Chapter 4 - Exposing the Real Enemy and Speaking Healing to G-ds People.
Let me now say a word about our enemy. The enemy is Lucifer and the fallen angels and all the demons running to and fro in the earth, and the enemy is not your brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the demons who run to and fro in the earth because they do not have wings like their fathers the fallen angels. If demons had wings, they would be in the heavenly outer space regions {the second heaven} with their fathers the fallen angels. Genesis 6:1-4.
The fallen angels couldn’t die because they are eternal beings, retaining not earthly bodies forever as we do. Their children the demons we fight had physical bodies but they were half angel and half man, the Nephilim Giants. The flood of Noah destroyed them, and they died of their physical bodies, but their spirits lived on because they were also angelic spirits in nature too. These are the demons we fight today, the unclean disembodied spirits. They have had five thousand seven hundred and seventy three years to study mankind and how to make us sin against our Father Almighty G-d. They are mighty foes and not to be taken lightly. This is why G-d says we need rely not on the arm of flesh but on the arm of the L-rd. Jeremiah 17:5, Ephesians 6:12-20 and Psalm 1:1-3.
Our overall concern right now is to get organized and undivided as the Bride and Body of our wonderful L-rd Jesus Christ, Yeshua our Messiah. Just know that when we all become united in total unity in our holy Faith, the Faith of the Son of G-d, we will then overcome the demons {the shayateens in the Arabic language} and fallen angels and send them directly to the abyss where they belong. Galatians 2:20, Romans 16:20.
When we accomplish that, we will take authority over the kingdom of the heavenly realms in outer space {the second heaven} When we will begin giving orders to the angels of G-d Almighty in his name, and as his name. 2nd Chronicles 7:14, James 2:7, and John 17:22.
The Word of G-d says that Yeshua gave us the honor to become the Sons of G-d because we believed {committed to} him. Jesus said to the Apostles that he could command twelve legions of angels to come to his aid and they would obey him. If we then are become likewise sons and daughters of G-d, we have that same authority too, but yet it must be orders within reason. Isaiah 45:10-11, and Luke 10:19-21. G-d will not permit his Angels to obey our orders if our orders are of our own foolish vengeful will, and not stemming from his perfect will.
1st Corinthians 6:3 says we will judge angels. If we will judge them, how much more will we give orders to them? I say much more! Then they will obey our orders and instantly begin to fight the principalities and or fortresses of Lucifer in the heavenly places. The angels of G-d will fight and carry out our orders we give them in Yeshua’s name, for we are superior to them and our L-rd told us in Isaiah to command him the work he is to do, concerning the work of his hands and what is to be done. No angel can say they are G-ds child and have such power with Him. Only we can claim this. Read Matthew 26:53, John 14:12, Isaiah 45:11, 2 Kings 6:15-17, Matthew 11:12, Daniel 10:12 and Revelation 12:6-11.
The word glory means “name, power, authority, renown and character” It has other meanings too but these are the meanings the Holy Spirit has me focused on. The main one is name. Jesus said I have kept them in your name, the name thou hast given me I have given to them. What is his name? It is Jesus. Jesus looked at Simon and called him Peter (a Rock). Who is a Rock but G-d the Son. Jesus is that Rock. But Jesus looked at Simon and looked into him, and Yeshua from Nazareth said you are that Rock now. In other words Yeshua {Jesus} is saying you are the extension of me on the earth Peter. You and all who call on my name are my name, and whatsoever you ask the Father as my name and in my name, the Father will do it for you that I may be glorified.
This authority have all his saints, that we can ask according to his will, and it will be done. Yeshua our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth is the First born, the beginning of the Creation which is of G-d. That Creation is the Son of G-d reborn on the Earth, and we are it, we are his Creation and our L-rd is the Leader of the entire Creation now. We can command things be done within the will of G-d and it will be accomplished and done. This is mighty revelation people. I glory in G-d and praise Him who alone is Holy. Halleluyah!
“My L-rd Yeshua you alone are Holy and you alone are Worthy” Glory be unto the L-rd of Glory, Amain!
Yeshua is the Head of the Body of his anointed ones, in that Yeshua is the Christ, but we are corporately extensions of him on earth. Revelation 11:15.
Please see you do Read Revelation 11:15. I thank G-d that he is G-d, and he is always right on time, shout Glory Halleluyah.
Now here are some foundational scriptures to remember and rely upon. Acts 10:42, Romans 2:16, Daniel 7:22, 1 Corinthians 6:3, Job 4:18 and Jude 1:6.
