Walking by the Riverside
Pastel Art by Joshua Carl*
I dreamed a dream, and in my dream I had espied very large turkey legs which looked as if they came from a 450 pound turkey, and a head of lettuce which appeared as if it had to weigh 100 pounds, for it was so gigantic, but the produce was sitting upon the poultry in the same section. There were not any other foods in the food storehouse which had been so manipulated by being enlarged by genetically enhanced manipulations.
My loved ones bought food, yet they had not bought any of the biogenetical foods which are the enhanced foods, and yet I bought nothing. And as they went to check out they cried out saying unto me, to hurry up. Then I espied the gum rack, and my brand of gum was on sale 2 for $4.00 which seemed like a great deal unto me. So I then looked everywhere for the packs of the cinnamon flavor, which is my favourite flavor, and I found them, and took them.
I quickly grabbed 4 packs, and the cashier asked me for valid I.D. which I provided, and yet when the cashier cashed my order out it totaled $11.00. And I said I bought only 4 packs. Then she counted them, and there were 7 packs taken up. Then she said that is a great deal.
So I had in my right hand a roll of quarters which came out to $10.00 which I handed unto her, and then I gave her 4 more quarters from out of my left hand.
Then my loved ones having already left the grocery storehouse, and in their car waiting on me, as I careened out of the store I bolted for my loved ones vehicle. As I made my way to them, I heard my loved one say, hurry up we're hungry, and we want to eat. Upon opening the door they said, do you have everything? And is the timer there? And Lo when I looked in my bag a timer was in it, the timer which belonged to my Grandmother.
I proceeded to get into the car, and as I did I commented about the trident gum I bought, and how that it is on sale, and very good for my teeth. Then my loved one reached her left hand into my bag, and drew forth a pack of cinnamon gum.
And then she read the ingredients, and said unto me, it has fluoride which is good for my teeth. Then she asked if I thought it would be good for removing coffee stains from off her teeth as she grinned showing me the coffee stains which impeded her teeth. So I said to her to take a pack, but then I had noticed my other loved one was choked up with tears in his eyes, and I had said unto him, I would that you take a pack also.
Then I awoke from my dream.
And here is the interpretation of my dream which the L-RD had shared with me, which he has shared through His Spirit, even by G-D the Holy Spirit himself.
The genetically bioengineering of our foods are being changed by the governmental systems of the world. And there are 450 governments which are doing these biogenetical enhancing manipulations, and the United States of America is leading the research, and yes, even though they will produce a much greater quantity of produce, and enhance the poultry food selections, yet but in large, very few people will even purchase those biogenetical enhanced foods, even though there is much larger quantities of those foods which they have thus so changed through biogenetical enhancements, yet not many people will be interested in consuming it when animals won't even eat it!
The gum I bought 2 for $4.00 is rich in biblical symbolism.
2 is for the two witnesses being the last Adam and the last Eve. The 4 symbolizes the 4 synoptic Gospels of my L-rd, Jesus from Nazareth.
The price I paid being 11.00 symbolizes the price the 11 disciples of Christ paid by martyrdom, because there was 12 disciples, but one betrayed Yeshua from Nazareth, the Son of G-D. That disciple who betrayed the L-rd was Judas {Judah in Hebrew} Iscariot was found unworthy, and was accursed. For the Disciples now having become Apostles cast lots to see which of the two other of Jesus followers the L-rd would choose to replace Judas.
Acts 1:26 KJV
[26] And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
The Cashier asking for my I.D. is key, for we who are the L-rds true followers, Disciples, and his holy Apostles must prove through our lives that our identification with the L-rd is true, and valid by the choices we make to follow him in the sincerity of ALL our WHOLE heart, and not just the majority thereof, but ALL!
