Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"The Gospel of Yeshua's {Jesus} from Nazareth's Divine Torah and of Grace"

"The Gospel of Yeshua's {Jesus} from Nazareth's Divine Torah and of Grace"

Beloved, Unto you do I Carl surnamed Joshua, an Apostle of the holy L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth do now address this holy Epistle unto you as you are this day, the Ecumenical World Wide Bride and Body of the Messiah, even our holy L-rd Jesus Christ, written by my own hand.

Unto the well Beloved and Chosen Ekklesia, those called out of the systems of this worldly age, called by G-D, even the Father, for you are all called out of this worlds darkness into the glory of the L-rds marvellous light.

All of you are called regardless no matter of where you presently dwell as sojourners in this earth, out from every tribe, nation, tongue, and people.

Grace be multiplied and Mercy unto those of you who are walking worthy of the vocation whereby they have been called.

Hear me O my children of whom I have and both do continually travail in birth again in the Spirit until Christ be formed within you, to the end I may present you unto G-D, his bride, spotless and kept pure from the filth of this present world which enters through the bondage of corruption through licentious uncontrollable unhindered lusts that infiltrate the body by the mind through licentious thoughts propagated by the shayateens, the wicked spirits ruling through the children of darkness through the agency of the arrogance of those to whom they control.

They continually do go about sporting themselves without fear as they feast amongst you as if they are of the number of the holy ones of the people of the Saints of the Most High G-D, unto whom alone belongs all Glory, Dominion, Power and Praise, unto whom our Allegiance only is due.

They are clouds without rain, winds of tempests uncontrolled as they desire to spread confusion in your midst. Mark them well who cause divisions and have no more to do with such base people both male and female. For what fellowship has light with the defective light of this world which is counted as the darkness of the devil and that old serpent Satan.

Hear the Spirit of Adonai, Your hurried pace doesn't preemptively cause G-D anxiety, nor do your demands cause the favor of G-D to bless you while you steadily retain a lifestyle effectively bringing you into the disorder of Satanas. (the demonic spirits whom are the innumerable host of seducing spirits)

You cannot drink from both Fountains, the one of the L-rd, then the other of the shayateen.(demons)

You cannot serve both, for while you love the one, you hate the other, and the good you would otherwise do, you are unable to find a way to accomplish it without interruption.

But though you may fall, yes even if you fall seventy times seven times in a single day, I tell you the truth, arise back up, your in a war and you won't win every battle, but you must strive to enter at the narrow gate in order to abide within Christ the L-RD and maintain the headship of the ministry Ha'Shem (G-D) has entrusted unto you.

Fear not little flock, it is My Fathers intention to give unto you the Kingdoms maintained by his Superior Kingdom which is the Kingdom which belongs unto the true holy ones (the holy Saints of the Almighty G-D)

Now go, do what the Master commanded all of us to do and, "Love one another even as I have loved you - Jesus from Nazareth" never preferring strangers, but your own people, the people of the holy Saints of the Most High G-D.

Now May the very G-D of peace keep your hearts and minds through my gospel whereby I Carl preach unto you now, yes the only Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ the righteous, Amein. World without end.

Love Always In the Holy Spirit,

Joshua Carl*

                                 Voice of the Prophetic

Monday, June 11, 2012

"To Everything there is a Season, even a Time to be Healed"

“The Reasons Why I have Trust Issues with G-D”

As a kid I was told, you will never amount to anything in life. And other statements I cannot fully remember, but that one was the worst.

I grew up feeling I could not measure up to the standard set before me. My parents did the best they could, and tried their best too. I believe their parents set standards for them which also were unattainable for them as well. This profoundly affected their views, and shaped the ways they learned and thought. It would profoundly affect their parental abilities later after marriage and raising us kids who came shortly thereafter.

But as the Bible says all have fallen short of the Glory of G-d and are in need of his Grace. Now I stand in need of G-ds healing graces too!

I grew up in school always in trouble because I felt I couldn’t measure up there either. The thought that I would likely never amount to anything in life terrorized me day and night.

I remember little projects I did to get praised by my parents or sibling sister, but when I didn’t get the admiration I thought it deserved, I felt hurt, I destroyed them, I tore them to pieces, I personally self destructed my projects and then would be so depressed inside because I destroyed the thing I loved so much, that no one else thought was worthy of their admiration. I went into my bedroom and just would cry to G-d for hours.

No one knew the hurt I felt, I internalized it and later in life because I never felt affirmed by my parents, I shut everyone else out too because inside I said, no one will believe in me if my own parents do not believe in me. So I was constantly in trouble as a most rebellious teen. No one knew why, neither did I until today as G-d revealed my heart to me.

I secretly do not believe even G-d wants to bless me with a wife that I would feel honored that G-d honored my request. Because inside I do not trust him that he wants to do this for me based upon the traumatizing events I suffered as a child learning you cannot trust anyone in this life.

