The only voice you ought be listening unto is G-D the Precious Holy Spirit,
because when he speaks, you may get a feeling, a sense of what G-D wants you to
do, think, or go a different way home rather than the normal path.
The Voice you should listen for comes from your heart, and the voice which you should ignore is the voice that condemns you making you fearful, wondering, or worrying what others may/or may not even feel, think, or may/or may not even actually speak/and or say unto you.
That voice of condemnation comes against you through the access portals in your mind which you have allowed the satanic forces of the enemy access into your mind through, and by what you both have willingly permitted, and that which you still do willfully also still permit yourselves to willfully entertain, whether it is in your multiple daily routines, or your daily dealings with others within society, and mostly by what you do allow yourselves to watch on the television, and for also the extent of how many hours you watch the television, when you could be reading the Vision that Almighty G-D has for you that you might walk into it as you do discover it within the holy word of G-D Almighty in the pages of the Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
But we all watch way too much television, and read way too little of G-Ds holy Vision for our daily lives that he has given unto us contained within his holy Word.
You must deny the voice of this defiled generation of undenied, unhindered self gratification, and of self condemnation.
We must learn how to take the word of G-D and execute the forces of the Devil, and send Satan fleeing by extinguishing the fires of Satan with the very waters of the Word of our G-D, the Almighty G-D.
Ephesians 6:10-20 KJV
[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
[11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles {the Manifold Deceitfulness} of the devil.
The Voice you should listen for comes from your heart, and the voice which you should ignore is the voice that condemns you making you fearful, wondering, or worrying what others may/or may not even feel, think, or may/or may not even actually speak/and or say unto you.
That voice of condemnation comes against you through the access portals in your mind which you have allowed the satanic forces of the enemy access into your mind through, and by what you both have willingly permitted, and that which you still do willfully also still permit yourselves to willfully entertain, whether it is in your multiple daily routines, or your daily dealings with others within society, and mostly by what you do allow yourselves to watch on the television, and for also the extent of how many hours you watch the television, when you could be reading the Vision that Almighty G-D has for you that you might walk into it as you do discover it within the holy word of G-D Almighty in the pages of the Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
But we all watch way too much television, and read way too little of G-Ds holy Vision for our daily lives that he has given unto us contained within his holy Word.
You must deny the voice of this defiled generation of undenied, unhindered self gratification, and of self condemnation.
We must learn how to take the word of G-D and execute the forces of the Devil, and send Satan fleeing by extinguishing the fires of Satan with the very waters of the Word of our G-D, the Almighty G-D.
Ephesians 6:10-20 KJV
[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
[11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles {the Manifold Deceitfulness} of the devil.
[12] For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
[14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
[15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
[16] Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
[17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
[18] Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints;
[19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
[20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: this pray that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
That is how you cast down, wresting against the thoughts of the masculine devils, and of the feminine demons who are our enemies, and casting them down by speaking audibly the holy word of G-D Almighty and send it against them, and speak the holy word of G-D Almighty against all opposition, and then actively ignore all they whom do persist in the foolishness of all of their foolish errors, and who continue to knowingly walk on within their many broad paths, in their own selfish ways of their licentiousness, waking onward in unrighteousness, who did also forsake the G-D of their fathers, to abide in the depravity of their many detestable lifestyles in the bleak, and utter outer darkness, who hold on to the word of G-D even while they go about living in their unrighteousness.
Therefore go, and obliterate all of the portals of the access which Satan has visually routed into each of your minds.
[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
[14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
[15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
[16] Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
[17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
[18] Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints;
[19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
[20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: this pray that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
That is how you cast down, wresting against the thoughts of the masculine devils, and of the feminine demons who are our enemies, and casting them down by speaking audibly the holy word of G-D Almighty and send it against them, and speak the holy word of G-D Almighty against all opposition, and then actively ignore all they whom do persist in the foolishness of all of their foolish errors, and who continue to knowingly walk on within their many broad paths, in their own selfish ways of their licentiousness, waking onward in unrighteousness, who did also forsake the G-D of their fathers, to abide in the depravity of their many detestable lifestyles in the bleak, and utter outer darkness, who hold on to the word of G-D even while they go about living in their unrighteousness.
Therefore go, and obliterate all of the portals of the access which Satan has visually routed into each of your minds.
Actively Ignore those people who try to
persuade you that there are various other religions, and many various other
ways back unto G-D Almighty.
For Yeshua {Jesus} of Nazareth has so said, I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, and I AM the Life. No one is able to even come unto the Father except they come by me, for there is no other Way to approach the Father except you come to Him in my holy Name.
