“The Whore Sitting Upon the Beast Upon Many Waters”
Thus saith the Living Word of G-D Almighty, the Great Nation, Babylon {America}
the Great Has Fallen! And Her Destruction Will Come Swiftly Upon Her in One
Hour. I AM the Sovereign L-RD G-D Yahweh.
I am absolutely stunned by the level of abominations I hear in the show on TV Good Morning America. Wow, they are out of control!!!
Sexual suggestions etc, open lesbian GMA TV Host Robin Rene Roberts has since came out saying she is an open Lesbian Christian.
Excuseeeeee me? Please I pray, tell me just how is it her lesbian lifestyle is at all anything like Christ?
Geeeez America when will you shake yourself from your sleep? The sleep of your death in "The Dust"
Prophecy From The L-RD
This I Exclaim, Awake, O' America, awaken from the violence of the wine of your fornications with the goyim nations. Stop thyself from gorging upon your vile, carnal, evil, and disgusting appetites from delighting in the wickedness of the detestable practices of the foreign nations I judged before you for all of their detestable displays of wickedness, lust, and strange fornications.
If thou wilt refuse, rebel, and continue to commit this thy lewdness, I will plead blood against thee O' America, you seed of the whore that sits upon many waters.
Behold, I AM Against you O' America, and I shalt assuredly send forth the hornet in thy midst, and the locust, and I shalt drive you out of thine own land says the King whose name is Jehovah.
And of those who remain in thy land, I wilt devour thy substance, and your land by biblical proportioned plagues, for I hast warned thee to repent many times. But because you hast spurned my patience, and hast mocked me for the last time!
But if thou wilt yet turn thee, and only acknowledge thy wickedness, and repent with your whole heart, then I will refrain from sending my judgments against thee O' America.
But I know that you will not hear, and thou wilt refuse me saith thy G-D, and thou shalt assuredly bring swift destruction upon your own people and nation because of the stubbornness of thy wicked, vile, debotcheristic, barbaristic, and impenitent heart.
I AM the L-RD thy G-D Yahweh.
I am absolutely stunned by the level of abominations I hear in the show on TV Good Morning America. Wow, they are out of control!!!
Sexual suggestions etc, open lesbian GMA TV Host Robin Rene Roberts has since came out saying she is an open Lesbian Christian.
Excuseeeeee me? Please I pray, tell me just how is it her lesbian lifestyle is at all anything like Christ?
Geeeez America when will you shake yourself from your sleep? The sleep of your death in "The Dust"
Prophecy From The L-RD
This I Exclaim, Awake, O' America, awaken from the violence of the wine of your fornications with the goyim nations. Stop thyself from gorging upon your vile, carnal, evil, and disgusting appetites from delighting in the wickedness of the detestable practices of the foreign nations I judged before you for all of their detestable displays of wickedness, lust, and strange fornications.
If thou wilt refuse, rebel, and continue to commit this thy lewdness, I will plead blood against thee O' America, you seed of the whore that sits upon many waters.
Behold, I AM Against you O' America, and I shalt assuredly send forth the hornet in thy midst, and the locust, and I shalt drive you out of thine own land says the King whose name is Jehovah.
And of those who remain in thy land, I wilt devour thy substance, and your land by biblical proportioned plagues, for I hast warned thee to repent many times. But because you hast spurned my patience, and hast mocked me for the last time!
But if thou wilt yet turn thee, and only acknowledge thy wickedness, and repent with your whole heart, then I will refrain from sending my judgments against thee O' America.
But I know that you will not hear, and thou wilt refuse me saith thy G-D, and thou shalt assuredly bring swift destruction upon your own people and nation because of the stubbornness of thy wicked, vile, debotcheristic, barbaristic, and impenitent heart.
I AM the L-RD thy G-D Yahweh.

Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty*
This Will Be You're Future America if You Fail to Repent 100% unto the L-RD*
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