Friday, November 30, 2012

“With Him, In Him, and For Him” ******MATTHEW 10:16*******

     With Him, In Him, and For Him
          ******MATTHEW 10:16*******

And Jesus said, be you as wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16.

Joshua Carl's Midrashim:

It is now time for the Ekklesia, the called out, to be wise, and to stop playing with our old lives of sin. ******ROMANS 6:1-2*******

We must now choose, Yeshua, or the spirit of error {mammon- the demonic false god of Egypt} ******MATTHEW 6:24, LUKE 16:13, & JOHN 8:35*******

We cannot serve two Masters, for we will obey, love, and cleave unto the one, and end up hating the other. ******2nd CORINTHIANS 6:14-18*******

Whom will you serve? Will you serve Jesus from Nazareth? *2nd KINGS 18:38*

Or will you serve the spirit of error {Mammon - one name out of the numerous foreign false gods of that ancient era of time}  

******2nd KINGS 18:31*******

"The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in this present era, many have been beguiled by fanciful soothsaying preachers, preaching a conformist gospel, but it is not My Gospel says the Spirit of the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ” GALATIANS 1:6-9*

Therefore Thus saith El Gibbor, the Mighty G-d, learn how to apply the tactics Satanas uses against you in order to cause you to react in your carnality, and flip it by effectively using the Adversaries own bad medicines against the Enemy of mankind.

******1st CORINTHIANS 2:6-8*******

This you shall accomplish as you learn how to apply those tactics, and to teach your talmidim, your students how to use those same tactics to the edifying of the multitudes.

******LUKE 16:8, and 2nd TIMOTHY 3:16-17*******

And in so doing, you will have begun to become wise as serpents, yet remaining harmless as doves. I AM Adonai.

Loving You All Everlastingly with an Eternal Love in the Precious Holy Spirit.

With Him, In Him, and For Him

Prophet Joshua Carl*
                                 The Symbol of Our Blessed Comforter
                                  the Precious Holy Spirit*
                                                   Our Blessed Messiah
                                                  Yeshua from Nazareth*
                                       The L-rds willing and obedient
                                       servant, Prophet Joshua Carl*

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