Therefore ignore the lies, and all of them who spread vile lies.
For I tell you the Truth, and I give unto you good doctrine. So Ignore all of them who betray the Truth, and dismiss all of the things that they both do, and all of the things which they do say.
Give neither them, neither any of their lies they try to bewitch you with, and try to fascinate you with. Make not any room, neither a place for either them, or any of their lies to operate, or function.
They will attempt to allure you very slowly away from the Truth which you have known throughout all of the days of your youth in the holy word of Almighty G-D your Father.
Do not pay them, neither any of their heresy any attention in any of the rooms within your mind, and neither allow it any room at all to lodge within your mind at all anywhere, at all anymore in your former mindsets, which you had formerly entertained lest it ruminates inside of your mind, which will filter off, and drips into your spirit, and thereby it will corrupt your very own spirit through the pollutants of which you have also formerly said unto yourself, in saying, Oh what harm could it cause? I mean after all it is only a DVD movie, or it's only a sitcom, it's only a soap opera, or it's just innocent flirting, where is the harm in an innocent flirtation? She/or He has only been married for a little while. Where is the harm in spending time with him/or her?
But No my beloved: You cannot take the fire of masculine devils, and the fire of the deceptions of feminine demons in unto any bit of your heart, and then still expect that your lives will not be burnt to some extent, if not totally consumed, and burnt up in the flames of the Abyss of the Eternal Lake of Fire.
You cannot control what is not able to be controlled. For they are all very wicked, evil uncontrollable insatiable spirits who control many people's lives, some of whom may be your friends.
For Yeshua {Jesus} of Nazareth has so said, I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, and I AM the Life. No one is able to even come unto the Father except they come by me, for there is no other Way to approach the Father except you come to Him in my holy Name.
Therefore ignore the lies, and all of them who spread vile lies.
For I tell you the Truth, and I give unto you good doctrine. So Ignore all of them who betray the Truth, and dismiss all of the things that they both do, and all of the things which they do say.
Give neither them, neither any of their lies they try to bewitch you with, and try to fascinate you with. Make not any room, neither a place for either them, or any of their lies to operate, or function.
They will attempt to allure you very slowly away from the Truth which you have known throughout all of the days of your youth in the holy word of Almighty G-D your Father.
Do not pay them, neither any of their heresy any attention in any of the rooms within your mind, and neither allow it any room at all to lodge within your mind at all anywhere, at all anymore in your former mindsets, which you had formerly entertained lest it ruminates inside of your mind, which will filter off, and drips into your spirit, and thereby it will corrupt your very own spirit through the pollutants of which you have also formerly said unto yourself, in saying, Oh what harm could it cause? I mean after all it is only a DVD movie, or it's only a sitcom, it's only a soap opera, or it's just innocent flirting, where is the harm in an innocent flirtation? She/or He has only been married for a little while. Where is the harm in spending time with him/or her?
But No my beloved: You cannot take the fire of masculine devils, and the fire of the deceptions of feminine demons in unto any bit of your heart, and then still expect that your lives will not be burnt to some extent, if not totally consumed, and burnt up in the flames of the Abyss of the Eternal Lake of Fire.
You cannot control what is not able to be controlled. For they are all very wicked, evil uncontrollable insatiable spirits who control many people's lives, some of whom may be your friends.
So be careful who your companions and
your friends are. You will not be the one who will defeat these untameable
spirits. And you won't be the one to control spirit beings who won't submit to
being controlled.
Do not become self deceived, or otherwise so manipulated by others into feeling confident in, and of your own ability to be at all victorious against the Enemy who has only continuously ever been unendingly at odds with Almighty G-D, and who is in violent oppositions against G-D, who openly opposes G-D Almighty.
For Satan, our Enemy is constantly attempting to incite, enrage, and turn ALL mankind against the L-RD our G-D.
For the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, a fire set on fire by the very fires of hell itself. Many have already tried to extinguish its flames, but in the process of trying to do so, they miserably perished because they did not listen to G-D who had before the time gave many forewarnings.
Give not heed unto any wicked, evil, and any vile spirits sent to methodically, and systematically slowly draw you out away from me, and from the leading of My Holy Spirit says the Most High G-D.
I AM He, the Loftiest One whom fills Eternity, and I inhabit all the Heavens of all the Heavens, for I AM he whom fills all in all, and I created all the Heavens, and all that is within them, of that which is both seen, and unseen, whether of dominions, or thrones, or powers. All belongs unto me who sustains all things, whether seen, or unseen. I AM G-D Almighty.
