Sunday, April 29, 2012

"The Differences between Men and Women: Marital Advice"

           The Differences between Men and Women:                                         Marital Advice

The Atmosphere that women need and must have in order to have sex with their husbands is the exact same Atmosphere men need in order to open their hearts to their wives in intimate detailed conversations.

If you laugh at your wife when she gets undressed in front of you, it mortifies her and humiliates her horribly.

The exact same is true Ladies, that when your husband opens his heart to you to express intimate details of his life with you, and you turn around and tell your girlfriends who tell their husbands who are friends with your husband who in turn tell their friend, your husband.

It all gets back to your husband and crushes his trust in you because he fears to tell you anything important and this is his heart speaking, "I cannot tell her anything, she is not reliable, not confidential, she’s going to tell her girlfriends then everyone will know"

So the next time you want to have intimate detailed conversations with him he shuts his heart to you and refuses to share not even one thing with you.

And Men, when you shame your wives when they undress before you, is it really any wonder why they won’t have sex with you, or get naked before your presence?

Of course it is not a secret. You hurt them severely and it is a wound that will not be easily healed.

As tender and immodest as women are with their Physical Appearance, so are Men excruciatingly tender and immodest in their emotions.

Men, If you criticize your wives appearance she will hide from you covered up in fig leaves just as Adam and Eve hid from each other in the Garden of Eden after they sinned, and they covered up their nakedness from “Each other” using fig leaves.

The reason Jesus cursed the fig tree in the Gospel of Mark was because the fig tree he cursed was a symbol of the Pride of Mankind. Who when man discovered they were naked, they hid themselves using “Fig Leaves”

Mark 11:12-14 and Mark 11:20-21.

Women, If you criticize your husband’s ideas he shared with you from his heart he will never share anything with you ever again because he doesn't want to be made fun of, laughed at or have any of his thoughts, ideas, or suggestions criticized.

Ladies, he doesn't want to be wounded by you, and Gentlemen, she doesn't want to be wounded by you either.

Learn to understand each other and the divorce rate will plummet!

Learn how to reside together according to wisdom, and of knowledge of one another. 

1st Peter 3:7 says it best.

The Greek word used for the word "Dwell" is the Greek word, "Sunoikeo" and it means "to reside together"

Likewise also the word for "Weaker" is the Greek word, "Asthenes" and it means "more fragile" and does not in any way mean she is inferior. 

As Fragile as Women are in their Appearance is exactly how Fragile Men are in their Emotions.

I bet you heard your father say big boys don't cry. Well Papa is wrong. Real men do cry but in secret for fear of being ridiculed by other men and it ought not to be so. And when a man comes to his wife in secret and cries, and she tells her friends, it shatters the trust of the marriage.

Men need security for their intimate moments in conversations and revealing emotions to their wives.

And wives need the same security to engage in sexual intercourse with their husbands.

So you husbands need to lose your ego.

And all of you wives, you need to be sensitive to what your husband tells you from now on.

"What is shared between the both of you in your private conversations and in the bedroom stays in those conversations and the bedroom between the two of you and does not get shared with friends."

1st Peter 3:7 reads, "Likewise you husbands, dwell {reside together} with them {your wives} according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife, as unto the weaker vessel {not literally a weaker or inferior vessel to yourselves} but be the both of you heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."

Love Always, Carl Vitale~
1st Corinthians 13

"Through Your Precepts I Get Understanding" Psalms 119:104

Through thy precepts {regulated instructions and orders} I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. Psalms 119:104.

Strong's Exhaustive Word Study ref. #6490 is the word Piqqud. It is used for the word "precepts"


I get understanding about all my ways, even my thoughts and imaginations by agency of G-ds regulated instructions and orders. You can do so as well, if you want to.

"Teach us thy Name to own, whilst waiting L-rd for Thee. Unholiness and sin to shun, from ALL untruth to flee.

Author Unknown~ but it sounds like something Abraham Lincoln would had said.

Love Always, Carl Vitale~

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"I Remit You saith the L-RD"

            “I Remit You saith the L-RD”

I remit pain out of my body, and out it goes back to where it came from straight back into the bottomless abyss.

