Monday, April 16, 2012

"Wow!! What kind of Hell did you go through for that Anointing"

      “Wow!! What kind of Hell did you go through for that Anointing?”

No man can appreciate the Eternal worth and value of any Pastor who counted the cost, and paid the price to acquire the fire of the level of Authority in the Anointing of G-d, which G-d bestowed, and placed upon him

No one can fully appreciate the hell a Pastor goes through in order to be processed as an olive crushed in the olive press, continually crushed until every bit of Oil comes out of the press from the olives that strain off into the vats of the L-rd, and are made ready for the Masters Use.

Until you suffer the maturing impact of the apprenticeship of the Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy Spirit) Yes until you endure the instrumental experiences one who seeks to be used by G-d goes through to be qualified to be known as an Ambassador of Christ the L-rd, Our Messiah.

All the pressure, the emptying, from bottle unto bottle, until all infidelity, all carnality, all looseness of morals, all pollutions, and all traces of unchastity are sifted, and removed completely from his identity, from his very nature, where the innermost dearness of mankind’s vulnerable feelings of self worth and esteem abide, yes until they are drained of any pride of self achievement.

Until he suffers and endures the process of the refinery of the L-rd his G-d, and survives the final proving of Adonai, the fiery furnace of Metamorphosis, where G-d himself comes to prove you, the resolve of your passion, and make sure your heart is pure, committed to complete subjection unto his complete Authority, both now, and forevermore.

Until one goes through this process in their life, I ask you, how can they appreciate, value, or be able to relate to the hell “a pastor according to the L-rds heart” had to endure, to go through to be qualified for the Anointing of the Holy Ghost in, and on their life which we now enjoy as we sit in the pews?

For when all is said and done, the character of the Pastor is as the Character of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He who touches G-ds Anointed Shepherds is as if he touched G-d. And he who challenges G-ds Anointed Shepherds is as if he who challenges the direct Authority of G-d himself.

Isaiah 47:9-11, Jeremiah 3:15, Ephesians 4:11, Romans 6:4, Romans 12:3-7, Luke 9:62, Acts 5:34-39, and Joshua 1:8

 In His Loving Arms, 

Carl Vitale~  Received in the Year 2011

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