Friday, October 10, 2014

"The Paradise of Eden Discovered Believed to be Modern Day Iraq"


The first civilization ever recorded was the Sumerian Civilization, from which sprung the Akkadian Civilization, from whom the Chaldean Civilization sprung, from whom we know Terah the father of Abram came, it was the Mesopotamian Civilization which sprung from the Akkadian Civilization which traveled to the region of Dilman, or to Hebrew speaking people, the Garden of Eden.

The Holy Bible is a collection of the most ancient stories we have been given through the written languages of man. It began with the Sumerians, then spread to the Akkadians, and then to the Chaldeans, from whom Abraham came, and at the same epoch of time came the Egyptians with the Hieroglyphs which was a advancement in language both spoken, and written from the earliest forms of communication of Cuneiform which originated with the Sumerians the first ever recorded society historically by man.

Civilization which predates the written records are labeled as Pre-Historic, not that they existed before Adam, but they were not recorded or told historically about until the first written forms of communication were discovered, and formed by the Sumerians.

The Holy Bible is the Most Accurate of all historical, and pre-historical records ever combined in one collection of 66 total combined books which are strikingly stunningly 100 percent accurate in all its details.

In other words it is the most refined, most practical, reliable records of the historical as well as the pre-historical records of the known written existence of the origins of the existence of mankind. 

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