Thursday, March 5, 2015

What Will You I Should Do For You? Will You I Heal You?

Be of Good Cheer, Your Faith Has Made You Whole.

In this, our present discourse we shall reflect upon the two accounts where Jesus from Nazareth asked two different men two different questions.

In John 5:1-7* Yeshua {Jesus} asks the man, do you wish to be made whole?

To which whenever Jesus asks anyone a question, it is not to learn anything of them, but Yeshua {Jesus} asks us questions to reveal unto us that which is already in us, of which is hindering us from his presence, his authority, and to be healed, and restored to total wholeness by the virtue in him, granted if we lose our own contentment with our own present circumstances so we can receive of his own fullness.

But we must remove our own self sufficiency to receive of his abundance.

For I have discovered many times in the synagogues, and in the churches, the people are more than content to be followers, and they never do venture to become leaders.

Ten out of thirteen people as much do rather remain being prefer to warm pews, rather than to preach behind pulpits.

Jesus from Nazareth asks the man, and I paraphrase, are you content to just sit here, to make excuses as to why you remain impotent to this day?

Or will you lose your very own complacency on the ideals it is never getting any better than this! At least I am near to the healing waters even if I do never get well"

And that man began making more excuses as to why it is that he cannot be healed. In effect was saying to Yeshua, but L-rd, it's not my fault! For when I would enter into the water another individual leaps in front of me cutting me off.

He was content to be in the church, so to speak, yet to be one such individual who does not dare to believe G-D wants to make me well, it's just too much for some people to even believe.

You see, we believe G-D can heal us, but we do not hardly believe he wants to heal us, and we seldom trust he ever will heal us.

But G-D doesn't only want to heal us, he wants to restore us back unto our original health: just as if we never had been ill, afflicted by infirmity, bound by mental bondages, or prevented from ever being happy, and successfully in love, with families of our own, and corporate success too.

You see saints, we believe that G-D can heal us, but we do not think he really wants to heal us. Sure he heals other people, but somehow we feel we are different, that we are the exception.

We disqualify ourselves by unbelief that we are just as deserving as anybody else.

We must decide, No More Excuses! I Will Be Not Only Healed, but I Shall Be Made Whole Also!

To the trash dumpster with vile doubt, and in goes the truth we need, to know him, to experience him in the power of his resurrection.

Say Amain!
John 5:1-7*

We must be willing to admit we are blind unto things we cannot perceive, yet when we hear the footsteps of our King and our Messiah passing by, we must cry out in total faith believing Jesus wants to heal me too, and we need to cry out as the blind man, the son of Timaeus did.

Saying, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy upon me! And we must cry louder, and even so the more louder until he stops walking by, as he stands still, and Jesus asks for us, we also as did the son of Timaeus must arise up, throw our garment of beggary from off of us, and by doing show our dependance upon Messiah, not our co-dependance upon the welfare mentality where of we expect to receive help of mankind's social security, and assistance to benefit us into maintaining a life of begging, and our interdependency by the mercies of unjust men, and women, of government programs rather than trusting in the Divine Providence of the L-RD G-D Almighty.

You see saints, in Jewish society in the times in which Jesus from Nazareth lived, a blind man was issued a very unique garment to wear, that which when people seen him wearing this specific garment they automatically knew he was blind.

They then who were blind were issued those garments by the Government to be for them their social security income safe net. People did walk charitably toward their own flesh, that is to say they walked charitably toward their own countrymen, and their own countrywomen.

But when the son of Timaeus heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth approaching, he got a burst of abundant faith, and expectancy which he knew he would definitely be healed by Jesus from Nazareth.

When he cried the crowd in essence said unto him, "Hey you, shut up"

To which the son of Timaeus cried out all the more louder than before!

So let me ask you? Is your faith in the provision of the Government of Man? Or is your Expectancy and Faith in the Government of G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and G-D the Holy Spirit?

Lastly I want you to imagine that Jesus from Nazareth is passing by your way right now.

Will you make excuses?

Or will you cry out Jesus, Son of David, Have Mercy Upon Me!

And despite what others do, or may say, will you cry out louder until Jesus stops, and he calls for you?
Mark 10:46-52*

Let us pray.

L-rd Jesus, precious Jesus, have mercy upon us, and heal us from all of our bondages that have kept us blinded to see you at work from the day we received you as our Saviour.

And be our L-rd as of right now L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth, for we desire a much more intimate walk, and relationship with you.

We do not simply want to know you solely as our holy Saviour, yet now we crown you as our holy L-rd, our holy Ishi, our Husband, and we no more will be content just to be servants, but we want to be your friends, and we do commit to do whatsoever you say to us we must do, we do commit to obey your every word, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, until death do we meet face unto face, so say we all with one voice in one accord, and the whole Masters Bride and Body all say Amain, Amain, and so let it be, Amain! World Without End, forever, and ever, Amain!

Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of Our Blessed L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*

We Now Sound the Shofar in Loving Memory of All Those Who Have Passed Over, and Have Gone On Into the Loving Divine Presence of Our Abba Father YHWH*

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