What can we say to these things? None of this can occur if we do not live holy lives unto G-d, separated from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, for they are not of G-D the Father. If these be in you then the love of G-d abides not in you. 1st John 2:15-17.
We are fellow workers with G-d to bring about his perfect will upon the earth. Without us G-d does not have any agents to work through upon the earth. Give G-d a praise offering right now, Halleluyah! We must live unto the Precious Holy Spirit, to our Father, and continue to lift up Yeshua of Nazareth our L-rd. Living lives by which our Comforter and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit has free will, and free course to do as he wishes to do. With the complete purpose to save all lives, and all of the souls of the dying and hurting, who do not think G-d cares for them, but G-d cares very much for them.
So my question is, will you live selfishly in your separate denominations? Or will we live as one Nation not Denomi {separate} nations? Is not the cost we are to pay high? But we must pay {Live} it. We have our L-rd who paid {lived} for us.
He died to his desires to give us life eternal. Will we not now willingly die to our desires, so we may breathe life eternal into the lives of countless millions of souls even billions now by speaking forth his Spirit into their lives through the words we speak? We are his body, say Amain. And his body was on the Cross {we are his Bride & Body} we must die to self to live for him. We must lift him up, and he will draw all mankind to him in us, his body, because we are his bride and his body of believers upon the Cross {us upon the Cross} Then we will pray with them, they will get saved by the millions all over the globe. Living in the Spirit means the body is dead {symbolically and not literally speaking} because of sin, but alive because of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus now dwellest and lives in us.
Come on Church, Come on Synagogue, Shake Yourself, Awake up! Matthew 8:22, and Romans 8:10.
We are to count the cost. And yes the cost is high but Our L-rd paid the Ultimate Price for us, now we must yield our bodies as living spiritual sacrifices to him {Romans 12:1} therefore we must pay the price too, so that many may find Messiah too. If we die not to our desires the Precious Ruach Hakodesh {The Precious Holy Spirit} cannot draw all mankind to Yeshua, which body we are. Don’t listen to the unclean spirits saying save yourselves and come down from the Cross you bare. Stay upon the Cross, and allow G-d to use your sacrifice of your life lived out unselfishly to be his witnesses, in order to draw all mankind to the Cross of his Son Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ.
Then they will flock to you saying “G-D is with you and I will follow you to the house of G-d” Halleluyah. They will get saved and set free, and they will embark upon the greatest Journey of their life which G-D Almighty has to offer them. It is the Greatest of all Journeys. It is a life hidden in King Messiah Yeshua, Halleluyah. We need to continue building the building of G-d, the Sons of G-d upon the earth right now in this present age, throughout all ages both male and female in Messiah, there is no diffentiating, we whom have the Spirit of Christ are his Almah {Veiled One} and we will become his Holy Calah {His Holy Bride} on that fine day he returns for us. Romans 8:18-22 and Colossians 1:18 Yeshua has always had his Bride & Body upon the earth.
The children of disobedience are sinning by staying off of the Cross, living in pleasures, and are dead while they live, and they don’t even really realize or know it. Yet G-d is calling the children of disobedience to return to the Stauros {the Cross} of the Anointed One, {many members} of his Son Yeshua of Nazareth who is the Anointed One of the Father, and Jesus is the L-rd of all of us who are obedient sons, and daughters. So We must agree Yeshua is supreme "Over all of those who are disobedient, and he is L-rd "Of all who are obedient" and that forevermore, Amain.
Yes the cost of building the Building of G-d is a high cost but I am paying it, but are you willing to do the same also? We whom are the called and the chosen of G-d have counted the cost, and we are paying it daily by denying ourselves to live unto our G-d who is the Most High G-d. Hashem is our Source. Who is your source?
Is your local City or Township you live in your G-d? Or is Jehovah Jireh you’re source? Decide whether the Government is your L-rd, or whether Almighty G-d is your Source. Maybe the USA is your Source? Is it going to be Jesus? Or you’re Country? Come on be honest. It is high time to get right with the L-rd our G-d. Say Amain!
“O L-RD, we all have strayed from you. Please seek thy servant's for we have not forgotten all your precepts, and we love thy law O L-rd. We seek your face with all our heart now O G-d, hear us we pray thee, we repent O G-d” And the people said “AMAIN”
Yes we really do need to repent and once again surrender what does not belong to us, and it is the tenth part of our vows to the L-RD our G-D.
It is the tithe. We also need to give G-d free will offerings because the L-RD our G-d cannot bless those whom he cannot trust. If you do not give the tithe {ten percent} off the gross income each pay check you get, then you are robbing G-d. But you will say you’re not robbing G-d? Then explain why G-ds covenant blessings are not seen in your life.
