This Is the Vision of all Islam its adherent's.
Islamic culture is the threat unto America's culture, birth, and origin.
And Muslims are simply the foot soldiers to advance the cause of Islam which is world domination by tyranny, and terrorism. Theirs is a legacy of hate! For the Shiite kills his Sunni brother, and vice versa! Why?
Because their movement began in violence, and bloodshed, and shall end in bloodshed! Even their Qur'an declares the same fate to all the kafirs {unbelievers} and infidels.
Now any Muslim who seeks to live here, and does things to raise up their culture, and replace American culture with the culture of Islam does not belong here!
If any one wants to live in America they need to be prepared to build the house of American culture as if it were their own until it becomes their own. That is what it means to be a fully pledged American.
Not to be too harsh.
Yet I say if the shoe fits then wear it!
If you come here to subvert the will, customs, beliefs of a free nation of western people {being the USA} and you have no desire to integrate into our society you need to be, and ought to be deported back to your own country!
Prophecy from The L-RD G-D Almighty.
These people the rebellious shall be wood unto the fire of the words of my Prophet saith The L-RD, and they shall utterly be consumed as wood is consumed, but this people will I consume from the inside unto the outside saith the Holy One of Israel. I AM The KING whose Name is the L-rd of Hosts. I AM YHWH Tzva'ot!
G-D told my people Y'srael not to mix cultures by marriage with the nations surrounding our people, Not because G-D was racist, but because G-D desired to preserve Israeli Culture, and her Customs to be Unique!
Observe with All Your Heart: Proverbs 9:1-6
The L-RD required this of Y'srael so my people, and nation would be pure clean from the danger of learning the ways, and of the wicked customs of the unbelieving nations surrounding them, thus being in danger of their own culture, and customs, and beliefs to being totally diluted, and dissolved over time, then had G-D allowed that to occur without rebuking his holy people they would've ceased from being "A Distinct & Unique People" with their own culture, and customs birth to them, through them by their G-D, HaShem! Of this is the true record in The Holy Scripture!
Many times did G-D chastise Y'srael for disobedience for violating this holy mitzvah commandment.
So you ask does not Y'srael want peace?
Yes we do! But not at the price of the loss of our culture, customs, beliefs, and everything which makes Y'srael truly us as a uniquely one of a kind, no other like us on earth people.
We are Y’srael; We are Echad In the L-RD our G-D HaShem, One in our Messiah Yeshua ben Da'vid, One in his Holy Ruach HaKodesh, His Holy Spirit. We are the Elect of HaShem which he will gather from the four winds of the four corners of the whole earth in that day when his Day shall fully come!
And yet now because America has failed to follow suit as did Y'srael, America is now losing her rich National Culture, her Customs, and her Centuries of Belief in G-D to a Diluted, Diverse, Strange, and a culture unto which is violating our own American culture.
Observe Vigorously: Proverbs 14:1
Islam is doing to America what Lucifer tried to do when he by haughty, and scornful pride tried to raise his throne above his creator Almighty G-Ds Holy Throne.
I say to America, When will you Rise up, and Cast Islam, and its consorts the Radical Muslims out of America like G-D Cast Lucifer out of Heaven with all his Rebel Angels?
Any people, and or individuals not willing to fully Integrate into our society in America, and build it with us is an enemy to not be tolerated!
|_Abide In Christ_|
Matthew 12:30|
If you come to, or came into this country to subvert the people of this great USA nation, then you must be deported!
On this I agree with Trump.
I otherwise don't agree with Trump!
But if given a choice between Trump, or Clinton, I choose neither!
Because to be honest with you! It's like asking me what part of the tree of knowledge would you like to pick a piece of fruit from to eat?
My reply is: Neither!!
I think I rather vote for the Liberal party.
#Hashem #GOD #Almighty #Yeshua #Jesus #Messiah #HaMashiach #YHWH
Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of Our Blessed L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
Shofar Trumpet Shall Soon Sound, Calling Out My Ekklesia Whom is My
Almah, and Who Shall Become My Eternal Calah, My Eternal Bride*