Book - Foundational Spiritual Intimacy:
5 – Living Holy, and Praying Earnestly for the Bride and Body of Yeshua from
Nazareth, the Messiah”
The sacrifice of living a holy life even when no one but G-d is watching, this is the price one must pay in order to be a eunuch {unmarried man or unmarried woman} who cares for the things of the L-rd, how He or She may please his/or her holy L-rd. Yet it is also true that a couple married in the L-rd can remain as one new-man {a eunuch for G-d} to be a honorable husbandman to the L-rd, watching over the holy Bride and Body of Christ our holy Messiah, our holy King. So therefore my brethren I put you in remembrance of how the married man/woman cares for the things of the world how they may please their spouse. The office of a eunuch as recorded in Matthew 19:18 is a holy matter. He who can receive it let him receive it.
Let me say this, that G-d is the only one person you should
ever be concerned with in all and everything that you ever ponder or meditate
on. To be fulfilling His mandate upon your lives is all you should concern
yourself with, the rest he will take care of. Again Joshua 1:8, commands us to be in a continuous mode of
meditation in G-ds word daily. Meditate the purposes and the Mitzvah
{Commandments} of G-d Almighty, for they aren’t to be entreated grievously,
and are not to be borne with rancor.
His commandments are candles, holy candles that light our
way back to G-d in his holy place and then the holy of hollies where we meet
him face to face. Yet we dare not enter into the holy of hollies with un-confessed
sins in our lives. We speak to him as our Father and our best friend. G-ds
commandments are his candles that go into our golden candlestick {every tablet
of all the levels of our hearts} The candlestick is known as the Menorah and is
the holy candlestick holder, which is the Menorah of illumination and
enlightenment by which we enlighten our souls with his fresh Manna from glory.
A man/or woman’s soul is like an eternal mansion which has endless rooms, just
as the body is not one member, but many. So also is Messiah Yeshua from
Nazareth’s soul, being it is not one member, but many members, for we are the
members of his soul for we are his soul, and each one of us has a soul of many
members also, for he is the Soul of all Souls, the L-rd of all L-rds, and the
King of all Kings. So therefore let this mind be in you, which also was in our
L-rd Christ Jesus from Nazareth. The Mind is the Mind of G-D the Father, the
Soul of G-D the Father. And Jesus from Nazareth is the first member of the Soul
{Mind} of G-D the Father, and we are all
members of one another, for we are the Soul of G-D the Father as his Son, with our L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from
Nazareth as our Supreme L-rd of us all. He is the Last Adam, and We are his
Last Eve. It Is Accomplished!
Please Do Read: 1st
Corinthians 12:12-14, Isaiah 53:10-11, and John 14:1-3.
Once we understand the written word of G-d, G-d begins to
give us fresh revelations of his words and seeds them deeply in our hearts.
Psalm 119:105 says “thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a
light to my path” Do not you see how very critical and crucial it is unto
us to be able to grasp his faithfulness like this.
G-ds holy words are candles that never burn out or come to
an end. G-ds words are our lamps lighting our way back to Him. You are the one
responsible for the maintenance of your own candlestick. If there are none of
the L-rds candles, his mitzvah, his Torah Commandments in your walk with the
L-rd, check yourself or you might lose yourself.
The Apostle James said faith without works is dead. Dead
faith cannot save you but a living vibrant faith will save those who have it
and you must endure to the end. You won’t forget ever again to remember to live
holy lives before the L-rd, to be holy behind closed doors and also the same
outdoors also before men. Just remember you are not doing the works of the
Righteousness of G-D to be seen of men, but to allow a right example of right
living, not self righteous living. You are the righteousness of G-d in Christ
Yeshua the Messiah. Please Read ALL the Scriptures I have listed for you to
observe and to do them.
32:17, Isaiah 59:17, Hosea 10:12, Isaiah 5:16, Psalms 85:10, Isaiah 45:19,
Psalms 85:8, Romans 8:4-5, 1st Corinthians 1:30, 2nd
Corinthians 6:7, Ephesians 4:24-25, Ephesians 6:14, 1st Peter 2:24-25,
2nd Peter 3:13-14, 1st John 3:7, and Revelation 19:6-8.
I know we have a responsibility to witness to others. Yet we
are not always supposed to go up to people without first discerning in them a
readiness to accept the word of G-d. This comes through the Holy Spirit. People
ought to see the glory of G-d upon you and in the life you are living for him.
We are to live before Yeshua from Nazareth, In Yeshua from Nazareth, and with
Yeshua from Nazareth as his Anointed Ones, as his name, as his glory.
Please Read In: John 17:22, Zechariah 14:9, Ephesians 3:15, and 2nd
Chronicles 7:14.
Beloved, let us now focus on our own lives. Let us do so as
we try to be perfect in the Holy Spirit. Yes we are supposed to be perfect. The
word perfect can mean a few things. It means to be sincere, to be upright, and to
not lack any fiber of moral conviction. Galatians
3:3, Genesis 17:1 and Matthew 5:48, Matthew 14-20.
While we can be upright, there is no one who does the little
good things consistently, and yet sins not. Amongst us no one is flawless. We
won’t be flawless until Yeshua from Nazareth presents us faultless to the
Father before his presence, only by his blood, the Spirit of the L-RD that was
shed for all of us.
PLEASE READ: Luke 23:46.
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he
said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having
said thus, he gave up the ghost.
