Saturday, April 28, 2012

"I Remit You saith the L-RD"

            “I Remit You saith the L-RD”

I remit pain out of my body, and out it goes back to where it came from straight back into the bottomless abyss.

What does it truly mean to remit a sin, whether our own personal sins or the sins of others that were sinned against us?

I have outlined the Greek words used in the Gospel of John 20:23 for Remit, and Retain. The Greek uses the same word used in Luke 11:4 for Forgive.

Remarkably the word for Forgive in the Old Covenant in 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is the word, “Salach” found in Strong’s Dictionary Lexical Aids Translational Reference Index ref. #5545 and it means to forgive as well.

Yet this rendition of the idea to forgive is taken steps far beyond human capability because in “Salach” only the L-RD our G-D can arise to this level of forgiving us.
And that is because when G-D forgives us in Salach, he forgets the transgression and iniquity ever happened in the first place. 

Only G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and G-D the Holy Spirit have this ability to forget offenses after they have forgave us for the offense. 

"O Blessed Trinity! O How I Love Thee"

In John 20:23 the word Remit, and also Remitted in the Greek is the word “Aphiemi” ref. #863 in the Complete Word Study New Testament edited by Zodhiates Th.D. and it means to lay apart.

In John 20:23 the word Retain, and also Retained in the Greek is the word “Krateo” ref. #2902 in the Complete Word Study New Testament edited by Zodhiates Th.D. and it means to lay hold of, to detain, to maintain, to strengthen, to firmly hold with all your strength.

Please do make this a FOOT-NOTE: When we retain we pay the retainer fees.

If you want to be free, then you must first be willing to forgive {to release the spirits} and not detain, and strengthen the hold you have of that alien spirit within you whom you illegally have retained from outside of you while you have been operating outside of the Perfect will of Almighty G-D.

You must be willing to cease and desist from denying the power of the form of your godliness in no longer strengthening yourself in hardening your own spirit with other spirits of demons.

They are taking advantage of you through offenses perpetrated by various people who satanas {the demonic spirits} have and do use to speak through in order to get an advantage over you.

This they do by tricking you into retaining them so they could damage you and ruin your life.

Just pray to G-D your Father.

Pray, "Father G-d, I come to you in the name of my L-rd Jesus, and as his name because I am called by his name, and therefore I am his bride, and his body, I now renounce and remit all demon spirits from my spirit in total repentance to you O L-RD, and I announce you are My Savior, and you are My L-RD, and you are My G-D, O L-rd, Amein.

Precious Holy Spirit I am asking you to please enter into my spirit, my mind, my soul, and make me a member of My L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, as a member of his holy Bride and Body.

Precious Holy Spirit, please fill me and keep me filled with your Spirit and never leave me to myself again.

L-rd, I never wish to be apart from you ever again, nor is it my desire to be alone out of your sweet Presence ever again, Amein."

Congratulations, you are born again, you are safe, and you have just been saved.

Continue to now maintain and retain the sweet Presence of the Holy Spirit by living according to the word of G-D throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

And to start you off on the right foot, begin reading in the Gospel of John.

Jesus loves you and I love you too. Please call 1-888-731-1000 Trinity Broadcasting Network’s Prayer Line, and tell them you were just born again alright.

And ask them if they could help in aiding you in the finding of a new Church home located right by and near to your location in your City.

G-d loves you my Brother, my Sister.

I Love You, Always, Brother Carl~

                   1st Corinthians 13

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