of  Many Members - 1st Corinthians 12:12-14󾓸

Love Everlastingly & Eternally In King Messiah Yeshua from Nazareth,

Yeshua from Nazareth & Joshua Carl󾓸