Yet you borrow money, but G-d said you wouldn’t be borrower if you would only obey him and keep his Mitzvah, his holy commandments. But since you obey him not, you are borrowing money to buy food and cars, houses, jewelry etc.
You buy these things with money that does not belong to you. Then when you dig a hole so deep of financial ruin, you cry out and scream bankruptcy. Why won't you simply just repent, and get things right with your G-d, the Almighty.
The L-RD alone owns all the gold, silver and cattle on all the hills, and all the mountains. Truly Adam’s sin proliferated throughout the entire human race. Many Churches are still robbing G-d of his tithes and offerings. We are eating from the tree of knowledge of good, and of evil still in every generation.
Observe this saying:
"The tree of knowledge was not a tree of apples, but it was of understanding how to operate away from the principles of G-d Almighty"
It was the title tithe and offerings and it belonged to G-d and only unto the L-RD our G-D did it belong, and still belongs to him. Yes it was a literal piece of fruit but not an apple as we are taught.
Well Eve didn’t hearken {listen with obedience} to G-d the L-rd. She took and ate, she was deceived by Lucifer. Then she gave Adam to eat. Adam knew what it was he was eating but he ate it anyway. The glory of G-d lifted off their lives and they both at that point spiritually died and the eyes of their flesh were opened. If Adam would have had rebuked Eve, they would not had ever died spiritually or physically. Adam was the one holding the final decision on whether to die or live because he held the headship, not the woman. He rallies in a protest out onto G-d saying “the woman you gave me deceived me into eating of it” and so he blamed the woman but blamed G-d too saying “G-d you gave Eve to me” So in other words Adam said, it is her fault G-d, but it became his fault when he did not live up to his responsibility in rebuking her for her insanity in eating the fruit {the fruit of understanding} of another way apart from G-ds way of doing things which we know is another way to say the Kingdom of G-d.
Eve Broke covenant with G-d, thus Adam wanted to know now what his wife knew, he allowed her to teach him another way of operating, which was outside the way of G-ds operating {the kingdom of G-d} and so they two walked away from the perfect will of G-d. There is only one way to serve G-d, and it is to do things the way He says, not the way of the Serpent Lilith. It was this fault that plowed a field of wickedness unto which all the creation fell into, the fallen state of mans depraved mind, depraved of his bright nature in G-d.
Scientists have found out that the compounds of the dust of the ground by which our bodies were created by G-d, those compounds are made out of pure light. Therefore our bodies are made out of light. G-d is light and our spirits came from him, therefore we are light. With us being light and our bodies being light, Adam had such a brilliant shining nature about him that there was no night about him. Just continual light, for he and Eve were covered also by the glory of G-d as well. Not only did G-d make our bodies out of light, but our spirit who we ourselves are, we are light and the Glory of G-d is our covering. Talk about brightness but this is what G-d is resetting us back unto. The Bible is from Genesis to Revelation a book of redeeming us back to Genesis before the sin of man who was recorded as being the Son of G-d. Luke 3:38.
If I can say this, 1st Genesis to Revelation are leading us to 2nd Genesis in New heavens and a new Earth. Isaiah 66:22-23.
Now we have many religions trying to be good enough, as if to be accepted by G-d. But G-d says nope, there is only one way, and not thirty different ways. Follow my Son Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ, the righteous. Accept what Jesus did for you and you can be saved. Yeshua is the way {the gate to the tabernacle of G-d} and Yeshua is the truth {the door to the holy place} and Yeshua is the life {the veil to the presence of G-d Almighty}
There is no other way to get to the Father but by the L-rd Yeshua our Messiah, the righteous One Amain. We are the L-rds Bride and Body upon the earth. We can lead them to the Way, because we are the Light to this mentally darkened world. Read: Matthew 5:14.
Let us talk about the tabernacle of G-d now for a few minutes. The tabernacle of G-d was as such. First we came to the gate which Yeshua said he is. The Way {the Gate} is where we enter the tabernacle of Almighty G-d. Immediately we are faced with the brazen altar of sacrifice, where we must die to self in order to live unto Him. That dying to self is so hard to do. It is not impossible though, so be of a good courage now Saints.
Yet when you are burnt like a log of wood into the nothingness of ashes, it will hurt to die, but when you are dead to the passions of the carnal mind, you are set free to live unto Him. Then you can no longer be burnt, If you really died daily to the flesh, and the lusts of the creation of our human bodies.
After being burnt you can fall on the devils like tons of bricks and crush their headship out of your life. They are the demons as I mentioned before, spoken of in Genesis 6:1-4.