What does it truly mean to remit a sin, whether our own personal sins or the sins of others that were sinned against us?

I have outlined the Greek words used in the Gospel of John 20:23 for Remit, and Retain. The Greek uses the same word used in Luke 11:4 for Forgive.

Remarkably the word for Forgive in the Old Covenant in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is the word, “Salach” found in Strong’s Dictionary Lexical Aids Translational Reference Index ref. #5545 and it means to forgive as well.

Yet this rendition of the idea to forgive is taken steps far beyond human capability because in “Salach” only the L-RD our G-D can arise to this level of forgiving us.
And that is because when G-D forgives us in Salach, he forgets the transgression and iniquity ever happened in the first place. 

Only G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and G-D the Holy Spirit have this ability to forget offenses after they have forgave us for the offense. 

"O Blessed Trinity! O How I Love Thee"

In John 20:23 the word Remit, and also Remitted in the Greek is the word “Aphiemi” ref. #863 in the Complete Word Study New Testament edited by Zodhiates Th.D. and it means to lay apart.

In John 20:23 the word Retain, and also Retained in the Greek is the word “Krateo” ref. #2902 in the Complete Word Study New Testament edited by Zodhiates Th.D. and it means to lay hold of, to detain, to maintain, to strengthen, to firmly hold with all your strength.

Please do make this a FOOT-NOTE: When we retain we pay the retainer fees.

If you want to be free, then you must first be willing to forgive {to release the spirits} and not detain, and strengthen the hold you have of that alien spirit within you whom you illegally have retained from outside of you while you have been operating outside of the Perfect will of Almighty G-D.

You must be willing to cease and desist from denying the power of the form of your godliness in no longer strengthening yourself in hardening your own spirit with other spirits of demons.

They are taking advantage of you through offenses perpetrated by various people who satanas {the demonic spirits} have and do use to speak through in order to get an advantage over you.

This they do by tricking you into retaining them so they could damage you and ruin your life.

Just pray to G-D your Father.

Pray, "Father G-d, I come to you in the name of my L-rd Jesus, and as his name because I am called by his name, and therefore I am his bride, and his body, I now renounce and remit all demon spirits from my spirit in total repentance to you O L-RD, and I announce you are My Savior, and you are My L-RD, and you are My G-D, O L-rd, Amein.

Precious Holy Spirit I am asking you to please enter into my spirit, my mind, my soul, and make me a member of My L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, as a member of his holy Bride and Body.

Precious Holy Spirit, please fill me and keep me filled with your Spirit and never leave me to myself again.

L-rd, I never wish to be apart from you ever again, nor is it my desire to be alone out of your sweet Presence ever again, Amein."

Congratulations, you are born again, you are safe, and you have just been saved.

Continue to now maintain and retain the sweet Presence of the Holy Spirit by living according to the word of G-D throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

And to start you off on the right foot, begin reading in the Gospel of John.

Jesus loves you and I love you too. Please call 1-888-731-1000 Trinity Broadcasting Network’s Prayer Line, and tell them you were just born again alright.

And ask them if they could help in aiding you in the finding of a new Church home located right by and near to your location in your City.

G-d loves you my Brother, my Sister.

I Love You, Always, Brother Carl~

                   1st Corinthians 13

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Yoke Destroying, Burden Removing Anointing of the Holy Ghost - "PROPHECY APRIL 2012"

The Yoke Destroying, Burden Removing Anointing of the Holy Ghost

Thus saith the L-rd, the G-d of Yisrael, it is this day the 28th of April, the year 2012 that I have begun pouring out my Anointing upon thy seed O ye House of Yisrael, and upon thy House, ye House of America. Genesis 13:14-18, and Isaiah 59:16-21, Galatians 3:8, and also in Galatians 3:13-16, 29.

And it shalt surely come to pass in these last hours of these last days being accomplished right now that My Anointing shall burst the demons bands of bewitchment and affliction asunder from off of thy seed, and thy seeds seed.  Galatians 6:1, the Book of Acts 2:1-21.

And I will free you and your seed, and your seeds seed from all burdens saith the Holy Ghost, and I am removing the burden of Satan from off thy shoulders, and it is because of my Anointing that his yokes are being destroyed and permanently removed from off of thy necks. Joel 2:15-17, Joel 2:23-29, and Jeremiah 31:31-34.