I believe G-d can do it, so I believe in him, however I do not trust he cares enough to bless me with the wife I desired all my life because I was never affirmed as a child, a teen, even to this day I do not feel my parents believe in me because the things they say to me concerning my dreams, my entrepreneurial enterprises.

They tell me I waste my money, I am wasting my time etc. They do not believe in my ability to be an uncommon achiever, they never affirmed me and they put me down saying I would never amount to anything in life, then gave their reasons why they thought that.

It has profoundly affected my belief in G-d as my Father because I now do not trust any promise about deliverance for me from my sins, I do not believe he cares enough to do for me what he has for others. And it stems from my childhood memories of things my parents said 30 years ago that still hinder me to this day, but the buck stops here, and goes no further!

I do not require their belief in me, nor their affirmation no more, nor do I seek it from here on out. They are not my gods no more, I exist no longer, no more to please them or even try to make them proud of me, No More!

Jehovah G-d is my G-d. I am his Son, and because he forgave me I now forgive them and set myself free of their unachievable expectations of me. I just pray they will be healed of those unachievable expectations placed upon them by their parents as well. I pray for them to be healed also.

We all want what is best for our kids, but if we shoot them down before they grow up by cursing their lives saying “you’re stupid, you won’t be nothing when you grow up” it is statements like those that are so devastating.

I forgive my parents now, and I am more than a conqueror through my L-rd Jesus from Nazareth who gave his life that I could be redeemed from the curse of those words ignorantly spoken by my parents 30 years ago. I know it is out of their own wounded hearts that they couldn’t please their parents either, that so shaped the way they raised their children being myself, and my sister.

I tried everything to medicate my pain in my hurting wounded heart. I tried some drugs such as weed, pot. I tried alcohol, cigarettes, promiscuity. You name it I probably did it. I did it all, that I could attempt to forget the pain I felt by feeling pleasure and if but only for a while. Porn magazines were the favorite candy to ease my pain because I felt pleasure and it helped me escape the reality of the moment.

The only problem with that is that once the enjoyment left the pain was still there. To this day I struggle with that addiction. But knowing why I do that I believe shall aid me in the defeating of porn out of my life entirely and I pray soon rather than later, Amein!

My emotional wounds never healed even unto this day, now it is true, it caused me to be in constant trouble in school, and no one could figure out why. I couldn’t tell them because I was not able, nor could I fully comprehend the exact issues nor did I possess the intellect to express my pain until today as the Writer & Author G-d Almighty has created me to be.

Now I begin the healing process with G-d.

First in my forgiving my parents for the disservice they did to me in cursing me though ignorantly, yet they still did and for that I forgive them, because partly I believe and know that it was done to them as they did it unto me.

I further cannot permit them to nor can I be around them if they wish to continue speaking negatively about any endeavor I take on, for if they do I will swiftly cut them off out of my life until they repent of their disastrous words.

If you won’t speak positively about me, around me, and to me, you will be denied access to my life permanently as well until you repent of your wicked ways and that goes for anyone!

I will not sacrifice my eternal life for people even if those people are my parents, I will not sacrifice my life to be attacked personally by their unbelief in my abilities, their doubt, their lack of faith and whatever else it is that comes out of their mouth.

If they deny they did these things, it may be that it was too horrifying to remember that they blocked it out, if that is true I forgive them. If they wish to persist in those negative remarks, I cannot subject myself to that and they will see me no more until they repent and acknowledge the misdeeds in the past up to this present day.

Unless they change these errant ways of theirs, I will not give my other cheek to them to smite because I ran out of cheeks years ago. Enough is enough, and I have learned that if you allow abuse to continue it surely will continue. This is where it ends today right here, right now!

I am going to appeal to G-d now in my L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth, asking him to help me not only believe in his desire to bless me with my wife I know he knows I love in every fashion way and form whomever she may be.

I also ask G-d to help me trust him because I never trusted anything my parents said, Oh I believed them, but I never trusted a word because early on I learned not to trust them at all, not ever, and that is because I erected walls that were unable to be penetrated. I was tired of feeling hurt so I turned my hurt into fury, rage, and vengeance.

Now I am willing for the Holy Spirit to penetrate those walls, to heal me and help me discern who to allow past those walls, and who to keep out.

I want to trust that G-d will not only heal me but in healing me he will set me free from pornography, and add to me my future wife. I am committed to this process no matter what it means, no matter how painful it is for my parents to read this, or anyone else.

It is not about them, THIS IS ABOUT ME! Read my font! It’s About Me receiving healing from Jehovah G-d. I shall be healed!!


I love my Parents, but I just am no longer willing to stifle my hurt for their comfort.

If you have similar experiences in your life, I pray for you right now in the Holy Spirit, that you will be ministered unto by this word and that you too will come to realize it was not your fault that you were wounded. And I pray you will begin the Journey to Your Healing in G-d by the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth as he heals you and aids you in the ability to trust him, and as you trust him for one day at a time.

