Kathryn Kuhlman many times often in her
miracle camp-meetings would say, "I have died a thousand deaths" and I
know what she meant.
Dying Daily A Thousand Times Over Is Painful, But Once Your Dead the Devil Has Nothing Left to Tempt You With Anymore! That is If You Are Truly Dead, and Your Life is Hid In Christ our Messiah Yeshua from Nazareth. Selah*
The battle against our human condition of desires, lusts, and passions, and the cravings of the flesh war against our soul.
And in dying to those carnal appetites every day is painful, it hurts to die to ones own appetites.
But dying daily to the flesh is essential!
I have as Kathryn Kuhlman has died, I too die daily and more than a thousand deaths, but multiple thousands of deaths I have died.
And yet the battle rages on! I Die Daily!
How About You? Will You Surrender All to Him who lives to receive your spirit that his Spirit may live on in you, and through you to love all of the others he seeks to save through you?
It is a sacrifice you will agree to pay. I caution you, it is a heavy price!
You may ask, how much will it cost me?
My Answer to you is: "IT COST EVERYTHING TO BE HIS"
Now Come, Take Up Thy Cross, and Follow Me as I Follow Him for He awaits us the other side of Eternity.
Come my Children, all the way to the Tree of Life which is with me on the other side of Eternity. I AM the L-RD thy G-D. It Is Finished!

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