There are no other gods before me, and neither beside me, Yes says the Spirit, I know not any other. For I AM the Alpha and I AM the Omega, I AM also the Beginning and I AM the End, I AM the First and I AM also the Last.
Thus I adjure you, and I do therefore command you to actively cut off all of the sources of the multiple portals of the many avenues of the confusion that you are, and presently are entertaining, for you continue yourselves to still actively draw forth from, and to derive wicked enjoyments out of innumerable entertainments, as you have been drawing forth from many waters, and drinking from various water wellsprings of your choosing which are also contrary unto the purposes for which I have sent you to fulfill and to accomplish for the holy Kingdom of Jesus from Nazareth My Dear Son.
For I AM the Only Fountain of Living Waters, and I alone am the Holy One of Yisrael saith the L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth.
Drink you only of those waters which proceed from out of my holy word, which waters come forth of your own wellspring, out of your own unbroken cistern.
And do not draw water from out of the wells of any other person which do not belong unto you, but drink you water from out of your own unbroken cistern. I AM Ad-nai thy G-D.
Hear me O' My Bride & Body, for why is it so, that you have been entertaining the hearts of strangers? And why will you not be rather pleased to abide with me in my courtyards above, and delight my own Heart, as of the hart of thy only Faithful Husband whom I AM unto you, O Israel, my beloved. Read Psalm 42.
And Why are you allowing yourselves to be willfully, and knowingly enticed, and why do you always let your hearts be seduced away from myself, and my Shammah Presence, which is My Manifest Presence saith G-D Almighty whose Name is the L-rd.
Repent and Return unto me O' Israel and America, for I AM married unto the backslider in heart. Why will you willfully die in the rebelliousness of your vile wickedness O' my People?
You cannot drink from the holy Chalice Cup of the L-RD your G-D, and then also drink from the cups of {false teachings - lying doctrines} of all the lying masculine incubus devils, and also all their counterparts, of all the innumerable hosts of all of those vile spirits, and of those invisible hosts of the myriads of lying spirits, the thieving spirits, and of all those vile conniving, and foul spirits, and of all the hosts of all those innumerable feminine succubus demonic evil spirits, and putrid foul smelling tormenting spirits, who are all also so hideous in their appearance.
You cannot serve both G-D and the wicked spirits of the world ruled by Baal-Mammon {Lilith the Serpent Satan} ruled over by Lucifer her source.
You will either love the One, and hate the other. You canst not love both the L-RD G-D Almighty, and then also serve Lucifer, Lilith that Wicked and Evil Serpent Satan, and the Devils, and the Demons by obeying them in the lusts of the body of your flesh.
You have been compromised, and the spirit of compromise, and of spiritual slumber hath weakened your resolve, and has caused you to also become likeminded as they who dwell in the present deplorable system of this fallen world.
There is not any distinction in the ways with which you think, from the ways with which this worlds inhabitants of the fallen system have operated in, and the ways they have also thought themselves as being worthy of eternal life by their own merits. This has been going on now for well over the past six thousand years and counting.
For all of you who have become lukewarm, you must now repent says the Holy One, blessed be He. So therefore repent all of you, remembering from whence you hast fallen from. See also in Revelation 2:1-7.
Go therefore and do again the first works you had done when you first believed in me says the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth. Else I will spue you out of my mouth, and expel you out forth from my Spirit, for then I shall come, and also thus fight against you, and thus I will remove thy Menorah, thy Lampstand of Illumination says the L-rd thy Saviour and thy Redeemer.
I do not wish to do that to you, yet if you continue to rebel, and you utterly refuse to repent you will leave me no other choice but to remove thy Menorah, thy Lampstand. I AM the Holy One of Yisrael, and Wonderful is My Name.
So therefore listen to my Spirit, through what you sense, and feel I am saying unto you my beloved Bride and Body.
There is where you will hear the Voice of G-D the Precious Holy Spirit, the Ruach {Spirit} of the L-RD G-D Almighty, and of our blessed L-rd Jesus Christ from Nazareth, the Only Begotten, and the sinless holy Son of G-D, for in him we do trust, for only he is our Eternal Saviour, the Author of our Eternal Salvation, for only he is our L-rd Yeshua who had come up from Nazareth, and this same Jesus from Nazareth is our pure, holy, and sinless Lamb of G-D, and our Faithful L-rd throughout all Eternity, Amain.
You are my peculiar treasure, for you art my Beautiful Bride and my Body, my Queen of innumerable members from all generations, both the former, even up to this present generation, and the one being birthed in these last hours of the annuls of the history of mankind throughout the ages of all time.
