Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"The Gospel of Yeshua's {Jesus} from Nazareth's Divine Torah and of Grace"

"The Gospel of Yeshua's {Jesus} from Nazareth's Divine Torah and of Grace"

Beloved, Unto you do I Carl surnamed Joshua, an Apostle of the holy L-rd Yeshua {Jesus} from Nazareth do now address this holy Epistle unto you as you are this day, the Ecumenical World Wide Bride and Body of the Messiah, even our holy L-rd Jesus Christ, written by my own hand.

Unto the well Beloved and Chosen Ekklesia, those called out of the systems of this worldly age, called by G-D, even the Father, for you are all called out of this worlds darkness into the glory of the L-rds marvellous light.

All of you are called regardless no matter of where you presently dwell as sojourners in this earth, out from every tribe, nation, tongue, and people.

Grace be multiplied and Mercy unto those of you who are walking worthy of the vocation whereby they have been called.

Hear me O my children of whom I have and both do continually travail in birth again in the Spirit until Christ be formed within you, to the end I may present you unto G-D, his bride, spotless and kept pure from the filth of this present world which enters through the bondage of corruption through licentious uncontrollable unhindered lusts that infiltrate the body by the mind through licentious thoughts propagated by the shayateens, the wicked spirits ruling through the children of darkness through the agency of the arrogance of those to whom they control.

They continually do go about sporting themselves without fear as they feast amongst you as if they are of the number of the holy ones of the people of the Saints of the Most High G-D, unto whom alone belongs all Glory, Dominion, Power and Praise, unto whom our Allegiance only is due.

They are clouds without rain, winds of tempests uncontrolled as they desire to spread confusion in your midst. Mark them well who cause divisions and have no more to do with such base people both male and female. For what fellowship has light with the defective light of this world which is counted as the darkness of the devil and that old serpent Satan.

Hear the Spirit of Adonai, Your hurried pace doesn't preemptively cause G-D anxiety, nor do your demands cause the favor of G-D to bless you while you steadily retain a lifestyle effectively bringing you into the disorder of Satanas. (the demonic spirits whom are the innumerable host of seducing spirits)

You cannot drink from both Fountains, the one of the L-rd, then the other of the shayateen.(demons)

You cannot serve both, for while you love the one, you hate the other, and the good you would otherwise do, you are unable to find a way to accomplish it without interruption.

But though you may fall, yes even if you fall seventy times seven times in a single day, I tell you the truth, arise back up, your in a war and you won't win every battle, but you must strive to enter at the narrow gate in order to abide within Christ the L-RD and maintain the headship of the ministry Ha'Shem (G-D) has entrusted unto you.

Fear not little flock, it is My Fathers intention to give unto you the Kingdoms maintained by his Superior Kingdom which is the Kingdom which belongs unto the true holy ones (the holy Saints of the Almighty G-D)

Now go, do what the Master commanded all of us to do and, "Love one another even as I have loved you - Jesus from Nazareth" never preferring strangers, but your own people, the people of the holy Saints of the Most High G-D.

Now May the very G-D of peace keep your hearts and minds through my gospel whereby I Carl preach unto you now, yes the only Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ the righteous, Amein. World without end.

Love Always In the Holy Spirit,

Joshua Carl*

                                 Voice of the Prophetic

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