Sunday, July 22, 2012

"GOD called to Adam, Where are You my Son? Adam Answered, I am hiding over here LORD"

The L-RD G-D was walking in the Garden he created for Adam. While he was walking in the Garden in the cool of the day he said, Where are you Adam?

Here I am hiding in these bushes LORD said Adam. God said why are you hiding Adam? Adam replied, because I was naked L-RD.

God said who opened your eyes and exposed you to show you that you were naked? Did you eat of the tree of Knowledge whereof I told you that in the day you do eat thereof you shalt surely die?

Adam replied yes I did but the woman you gave me made me to eat of it. G-d said to the woman, what is this thing you have done? The woman said the Serpent deceived me and I ate of the tree and saw that it was good for food.

Then the L-RD G-Ds wrath was kindled against the Serpent and G-d said to the Serpent, because you used your power to deceive Adam, cursed you are, and on your belly shalt you go and eat the dust of the Earth and you are cursed above all the creations I have created said G-d.

Genesis 3:9-14 rendered from the N.E.A.B.A.


N. New
E. Exegetical
A. Accurate
B. Biblical
A. Account

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