7 packs symbolize the number of the L-RD G-D, My G-D, and My Father who will send his word and rapture us away from this vile wicked dilapidated, ill gotten, fallen, depraved, and lawlessly sinful world just before the Great Tribulation of the 7 years of Almighty G-Ds wrath will be poured out upon mankind for his stanch rebellion, treason, espionage, and utter refusal to repent for his sins, and receive total forgiveness through Jesus Christ the Righteous Judge.
The scene with the cashier as I handed her the 10 dollar roll of quarters in my right hand was significant in that the number 10 is the number of responsibility, and my right hand symbolizes my ability to fulfill, and complete my calling which my calling is symbolized by my left hand.
For the left hand symbolizes what you have been called to do, and the right hand symbolizes your G-D given ability to achieve, and accomplish what the L-RD, the Almighty G-D has so called you to do.
So I paid the price for my witness for Jesus Christ from Nazareth when I handed the 10 dollars to the Woman {the Cashier who does represent my Eve of the many members of followers given unto me by the L-RD to be a witness unto her for that she needs to repent of her sins, be baptized, and live a life solely dedicated unto the Holy L-RD of ALL L-rds, and ready herself to be eternally married unto her KING, the KING of ALL Kings.
This was fulfilled when I handed her 4 more quarters from my left hand, and in so doing I called her by my calling {left hand} by giving her 4 {Symbolism of the 4 Synoptic Gospels of Christ} quarters, Matthew, {Mattityahu in Hebrew} Mark, Luke, and John {Yochanan in Hebrew} and then I departed from out of her presence. Say Amain!
As I careened out of the food storehouse, I then bolted toward my loved ones vehicle. In biblical symbolisms a vehicle, whether a car, or a larger vehicle is representative of small, or sometimes larger ministries, or the beliefs, and the systems which other people do drive other people where they are intending to go, in order so they may reach all of the destinies of the very destinations which they have desired so long to go, yet could never quite get their inner spirit GPS tracking to work.
That's where you, and I as the Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus from Nazareth, the Holy Messiah come in.
We are to go with them in their journeys, as did Phillip the Apostle who one minute journeyed with the Ethiopian Eunuch as he walked alongside him explaining, and expounding the Holy Scriptures unto the Ethiopian Eunuch. Then the Holy Ghost took up Phillip, and carried him away to another geographic location which was the Holy Spirit teleporting him.
We must provide the tools {the Trident Gum} that they can chew {Use} to aid them so they may remove all of the impediments unto the teeth of their ability to chew, to digest, and to understand as it enables them to digest the Meat of the Knowledge of the Word of G-D Almighty to help direct their steps back into his Holy Loving Arms, the Arms of Almighty G-D where their hearts truly only long to be with him again, and this time to never again ever be without him, their Loving Father in the Heavens, always together never to be apart ever again.
And as he is Our Father, as he truly, and ever so desperately desires, and wants to restore them, yes ALL of them G-D wants to save, and restore them unto a restored relationship with himself as he is both our Creator, and he is also their Creator too. And yet he does so much the more by His Spirit cry out, and says Come Back Home My Children, for He longs to be their Everlasting Father again as he cries Come Back Home My Child, just as the Father cried for his prodigal Son, for the Son he lost whom he so loved. Luke 3:38, and John 3:16-21.
2nd Corinthians 6:14-18*
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness, or what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement does the temple of G-D have with idols? for ye are the temple of the living G-D; as G-D hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their G-D, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the L-rd, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the L-RD G-D Almighty.
And when I had stepped into their vehicle, they asked, son, do you have everything? Is the timer with you? Now the vehicle they were operating represents their functional belief system, and they asked if I did have everything.
Which represents I have Him who lives within me who is "Eternal Possessing ALL things" so by virtue of who He is I AM the Possessor of ALL things which means everything. Say Amain!
And when my loved one asked me if I had the timer? She was asking if I knew how much time is left in this season, the Season of the L-rd Yeshua's Eminent Return.
When I looked in My Bag, Lo there was the old landmark time counter I recognized it as had before belonged unto My Grandmother.