Once your obedience is fulfilled then you will be endued with power from on high. 2nd Corinthians 10:6 and Acts 1:8.
Now if we want to be used by G-d, we must go through some things first. And yet first we must experience the deliverance of G-d first, if we want him to use us to touch the lost and hurting souls of humanity, he must deliver us for we are unable to deliver ourselves except to his Holy Word. Micah 7:15-20. ALL Israel shall be saved.
Halleluyah, The answer is in that we must submit to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. When he says to go read the word of G-d, we must do it, for if we do not, we surely know sin lays at the door of our life. And apart from the word of G-D, we are defenseless against the onslaught of Satan without the words of Christ our King, and our Holy Messiah.
We cannot lounge around waiting for the pastors to preach to us from the Bible. Get up and read for yourself, learn how to fish for yourself My Children.
Be good olives {fruit} and when you are crushed into fine oil, strain into the vats {storage places} of the L-rd. Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit says to G-ds Anointed Lambs Amain.
When you lay upon your bed and an unclean spirit is coming against you to cause you to imagine wicked mental pictures, in hopes to cause you to sin, do not submit to their temptation to succumb and then do it. That wicked spirit is trying to get you to give it pleasure through using you. You heard me, demons can feel, they can plot, they can communicate evil desires and much more.
They used to have bodies like ours, but they were exceeding tall. Some of them were 18 to 25 feet tall. They all had the same characteristics we had in bodily form. They are eager to get a body for the sole purpose of seeking pleasure again for themselves, therefore in that process they also bring you down to hell forever to be with them. They seek to do these things before they themselves get tossed into the lake of fire, the Abyss of Eternal Fire and outer darkness. Please Read: in Revelation 20:10-15.
They know where they are going. Do not let them fool you into thinking a little sex, a little masturbation outside of marriage is ok. Sex before marriage is not ok, and masturbation even after being married is not proper, for it defeats the purpose of sex! G-d is forgiving but His Grace is not to be used for an occasion to the flesh. G-ds grace is so you may be saved. It is not for us to use so we can go continue on sinning, and sin unto death knowing you will be forgiven.
One day if you sin knowing what you’re doing is wrong, you might catch an incurable disease {Aids, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, or Worse} diseases not even named yet. Oh come on now, you know I am telling you the truth. I am the Light of the world exposing the darkness of the secrets of demons, and those secretly hidden matters of mankind. The hearts of man and woman are very haughty and evil.
Genesis 6:5 Change your mind today and serve G-d in your spirit, and in your soul, also your mind and your body Amain.
Read what can happen:
If you don’t repent. Romans 1:18-32, Galatians 5:13 Jude 1:4-10, Deuteronomy 28:15-67.
We are used to quoting that scripture that says, “Do not touch not mine anointed and do not my prophets any harm” Yet we use that scripture to sin. We say devil I am going to go to the bar and win souls, but when we leave the bar all we won was a drinking contest and we are stone drunk. Come on now, you know that is true for many of us in the past.
For others of us the sin is porn websites, films from the adult corner store, use of sex toys etc. We say G-d is forgiving and he will forgive us. Don’t be a fool!
G-d said he will not be mocked, and if you sow to your carnal appetite you will conceive the thoughts of lust, and you will sin unto your own spiritual death, and then physical death one day to reap eternal death in hell. But thank G-d through Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ, Yeshua Our Messiah! For in him, as we dwell in his word, we come to realize and know that we have been, and are forgiven Amain.
He said if we confess our sins {and do not hide them from others} and we then repent, meaning doing an about face toward Almighty G-d and continue to keep walking away from our sins which so easily beset us {derailing desires keeping us from our purpose in G-d} You see many Christian Church Members and Messianic Jewish Members of Synagogues just repent nightly. They say forgive me G-d every night before going to bed. But G-d does not honor such repenting because it is altogether exceeding sinful.
Tempt not the L-rd thy G-d, for tomorrow comes and no sooner than it has, you rise up, you go and sin, then go to work, come home eat dinner and say forgive me G-d, only to go to bed the same way you woke up! Still an unrepentant sinner. Nothing changed in your heart, and G-d didn’t honor your desire for deliverance because secretly you really do not want to be, neither desire to be free.
The scripture says that certain ministers promise others liberty while they themselves are the servants of corruption. If that is you I am talking about, I proclaim the Anointing of the Holy Ghost upon me right now breaks this bondage off you, and your life.
In Jesus from Nazareth's holy name! Demons GO from them and return to them never again neither are you permitted to visit any of the members of their household or loved ones, friends, associates or anyone they meet or have ever met or prayed for, or will pray for or meet. I adjure you by the name and as the name of my G-d of whom I am called by his name. You are defeated and it is finished In Jesus from Nazareth’s mighty name Amain.