Days will turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, “Just Trust Jesus for One Day at a time, One Week at a time, One Month at a time, One Year at a time” And he shall surely Heal You.

Almighty G-d loves you, I Love you too, and I am praying for you. So please pray for me too.

Shalom Aleichem {Rest in His Peace} Amein.

Love Joshua Carl S. Vitale~

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Does Your Anchor Hold in the Midst of the Storms of Your Life? If Not, why not Invite the Lord to be your Captain now"

Greetings Mishcopah {Family} in Christ, our Lord, our Messiah, and our soon arriving King!

Does your Anchor hold you firmly? Or have you experienced turbulence without assurance?

The Anchor Holds even though the ship gets battered, the Anchor Holds in the midst of the Storm, I have fallen on my knees as I faced the raging seas, but through it all, the Anchor holds and the Anchors name is Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ our Messiah.

Keep fighting, Keep getting back up when you are tripped up and have fallen into the weakness of your carnal appetites, and repent, be steadfast, unmovable, and be encouraged, for though the righteous falls even 7 times he/or she always gets right back up and keeps keeping on. 

If you want to see good days you must persevere through the bad days to get unto the good ones.

That is the tenacity you must possess if you are going to make it to the City New Jerusalem, whose maker and builder is God. Hebrews 11:8-10, and Revelation 21:1-8, and Luke 9:23-26, and Luke 9:62.

"MEMORY SCRIPTURE VERSE: LUKE 9:62, "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having  put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God" 

In Luke 21:19 He records the Lords words who said, "In your Patience possess you your own soul"

the Apostle Paul {Sha'ul in Hebrew} said in Romans 5:3-6.

"Verse 3. And not only so, but we glory {praise him} in our tribulations also, in we know that tribulation perfects patience in us.

Verse 4. And patience leading into experience, and experience leading into hope.

Verse 5. And hope does not shame us, because it is the love of God which is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost whom has been given unto us.

Verse 6. For when we were yet with no strength, in due time Christ, our Messiah died for the ungodly.

So Praised be Ha'shem {Hebrew for "the Name"} of Our Lord Jesus from Nazareth who is rich in mercy unto all. Only take not your Liberty in the Faith whereby you have been baptized unto as an excuse to sin. Abuse not the Grace of God using it as a coat you use when it is convenient to you as an occasion to your carnal appetites, which things ought not so to be done, Amein.

Acts 16:31, "Believe you yourself on the Lord Jesus, and you and your whole house shall be saved" 

Simply ask him to come into your heart and live with you, to love you when you do not even feel good about some of your own decisions you make time and again. He will never turn his heart away from you, not ever!

Pray, "Lord Jesus please forgive me, I am so weak at times and I make no excuses, yet I ask you to come live in my heart Lord, save my soul, heal my life, and give me strength to carry on until happily one fine day I see you face to face and you welcome me home to stay. Together forever shall we be, and thank you Jesus for saving my soul, I love you with all my heart Lord, and it is in your name I pray, Amein."

Welcome to the Family of God dear one. 

You are according to 2nd Corinthians 5:17, you are a brand new person, a new creation with a new heart from God, and all the old things of your past are passed away, and all things in your life including you yourself are brand new in Christ your Lord Jesus from Nazareth.


Love Always in the Ruach Hakodesh {The Holy Spirit}

The Prophet of the L-RD & the Evangelist of the L-rds Hand,

Joshua Carl S. Vitale*

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Do You Desire More of Me saith the L-RD? Will you let me Heal you now saith thy L-rd?

Enter into the Joy of thy L-rd

Friday, June 1, 2012

SOLEMN PRAYER PETITION: To My God "Prayers From the Heart"


Copy & Paste the Below Portion except the Pictures into Word Document, then Save & Print Out.

              SOLEMN PRAYER PETITION: To My God "Prayers From the Heart"

O God help me learn more about you. Lord I need you, I need you when everything is going perfectly, and I need you more when they are not.

Help me to understand that the truth is though I am not tempted at this moment, the next moment may not remain so, and to give me thy wisdom when temptation comes to run, run, and run to you and to read your word daily and not starve myself of your love only found in your presence when I come to my oven finding fresh loaves of your holy daily bread that I may live and not die but that I be with you eternally.

Faith is not ignoring your Problems acting as if they exist not. Faith Is Acting as if God is actually Greater than your Problems and the strength you need to Overcome your fears and trusting Him to lead you to the answers you need to solve your daily issues with his daily bread.

O God My Heart Cries, for more of You. I wanna see your Face O God, I wanna feel your Embrace, Come fill the Empty place inside my Heart.

Under your Wings is where I Long to be, Just You and Me never apart.

You are My Hearts greatest Joy Father God and I want to be with you LORD, grant me a place by your side in Glory. And I promise you no matter what I have to do to stand by you, whatever I must resist, My answer to you will be identical to your Answer to me when you came to die for me and that is, "I WILL"


Love thy Servant O God,

“Sign Your Name”   ____________________________.