For how is it you allow yourself as you do even unto this very day, and this very hour to be misled into thinking that I could, or that I would ever allow anyone to hurt, or harm you?
Fear not little flock, for it is your Fathers good will, and intention to give unto you the Kingdom he has prepared for you, and even unto all they who love me, and have known him, and are obedient unto the call he has placed on their daily lives.
So do not be afraid for you are of much greater value, and are of so much more eternal worth unto me than that of many millions of sparrows saith the Holy One of Yisrael. I AM the L-RD thy G-D.
Thus says Jehovah, you know my anger may endure only for moment, but my tender merciful kindnesses I have for you my Bride, they are everlasting, and they are extended, and go beyond all things both visible, and also invisible.
The Mercy of the L-RD endures forever, and remember the L-rd is rich in his merciful kindness, and his extended mercies are always new every morning.
Don't allow your heart to be troubled any longer anymore. Worry is not from G-D because it torments you. Let it trouble you no more ever again.
Be Set Free In Deed. See John 8:32-36.
This day the Son has set you at liberty, and you who were once in the bonds, and the chains of the cruel bondage of Satan.
Yeshua our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth has set you completely free, so be free now in deed. {In Deeds}
Be you free right now, and do not allow sin to enter your mind, for your mind is of your inner spirit, and let it not sin cause you to become fearful, or afraid, and you will no more be tormented, neither shall you be worried from within your heart ever again.
1st John 4:18 KJV
[18] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
I AM Ad-nai Jehovah your G-D. It Is Finished!
John 19:30 KJV
[30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
And Also:
Luke 24:4-6 KJV
[4] And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
[5] And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
[6] He is not here, but he is risen: remember how that he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee.
Do not become self deceived, or otherwise so manipulated by others into feeling confident in, and of your own ability to be at all victorious against the Enemy who has only continuously ever been unendingly at odds with Almighty G-D, and who is in violent oppositions against G-D, who openly opposes G-D Almighty.
For Satan, our Enemy is constantly attempting to incite, enrage, and turn ALL mankind against the L-RD our G-D.
For the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, a fire set on fire by the very fires of hell itself. Many have already tried to extinguish its flames, but in the process of trying to do so, they miserably perished because they did not listen to G-D who had before the time gave many forewarnings.
Give not heed unto any wicked, evil, and any vile spirits sent to methodically, and systematically slowly draw you out away from me, and from the leading of My Holy Spirit says the Most High G-D.
I AM He, the Loftiest One whom fills Eternity, and I inhabit all the Heavens of all the Heavens, for I AM he whom fills all in all, and I created all the Heavens, and all that is within them, of that which is both seen, and unseen, whether of dominions, or thrones, or powers. All belongs unto me who sustains all things, whether seen, or unseen. I AM G-D Almighty.
There are no other gods before me, and neither beside me, Yes says the Spirit, I know not any other. For I AM the Alpha and I AM the Omega, I AM also the Beginning and I AM the End, I AM the First and I AM also the Last.
Thus I adjure you, and I do therefore command you to actively cut off all of the sources of the multiple portals of the many avenues of the confusion that you are, and presently are entertaining, for you continue yourselves to still actively draw forth from, and to derive wicked enjoyments out of innumerable entertainments, as you have been drawing forth from many waters, and drinking from various water wellsprings of your choosing which are also contrary unto the purposes for which I have sent you to fulfill and to accomplish for the holy Kingdom of Jesus from Nazareth My Dear Son.
For I AM the Only Fountain of Living Waters, and I alone am the Holy One of Yisrael saith the L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth.
Drink you only of those waters which proceed from out of my holy word, which waters come forth of your own wellspring, out of your own unbroken cistern.
And do not draw water from out of the wells of any other person which do not belong unto you, but drink you water from out of your own unbroken cistern. I AM Ad-nai thy G-D.
Hear me O' My Bride & Body, for why is it so, that you have been entertaining the hearts of strangers? And why will you not be rather pleased to abide with me in my courtyards above, and delight my own Heart, as of the hart of thy only Faithful Husband whom I AM unto you, O Israel, my beloved. Read Psalm 42.
And Why are you allowing yourselves to be willfully, and knowingly enticed, and why do you always let your hearts be seduced away from myself, and my Shammah Presence, which is My Manifest Presence saith G-D Almighty whose Name is the L-rd.
Repent and Return unto me O' Israel and America, for I AM married unto the backslider in heart. Why will you willfully die in the rebelliousness of your vile wickedness O' my People?
