To: All My Faithful Children in the Lord God Almighty:
The first Christians were not Catholics they were my people the Jews of which Jesus our Lord is a Jew, Peter, James, John, all Jews.. Catholics came once the last of the Jewish Leadership died off and the Grecian Leaders who forcibly took over the Ekklesia moved the Ekklesia to Rome where it became politically correctly named, "the Church" {the gathering} but historically accurate name is "the Ekklesia" {the called out ones}
Look it up in the Greek word lexicons.. The word used is Ekklesia, which KJV inaccurately mistranslated.
If you will love with a heart like Jesus heart, you now must forgive the Christians or I should say those pretenders to the Name of God, and let them go and by doing so you will release yourself from the Noose you put your own neck in your own self by your unforgiving and hateful spirit which you currently harbor in the reservoir of fury in your spirit and soul.
Then you will be free to Love. Only when you Abandon Hate to Embrace Love..
Or the hate you hold deeply embedded in your heart against others will only poison every other relationship you have currently and all others you will have future tense.
Is your right to hate worth your freedom? Even More, is it worth risking your Eternal soul and eternal life where you will be tormented while receiving the just retribution against you for not forgiving others as God for Christ sake forgave you?
O my people, be not that faithless perverse and unforgiving task-masters of your fellow-servants.
For if you forgive not you shalt surely suffer for it forever in the Lake of fire where death and hell themselves will be cast once they are finally defeated by the return of Jesus from Nazaret.
MATTHEW 18:21-35..
Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazaret
The Talmid {Disciple} of the Talmidim
{Disciples} whom Yeshua {Jesus} Loves.
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