We cannot allow ourselves to forget that it is by grace
through our faith alone that saves us. Our faith is evidenced and shown by the
works of Righteousness we do. It is our works of the law that we are doing upon
Earth. We are not “under the
law” of sin and death no more but “we are of the law” of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:2.
That it is by faith and not by sight that we walk our walk
of faith. Religion is not an organization but is a system of works mixed with
our faith, and it is this mixing that makes our faith truly to come alive. With
our faith we place it in Our King, and Our holy Messiah Yeshua from Nazareth, and
it is these works mixed with our faith that energizes and causes G-d to act in
our lives on our behalf. Our works are the works of the Righteousness of our G-ds
righteousness, and not our own brand, so long as we follow his rules, and do
our best to obey all his regulations.
For example, the Torah {Law} of kindness and witnessing is
this, that you don’t approach anyone unless G-d by his Ruach Hakodesh {the Holy
Spirit} speaks to you to approach them, because ultimately G-d knows who is and
who is not ready to hear the Gospel of our holy King and our Messiah who is
blessed forever, Amain. You would not walk up unto someone who is lost in this
world and say, “G-d gave me a word for you”
If G-d has not brought them unto you, do not go running off unto
them saying what the Holy Spirit has not prepared their heart to hear yet. For
if you do, you might likely hear them blaspheme G-D, or speak profane words and
other ungodly responses. Rather wait upon the L-rd Jesus, our L-rd Yeshua from
Nazareth to speak by G-D the Precious Holy Spirit who abides within you, that
is if you abide within him through daily reading of his holy words. Please
Read: Malachi 3:16-18, Colossians 3:16,
John 12:32.
John 12:32*
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
Pray silently for them within the chambers of your prayer
closet within your heart. Wait ye upon the L-rd and he will bring people to you
in order to enlighten them to the extent that they are able to hear his word. Please
See, and Read: Ecclesiastes
5:1-3, 6.
This is the law of true and faithful witnessing. Yet listen
to me further, it is because many folks are not listening to the gentle, still
small voice of Almighty G-d in their own lives, that they go and speak to early
into other folks lives and ruin what G-d was doing in others lives. We have
many rouge spirited free immoral agents thinking they work for G-D. But the
L-RD did not tell you to go, and speak anything. But you spoke of things you
should not have had spoken. Perhaps maybe G-d told you to sit on your hands for
a season till the time he is ready to release you to speak that word, but you
were so excited and blabbed the matter out and instead of the wine skins
holding the wine, they burst into a million pieces instead of containing the
wine. The wine is the revelations of the L-rd. The wine skins are the people of
G-d. Have you ever heard that you cannot put new wine in old wine skins, for
they will always burst into a million pieces asunder? But the old wine is for
the old wine skins, and the new wine for the new wine skins. Sometimes waiting
to reveal what G-d gave you is totally G-ds will. Immediately releasing a
revelatory word may do more harm than good. But in all cases listen to the Holy
Spirit your Partner. Say Amain.
Even after this G-d can fix things, he wants to forgive you
and repair the breaches you made in your life, and the lives of others. When
you begin by saying you are sorry, it goes so far especially when others are
waiting to hear the words “I am sorry” See: Proverbs 25:11, 28.
Speaking without the Anointing of the Holy Spirit will
destroy lives no matter how good the intention might have been. I know how much
you love people, but you need to take a good long season, maybe seasons and
learn the ways of the Ruach Hakodesh {the Holy Spirit} and let Him Teach you
how to be wise as a serpent, yet harmless as Himself, The Dove.
The Holy Spirit is so gentle in how he teaches us to be his witnesses
unto individuals who do not see or feel him. Yet when they do hear him, and
after they hear him they sense his presence. And when the Spirit touches them,
at a drop of a hat they cry when he touches them. It is “His Holy Anointing” that will enable you to know when to
speak and when not to speak. Yahweh is not a G-D of disorder by any means. G-D
the Precious Holy Spirit is the only source of knowing when to and what to say,
how to say it and when to ease up upon someone. When you see tears begin to
form in their eyes it is time to stop speaking and let G-D continue touching
them by his Spirit.
G-d is not looking for vessels of gold or silver. Yet he is
looking for yielded vessels to his holy prompting.
Jehovah is looking for vessels that are empty and longing to
be filled with his Spirit and Presence. Are you willing to sit down from
ministry for a season so that Jesus can pull you aside and teach you personally
by his Spirit how to be restored to wholeness in his presence and not yours?
Are you tired of empty pews yet, Pastor, are you ready to
let the L-RD our G-D show you what he wants to be done, and just how he wants
it to be brought into being? Then rest in him and let his Spirit control the
steering wheel of your life, and let him Guide you, for he is your Comforter,
and he is your Guide.
And if you refuse to obey the voice of the L-RD thy G-D, then you shall continue to remain frustrated, and you will
also undoubtedly continue to remain out of control.
Until you abide in the Rulership of G-D our Father, and stay
obedient unto the measure of the rule of the L-rdship of our L-rd Yeshua from
Nazareth, and as long as you refuse to obey the instruction, as you abide in
the Guidance of G-D the Precious Holy Spirit, you will remain in a state of
flux, a state of chaos, and unfruitfulness.
You must remember, we are “not under the Law of sin unto
death” But “We are
of the Law of the Spirit of Grace” in
Christ Jesus from Nazareth, Our Wondrous, and Glorious L-rd.
Please Read: Proverbs 25:28, Romans 6:14, Romans 8:2, Luke 21:19.

Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty*

The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
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