And the yoke of the Adversaries of the L-rd shall be removed from off the backs of mine Anointed Servants and their children saith the Holy One of Yisrael. Only sin no more my Children, yea sin no more ye servants of his, lest a worse thing come unto thee, and your last state will be worse than the first saith the Most High G-D, the L-RD.  Hebrews 10:26, 1st Samuel 15:23, Isaiah 54:5, Psalms 69:22, Luke 11:24-26, and John 5:4.

I AM the Highest, and I AM the Loftiest One who Inhabits the Heaven of Heavens, Yea saith the Ruach HaKodesh {the Holy Spirit} I AM He. It Is Finished! Psalm 18:13-18, Isaiah 57:15, Isaiah 61:1-3, and Luke 4:14-21.

Foundational Scripture for this Prophecy is found in Isaiah 10:27.

Prophet and Evangelist, Carl S. Vitale
Date of Prophecy Given 04/28/2012

My Israeli Jewish Brother Victor Mordecai speaks on the Deceptions of Islam Part 1 & 2

"Shut the Dalat "Door" on the Devils Foot"

                          “Shut the Dalat “Door” on the Devils Foot"
When your Cup is Empty I Will Fill it. When your Cup is Half Full I Will Empty it, and when it is Empty Again I Will Fill it. Your life is the Cup.

He who finds his Cup loses his Cup, but he who loses his Cup finds it hidden within me.

If you want G-D to use you, lose your own Cup (Agenda) and you will find it again when you seek it in G-Ds Agenda. Therein lies your calling from G-D in Life.
When you derive your sense of fulfillment from others, then unto others you are enslaved and are their slave to feed their emotional well-being.

When you derive your sense of fulfillment from G-D and G-D Alone, then you are free indeed, for whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

Now go and be free.
When something burdens you, don't allow it to remain another minute, but deal with it right then and there.

Do not let Satan get his foot into the doorway of your emotions, or he will surely torment you by using the individual you are unsure of how he/or she truly feels about the situation in question.

Then Satan will begin accusing them to you as he says the words, "Is he/or she angry with you, Or He/or she is mad at me" and satanas (the demonic spirits) will be unrelenting and will continually torment you until you have dealt with the issue, which may not even be a thought upon the other persons mind, but there you sit, vexed and harassed by foul tormenting shayateens (demons)

Just call the individual the next time immediately and Slam the door on the devils foot, Lol.

I Love Every One of You Always, 


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Whosover Is Simple, let them come unto me, and I will give them Light saith Jesus of Nazareth"

If you are "Simple" you just do not have any "Understanding"

And if you do not have any "Understanding" you just do not have any "Light"

And if you do not any "Light" it is because you just do not have any of "His Words" dwelling inside your heart.

And if you do not have any of "the Words of the L-rd" dwelling inside your heart, it is because they have no "Entrance" into your spirit, your heart, your soul, your mind, and your life.

Are you Simple today?

Then may I please suggest, you Open the Door of your Mind that he gave you. And make an Entrance for "the Words of the L-RD" into your Life.

He has been Standing at the Door of your Life and Knocking. Why don't you open the Door and Welcome him to Come into your Life.


"the Entrance of your words gives light, it gives understanding unto the simple. 

Psalm 119:130

 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man/or woman, boy/or girl hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will eat drink and speak with him, and he with me" 

Revelation 3:20.

Writer & Author Carl Vitale~

Monday, April 23, 2012


Come, Learn about where who we as a Nation of Peoples truly are, where we come from, how this Great Nation has morphed into the Nation we are today, how we got here and how we were forged in the heat of Battle.

I have never cried like I cry when I watch this series. You will too when you relive with the actors and actresses the horrendous horrors of the American Civil War.

This is Our History People!!

                                    Complimentary Video Sample 10:00 Minutes

If We do not know where we been or come from, we equally shall not know where we are going, nor how to get there!

North & South Series Starring the late Patrick Swayze, amongst others as Johnathan Frakes, and Christie Alley.

I'm Speechless and at a loss for words, absolutely speechless..

With All My Love,

Carl Vitale~
Prophet & Evangelist

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fear Not My Child, I AM Here to Protect You.