You cannot drink from the holy Chalice Cup of the L-RD your G-D, and then also drink from the cups of {false teachings - lying doctrines} of all the lying masculine incubus devils, and also all their counterparts, of all the innumerable hosts of all of those vile spirits, and of those invisible hosts of the myriads of lying spirits, the thieving spirits, and of all those vile conniving, and foul spirits, and of all the hosts of all those innumerable feminine succubus demonic evil spirits, and putrid foul smelling tormenting spirits, who are all also so hideous in their appearance.
You cannot serve both G-D and the wicked spirits of the world ruled by Baal-Mammon {Lilith the Serpent Satan} ruled over by Lucifer her source.
You will either love the One, and hate the other. You canst not love both the L-RD G-D Almighty, and then also serve Lucifer, Lilith that Wicked and Evil Serpent Satan, and the Devils, and the Demons by obeying them in the lusts of the body of your flesh.
You have been compromised, and the spirit of compromise, and of spiritual slumber hath weakened your resolve, and has caused you to also become likeminded as they who dwell in the present deplorable system of this fallen world.
There is not any distinction in the ways with which you think, from the ways with which this worlds inhabitants of the fallen system have operated in, and the ways they have also thought themselves as being worthy of eternal life by their own merits. This has been going on now for well over the past six thousand years and counting.
For all of you who have become lukewarm, you must now repent says the Holy One, blessed be He. So therefore repent all of you, remembering from whence you hast fallen from. See also in Revelation 2:1-7.
Go therefore and do again the first works you had done when you first believed in me says the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth. Else I will spue you out of my mouth, and expel you out forth from my Spirit, for then I shall come, and also thus fight against you, and thus I will remove thy Menorah, thy Lampstand of Illumination says the L-rd thy Saviour and thy Redeemer.
I do not wish to do that to you, yet if you continue to rebel, and you utterly refuse to repent you will leave me no other choice but to remove thy Menorah, thy Lampstand. I AM the Holy One of Yisrael, and Wonderful is My Name.
So therefore listen to my Spirit, through what you sense, and feel I am saying unto you my beloved Bride and Body.
There is where you will hear the Voice of G-D the Precious Holy Spirit, the Ruach {Spirit} of the L-RD G-D Almighty, and of our blessed L-rd Jesus Christ from Nazareth, the Only Begotten, and the sinless holy Son of G-D, for in him we do trust, for only he is our Eternal Saviour, the Author of our Eternal Salvation, for only he is our L-rd Yeshua who had come up from Nazareth, and this same Jesus from Nazareth is our pure, holy, and sinless Lamb of G-D, and our Faithful L-rd throughout all Eternity, Amain.
You are my peculiar treasure, for you art my Beautiful Bride and my Body, my Queen of innumerable members from all generations, both the former, even up to this present generation, and the one being birthed in these last hours of the annuls of the history of mankind throughout the ages of all time.
For how is it you allow yourself as you do even unto this very day, and this very hour to be misled into thinking that I could, or that I would ever allow anyone to hurt, or harm you?
Fear not little flock, for it is your Fathers good will, and intention to give unto you the Kingdom he has prepared for you, and even unto all they who love me, and have known him, and are obedient unto the call he has placed on their daily lives.
So do not be afraid for you are of much greater value, and are of so much more eternal worth unto me than that of many millions of sparrows saith the Holy One of Yisrael. I AM the L-RD thy G-D.
Thus says Jehovah, you know my anger may endure only for moment, but my tender merciful kindnesses I have for you my Bride, they are everlasting, and they are extended, and go beyond all things both visible, and also invisible.
The Mercy of the L-RD endures forever, and remember the L-rd is rich in his merciful kindness, and his extended mercies are always new every morning.
Don't allow your heart to be troubled any longer anymore. Worry is not from G-D because it torments you. Let it trouble you no more ever again.
Be Set Free In Deed. See John 8:32-36.
This day the Son has set you at liberty, and you who were once in the bonds, and the chains of the cruel bondage of Satan.
Yeshua our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth has set you completely free, so be free now in deed. {In Deeds}
Be you free right now, and do not allow sin to enter your mind, for your mind is of your inner spirit, and let it not sin cause you to become fearful, or afraid, and you will no more be tormented, neither shall you be worried from within your heart ever again.
1st John 4:18 KJV
[18] There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
I AM Ad-nai Jehovah your G-D. It Is Finished!
John 19:30 KJV
[30] When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
And Also:
Luke 24:4-6 KJV
[4] And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
[5] And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
[6] He is not here, but he is risen: remember how that he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee.

Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
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