Wherever the Spirit of Adonai the L-rd of Hosts is, there is total liberty, not to sin but to be totally free from sin. Shout Halleluyah, Amain. If you are defeated, more than likely those people choose to be un-victorious every time they turn on a filthy movie or TV show.
Oh yes they do. They do also by playing ungodly video games and by talking to ungodly people and creating friendships with unbelievers, heathens. Instead of victoriously converting souls, they get converted back to a filthy lifestyle.
These ungodly television shows sow ungodly seed {sperma} into our lives, and defile our spirits. And as the Holy Scripture says, that once lust conceives, it brings forth sin, then more sin, and is eventually the bringer of death, both spiritual death, and physical death.
The word seed in Greek is the word Sperma. We get our word sperm from it. The devils have been sowing their demonic spiritual sperm into our spirits and impregnating us with their deceptions and lies. We just eat up their lies like fools. We cry on Sunday to G-d, “O G-d it’s real hard to be holy”
Not so children, either you are of the L-rd G-d, or you are not. It is easy if you put the Remote down and pick up your Bible and read till you’re full of his holy sperma seed down on the inside of your inner spirit. The seed (Sperma) is Christ Our Messiah and King. We must pick up the love letters Papa G-d wrote through holy men of G-d to us, and through an act of our will we must impregnate our spirits with his Holy Spirit {seed} and be transformed into the image of his incorruptible Son. Say Amain.
You know in the deep of your heart that what I am telling you is true. I am not telling you anything you cannot research for yourselves. Go buy a Strong Concordance of all Hebrew and Greek words and start studying.
Joshua chapter 1:8 says “meditate in this book of the law day and night, then will you procure favor and prosper in all you do” O the riches of G-d if only you My Children would learn to live out these truths in practical application in your daily lives, then would you be then truly blessed! Indeed!
So many of G-ds people are choosing to forfeit their victory in the Messiah, and even though we know and sense the stare of G-d Almighty upon us, his loving eyes upon us, his Precious Holy Spirit says don’t do it.
Yet we are entertaining thoughts not belonging to ourselves, thoughts belonging to demons, the shayateens. We think the thoughts belong to us but they do not. Once we own them as our own we become responsible for them, then they become ours, and that is when we conceive.
That is when we get impregnated with lustful and lewd wicked desires.
This will always lead to rebellion and a slew of other sins. In the past we have been too ready to sin and fall when it was convenient for us. Even though we know and feel G-d looking on what we are doing, for shame we have resisted the Holy One, Blessed be He, and then we sin and are sadly dejected and cast out from his presence.
He is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity. He knows what we did but casts it, and also us out of his presence after we do what we want. And all of the time we need to be saying to G-d, “Father not my will but thine be done” Amain.
But still, certain of those of our numbers will say things like, "we think that a little sin won’t keep us out of heaven"
Oh how very wrong we are, for a little is enough to cause us to go down into the fiery pits of hell forever. A little leaven {yeast} leavens the entire lump of dough. We are that dough the devil seeks to puff up in the fires of the various levels of the fires of the pride of sin. But we always get burnt don't we? Oh yes we do!
Nevertheless we are the People he purchased on the Cross of his Passion. His blood still runs through the veins of his holy people, his congregation throughout the earth. What is this you say? This fellow is guilty of Blasphemy? G-d forbid it, do not you know that in Revelation 11:15 says: the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our L-rd and of his Christ. Our L-rd is Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah. Say Amain!
We are his Anointed upon Earth. We are his body upon the Stauros, the Cross. And as we lift up our holy King Yeshua from Nazareth our holy Messiah, the Father draws all mankind to himself, and we are his self. Say Amain.
Thus we lead them to Yeshua of Nazareth, the Christ, and he is saving souls unto this day. He still saves those daily whom are to be saved, adding to the Asaph {the Universal Congregation of the Ekklesia, the called out of every tribe, tongue, and nation} for We are of G-d. And the L-rd is adding daily those who are getting born again by the water {logos} and the blood {spirit} John 6:63-65.
Our Blessed & Precious G-D The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter*
Our Beloved & Precious Savior and L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, Our Messiah, the Christ of Almighty G-D*
The L-rds simple servant and watchman*
The L-rd watching over us, his Beloved Bride & Body of Innumerable Members*
Messianic Judaistic Christian Centre - to be Built in the Future in
W.N.Y. Under the Anointed Leadership of G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and
G-D the Precious Holy Spirit, who are blessed forever, Amain*
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