                         Our Video Fear  Not My Child, I AM Here to Protect You.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Choose you this Day whom you will serve. Either Almighty G-d the Father of Lights, Or Satan the father of Lies"


2012 Statistics show that at least 50% of Christian men are viewing porn.

MEN, Choose who you will serve RIGHT NOW, before it becomes too late for you to make your choice!

Put your name in the blank Line to which choice you choose.

Stop professing you’re a Christian if "all you continue to say, and do, and how you live your life is consistently and continually contradictory to the holy name of G-d the Father, G-d the Son, and G-d the Holy Ghost"

I Implore you Men, even Women, and Teenagers, Please, O Please, Choose Obedience to Christ and enjoy Eternal Life. Do not turn from him and perish forever. I beg you repent, please.

"Place Your Name In the Line here "I _______________________" being of sound mind with full capacity of my reasoning abilities do so hereby submit unto and will serve and obey only Jesus of Nazareth from here on out.


"Place Your Name In the Line here "I _______________________being of sound mind with full capacity of my reasoning abilities do so hereby refuse to obey Jesus of Nazareth and will remain self serving and selfish for the rest of my days and whatever judgment G-d renders concerning my unrepentant state, and upon judgment day should I perish and be sentenced to the lake of fire where even death and hell themselves will be thrown, so be it.

I Love you Saints! Please Choose Obedience and Life Eternal so that you may live forever with Almighty G-d endlessly and eternally, Amein.

I Am Trusting in Yeshua's {Jesus} of Nazareth Righteousness, and not mine own. 

My question is, Are you?  A} Enter Yes here ____. OR  B} Enter No here ____.

Everlastingly winning Souls to the L-rd Yeshua of Nazareth, My Messiah,

Love Always, "Sign Your Name here _______________________________"

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Wow!! What kind of Hell did you go through for that Anointing"

      “Wow!! What kind of Hell did you go through for that Anointing?”

No man can appreciate the Eternal worth and value of any Pastor who counted the cost, and paid the price to acquire the fire of the level of Authority in the Anointing of G-d, which G-d bestowed, and placed upon him

No one can fully appreciate the hell a Pastor goes through in order to be processed as an olive crushed in the olive press, continually crushed until every bit of Oil comes out of the press from the olives that strain off into the vats of the L-rd, and are made ready for the Masters Use.

Until you suffer the maturing impact of the apprenticeship of the Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy Spirit) Yes until you endure the instrumental experiences one who seeks to be used by G-d goes through to be qualified to be known as an Ambassador of Christ the L-rd, Our Messiah.

All the pressure, the emptying, from bottle unto bottle, until all infidelity, all carnality, all looseness of morals, all pollutions, and all traces of unchastity are sifted, and removed completely from his identity, from his very nature, where the innermost dearness of mankind’s vulnerable feelings of self worth and esteem abide, yes until they are drained of any pride of self achievement.

Until he suffers and endures the process of the refinery of the L-rd his G-d, and survives the final proving of Adonai, the fiery furnace of Metamorphosis, where G-d himself comes to prove you, the resolve of your passion, and make sure your heart is pure, committed to complete subjection unto his complete Authority, both now, and forevermore.

Until one goes through this process in their life, I ask you, how can they appreciate, value, or be able to relate to the hell “a pastor according to the L-rds heart” had to endure, to go through to be qualified for the Anointing of the Holy Ghost in, and on their life which we now enjoy as we sit in the pews?

For when all is said and done, the character of the Pastor is as the Character of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He who touches G-ds Anointed Shepherds is as if he touched G-d. And he who challenges G-ds Anointed Shepherds is as if he who challenges the direct Authority of G-d himself.

Isaiah 47:9-11, Jeremiah 3:15, Ephesians 4:11, Romans 6:4, Romans 12:3-7, Luke 9:62, Acts 5:34-39, and Joshua 1:8

 In His Loving Arms, 

Carl Vitale~  Received in the Year 2011

"Hear yeThe Word of The L-RD unto the Churches of America"

The word of Ha’shem which came unto the Prophet Pharez, the son of Y’hudah {Judah} the son of Israel, the son of Yitz'Chak {Isaac} the son of Avraham, the Friend of G-d.