The timer represents the time when we ALL walked in simpler times. When people had a measure of more respect for your rights, and it further represents where we ought to return unto, restoring the old landmarks, and old boundaries. We need to restore Bible courses in schools, returning the Ten Commandments back into our Courthouses. Minimizing Governments role back to being subjugated back into the Power for We the People, by the People, no more allowing, nor neither permitting the Government to Tyrannize over We the People from whom the Government so does derive the power of it's Authority from those to whom it does serve, the Governed.
And there sat the old landmark timer clock ticking away, and indicating that "Time Is Just About Up" and that there is not but much time left.
So therefore hear the word of the L-RD ye Nations. For whilst the time permits you, Come, buy of me gold tried in the fires of proving, whether you will follow me, or if whether ye wilt continue to follow each your own pernicious treacherous ways, for I will Judge ALL of you as One Woman, as an Adulterous Woman who breaks the Holy Covenant of her G-D in betraying her vows to me in the days of My Sacred betrothals, and your holy espousals wherewith we entered in unto Holy Wedlock with one another says your L-rd, and thy G-D that I AM.
Yea saith the Spirit, buy without the price of money, but purchase you, Yea come, and purchase assurance by the price of your holy surrender, and sanctify yourselves unto the L-rd G-D of Hosts that you all may withal be saved says the Holy King whose Name is Yahweh.
Isaiah 55:6-13*
Seek ye the L-rd while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the L-rd, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our G-D, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the L-rd. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the L-rd for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.
As I proceeded to get into my loved ones car, I commented how that the gum is on sale, and how it is good for my teeth, then my loved one read the ingredients in the pack of gum. So I said she should keep a pack for herself, and said also the same unto my other loved one for he had tears in his eyes.
And the gum again is an aid, and an assistant to help strengthen their ability to chew the Meat, and Potatoes of the Word of G-D Almighty, for the ingredients in the gum base are as follows.
1. Listening 2. Hearing 3. Understanding
4. Obedience 5. Applying the Works of the Obedience G-D Requires of All His Children.
And my other loved one was beginning to tear up, and sob for sorrow, it was due to the fact he was remembering all the past generations who have passed away, some perished, some had been saved, yet he longs to be right with G-D in the deep of his wounded heart.
Does that describe you my beloved? Do you hurt? Longing for restoration of former past relationships long since lost, or so you had thought. For what is impossible with man, it is not impossible with G-D if you will just believe in G-D alone, and trust in his word.
Everything, Yes Everything, Everything Is Possible With G-D!
Give G-D A Mighty Shout Of Halleluyah!
Prophecy from the L-RD from the throne of the L-RD G-D Almighty himself.
Thus saith the Holy One of Yisrael, so as in the days of the prophet Elijah, there was an administration hierarchy of mankind in place albeit an element of false leadership being 450 were stoutly set in opposition unto me, and they were engrossed within a state of defiance, and utter rebellion against me says Almighty G-D, so shall it be done unto this generation, for their plans will be destroyed, and every last one of all their governments stout in rebellion which are against me shall all fall, and shalt never arise ever again.
And as for the hundred pound head of lettuce, I have said, do not be envious against the wicked who brings evil wicked devices to pass, and it seems as though they do prosper in their ways, for I have also said, that you will consider them in the latter days, and you will look for them, but not find them, for I the L-RD thy G-D will sweep them away in blasts of my righteous judgment by the sending forth of the fury of my fiery besoms, which I will use to purge the weeds out of, and away from all my threshing floors, and I will thus consume all of the chaff by the utter, and the complete accomplishment of the totality of all the infuriation of the fury of the rage of all my wrath saith the L-RD.
For the sinner shall die at an hundred years old, and shall be accursed away from my out of my presence forever, and even forevermore.
I AM the L-RD your G-D.
End Of Prophecy.
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty*Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*

The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
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