Upon the 16th day of Nissan the same is April in the Year 2012, the word of the L-rd came unto me saying, son of man do you see the perversions amongst my house? See ye what they do unto me and how they pervert their ways saying thus saith Adonai? But I have not sent them and the prophets prophesy by Baal, they do prophesy lies, and smooth things saith the L-rd.

Therefore thus saith the L-rd, I will reprove mine heritage and ease me of mine adversaries saith the King whose name is the L-rd.

I will surely vanquish out of mine house the voice of those who imprudently publishes lies in my name saying the L-rd says, but I didn’t say it, nor have I sent those presumptuous soothsayers.

The days are now come upon you O house of America, that I will silence the wicked amongst you, who suffer that false prophetess Jezebel who teaches my servants to commit fornication with her children, the children of disobedience.

For these are seducing spirits sent forth against my people to sift them who dwell upon the earth, but I will make up my jewels in that day saith the King whose name is Adonai, and those who can be shaken and who fall away will not remain, but those who remain and are not shaken loose will remain indeed, for I shall send my angels to gather together the wheat into my barn, and gather the tares in bundles to be burnt with unquenchable fire for all eternity. There shall be there weeping and gnashing of teeth, for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched.

For I have controversy with the hirelings who claim they are sent by me, who make my people to error always. I will remove you O ye false priesthood, and I will give true pastors to feed my people who hear the word at my mouth, for I am jealous over thee O Zion, O Jerusalem I am married unto you saith the L-rd thy G-d.

Therefore repent ye, and wash ye, make ye clean, and put away from you the evil of your doings. Circumcise the foreskins of your foolish hearts saith the King whose name is the L-RD. Why do the heathen imagine a vain thing, and the priests who stand before the L-rd teach my people to labor to become rich, when I have said in mine word, labor not to be rich. Proverbs 23:4-5.

Yea saith the Spirit, I have said it once, yea even twice that they who will be rich in this world enter into many foolish and hurtful lusts and are destroyed by the destroyer through vain pursuits of riches whose riches surely get to themselves wings and fly away. 1st Timothy 6:3-19.

Have I not said better is the little that the righteous has, than the many revenues of the wicked? O ye simple, slow of heart and soon to run to mischief, where is your hearts O my people? Why worship you me in vain? Bring no more vain oblations to me, away with them. I desire obedience not your sacrifices. 1st Samuel 15:22, Psalms 37:16, and Proverbs 16:8, and 3rd John 3:2.

What is the meaning of the multitude of your oblations unto me saith the L-rd? Why call ye me L-rd but refuse my Instructions, resisting to obey the prophets I sent unto you while you heap to thyself teachers who prophesy lies to you.

Surely the net is spread before the bird in vain, but this people have been taught to corrupt themselves and the noble vine has become degenerate saying to my prophets, become unto us like unto these our soothsayers, yea prophesy smooth things, preach prosperity to us, and say unto us we will not suffer in the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jeremiah 2:21, Proverbs 1:17, Luke 10:19, and Luke 21:12-18.

But ye do lie against the Truth who purchased your salvation. You do pervert the good gifts I have given unto you, O false priests, and you pervert the ways of true judgment and because of you justice is wrested and the innocent are imprisoned but the guilty are set free. This is the generation that will not pass before all things ever I spake shall surely come to pass before thine very eyes, yea even all I spake unto thee while I walked upon the earth in the midst of my People Yisrael. Matthew 24:21-47.

O vain nation, will you indeed escape the troubles of this age? Have I not said ye shall suffer persecutions, that they will throw many of you into the jail houses, that the prophets I have sent and do send, many of them you will kill? Why have you not hearkened to my eternal words, why haven’t you hearkened unto my holy prophets who are your only watchmen upon thy walls O America? Isaiah 28:12, Jeremiah 7:24, and 2nd Timothy 4:1-5, Jeremiah 10:21, Jeremiah 3:15, and Isaiah 55:1-9.

I have said this unto you, yea and unto all who claim to be called by my name, who delight to know me, yet daily cannot cease from committing lewdness amongst the heathen, who cannot abstain from their eyes filled with adultery, who come into my house and continually come upon my altar offering their strange fire, their polluted worship, and who have not sanctified me in their hearts says the King whose name is the L-RD. Leviticus 10:1-3, and Acts 5:1-11.

O ye priests, I have controversy with you saith Jehovah, for you have not obeyed my voice neither, nor have you honored my Servant Moses to do the service unto me as he did, for he left examples unto you in my holy Torah of what manner you ought ready my heritage before me, when I said unto him to arise, get up and sanctify the people against the third day, for the L-RD will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. Wherefore are you negligent O ye false priests, speaking deceitfully saying, there is no ill upon the horizon, yea we be happy, prosperity awaits us? O ye false priests, you brood of vipers and brutish pastors, I will be thy ruin saith Jehovah if you do not speedily repent at this my last warning unto thee, for I will come and fight against you and remove thy candlestick out of his place swiftly if ye repent not at this my final rebuke unto thee, ye vain priesthood and degenerate vine. Deuteronomy 19:9-11, and 1st Peter 3:15, 2nd Peter 2:20-22, Galatians 1:6-12, and 2nd Corinthians 4:1-3, Jeremiah 2:19-25, and Revelation 2:5.

Hear therefore the word of my mouth saith the L-rd, the King of Israel unto all my house and family whom is called by my Name, to those of the Ekklesia, the called out ones, and to those who claim me as their L-rd who have known my ways, and are not unskillful in mine holy word. 2nd Timothy 2:14-16, Ephesians 3:15, and Revelation 2:18-24.

Beware therefore you yourselves of those teachers who sell unto you visions of plentiful provisions to come, that there is no trouble on the horizon for you, for they write very many books. Ecclesiastes 7:29, Zechariah 13:4-6, Psalm 22:13-16.

But I say unto you, beware of them, for they are false scribes, false teachers, and they have taken the gifts of my Spirit and perverted themselves therewith and have greatly polluted my name amongst the heathen. Jeremiah 11:15, Jeremiah 12:1-12, and Isaiah 29:9-14, Isaiah 65:12-15, and Isaiah 5:13-24.

Rather than speaking truth each one to his neighbor they speak falsehood and publish their lies, and they have deceived my people for years. 1st Timothy 6:3-19, Luke 20:45-47, and 2nd Timothy 3:1-9, and 1st Timothy 4:1-2.
Enough is enough saith the L-RD, for the oppression and fleecing of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise saith the L-rd; I will set mine Anointed Ones in safety from those who delight in afflicting them with guilt to raise offerings to supply their lack for ministries I have not authorized saith the One and only True and Living G-d. Psalms 12:1-8, Jude 1:8-16, and 2nd Peter 2:12-19.

I have said I want offerings from those whose hearts are willing, not coerced and made to feel less than, who are filled with guilt if they give not what they do not even have to give. Proverbs 22:26-29, Exodus 25:2, 1st Timothy 3:3, Titus 1:7, and 1st Peter 5:2.

Therefore repent ye false priests, and ye soothsayers who say you are prophets but are deceivers. But hear me O my People, and do your first works over again that you recover thyself from the iniquities you learnt at the hand of thy deceivers.

Go now, learning to redeem the time for the time is evil. Therefore be thou zealous for whom I love I rebuke. Proverbs 3:11 and Revelation 3:19.

Therefore despise ye not the chastening of the L-RD, for he corrects not after the delight of the children of men, but for your own benefit how you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Hebrews 12:3-10, and 3rd John verse 2.

Below are the Foundational Scriptures, which give witness to the validity of this sure word of Prophecy.
 2nd Peter 1:19-21, and 3rd John verse 2, Jeremiah 29:1-32, Daniel 9:3-6, Revelation 3:14-19, Isaiah 30:3-10 contrasted unto Proverbs 23:4-5, Luke 20:45-47, and Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:38-40, Mark 12:41-44, Revelation 18:7, 1st Timothy 6:3-19, Matthew 9:36-38, Proverbs 1:17, Isaiah 1:13-17, and Zechariah 10:1-4.

In the Fathers Everlasting Arms of Love,

The L-rds Servant Pharez ben Y’hudah {Carl Vitale} 
                      1st  CORINTHIANS 13