Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Devil Ain't Who You Think She Is PART 3 “The Seed of the Serpent Lilith is the Nephilim and their Offspring”

"The Devil Ain't Who You Think She Is - PART THREE {3}

The Seed of the Serpent Lilith is the Nephilim and their Offspring

When G-d created man, male and female he created them, taking them both from the dust of the Earth. He created them equal as observed in Genesis 1:27.

Eve was not the Genesis 1:27 woman, because Lilith was. 

Eve was not created equally side by side with Adam as was Lilith, for Eve was formed from the rib of Adam.

Eve is the Genesis 2:19-23 woman not the Genesis 1:27 first Eve known as Lilith. Notice in Genesis 2:19 G-d said from out of the ground the L-rd G-d formed {Hebrew word in Strong’s concordance #3335 is the word “Yatsar” and it means “to create”} Thus is how G-d Yatsar – Created every beast of the field, but G-d didn’t Yatsar Eve, he Banah, he Built Eve. The Hebrew word is Banah, reference #1129 in the Hebrew portion of Strong’s Concordance.

So while every other creature G-d made including Adam he Yatsar, he created, even Lilith the first woman G-d Yatsar, he created her from the ground equally side by side with Adam and Adam called her Adhamah. {Strong’s Ref. #127 Hebrew Section}

But when Adhamah rebelled, the man was alone and the PFA – principle of first appearance comes into view. For the first time a word is used in the Bible, it sets the overall meaning of the use and meaning of that word throughout the remaining chapters of the books throughout the entire word of G-d.

When G-d said, it is not good for the man to be alone using the word “alone” he used the word “Bad” found in the Strong’s Concordance ref. #905. It means to be separated. Obviously Adam was with somebody and not alone at some point previously to G-d making that comment.

Who was Adam with? He was with Lilith his counterpart Adhamah. Until she tore away from Adam due to her rebellious nature she received from her father Lucifer who preempted the creation event of Adam and Lilith.

While G-d animated Adam with his breath, the Spirit of Life, it was then that Lucifer erupted as it is reported, a mist from the earth which was his defiling defective light, the mist mentioned in Genesis 2:6, and he watered the face of the ground or properly interpreted the woman Adhamah ref. #127 Strong’s. So while the L-RD our G-d breathed into the man, Lucifer in his ultimate act of espionage and rebellion animated Lilith.

When Adam and Adhamah were joined in marriage they couldn’t agree. While Adam sought only to glorify his Father Jehovah, Lilith sought to glorify Lucifer her father. Even though they were married Adam and Lilith couldn’t agree on anything because if two cannot agree then how can they walk together. Read: Amos 3:3.

Though Lilith separated {“bad” Strong’s Ref. #905} from her Husband Adam, G-d sent three Archangels to return her to Adam. The names of the 3 Archangels were Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Lilith refused and sought to mate with other Angels. And because she spoke the ineffable name of G-d which is Yahweh, it gave her the ability to change her bodily appearance.

After Lilith Pronounced the ineffable name of G-D, Lilith then sprouted wings as of an Angel and flew off from Adam. This is why Isaiah described her to be as, “the Screech Owl” Isaiah 34:14.

Oddly enough Lilith is the center of the foundation of the mother of all such stories of Estries also now known in our modern day as a smoke screen as vampires, for their real identity as the offspring of their Mother Lilith, they are the female succubus night demons, along with their counterparts the masculine night demons named incubus.

Their mission is to seduce men and women in their dreams at night and have sexual intercourse with them in their dreams. They then steal away the nocturnal emissions of the men, and the seed of the women {eggs} and go to impregnate Lilith with them who is said to give birth to a thousand demons daily of which 100 must be put to death for the curse Lilith put upon Adam and Eve out of her insane jealously for their union because she felt it should be her and Adam’s seed not Adam and Eve’s Seed.

Eve’s Seed is the Seed of the Woman Ishshah because man and his woman received new names. No longer would Adam be described as a man by his former name, but now man would be known by the Hebrew word for man which is Ish {ref. #376 Strong’s} and woman would be known now as Ishshah {ref. #802 Strong’s} and the Seed of Ishshah, the Seed of the Woman, is the Seed who will crush the head of the Seed of the Serpent Lilith.

Because when Adhamah {Lilith} realized she had been replaced by her replacement Ishshah {Eve} is when Lilith became enraged and wrathful seeking vengeance for the loss of her Husband to her rival Eve.

It is at this time Lilith swore in her rage to murder all the seed of Adam and Eve. And G-d cursed Lilith’s seed to perish in number of 100 a day out of the thousand she births per day.

All this because of this curse from Lilith who was fiercely angry at G-d and Adam for the replaced status she had when G-d replaced her with Eve and then G-d blessed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth as was his first command to Adam and Lilith except she rebelled following that suborn demonic nature she got from her father Lucifer the Devil, who always wanted to be G-d but never was, nor never shall he be anything except the devil, and defeated too!

Semjaza was the name of the Leader of the fallen angels who fell with women when they allowed themselves to be seduced by the women whom G-d sent them to teach the men and women righteousness before the flood of Noah.

Because Semjaza feared that his brethren the other angels of G-d wouldn’t do this dastardly deed, he caused them all to swear by an oath that they would follow him to do this thing after he alone went to sin a great sin which they all feared to do.

That great sin was that Semjaza had to go to Lilith and learn the ineffable name of G-d which gave Lilith the ability to change her bodily form into another form altogether, to which Semjaza agreed to do. But in order for him to procure the ineffable name he had to go in unto Lilith and mate with Lilith, and so they mated. 

The result of that coupling was the birth of Azazel, the firstborn of the Serpent Lilith fathered by Semjaza his father, the leader of the fallen angels whom Semjaza taught the ineffable name of Yahweh who gained the same ability Lilith and Semjaza enjoyed in changing the appearance of their bodily forms, and so they had sexual relations with the daughters of Adam and Eve.

So those Angels kept their oath which they had sworn by mutual imprecations together all 250 of them, and they did go to take the daughters of men for wives unto themselves, and they were enabled through the mystery of speaking the ineffable name of G-d in learning that mystery on how to change their appearances, and thus they had sexual relations with the women they chose of the daughters of Adam and Eve, and Giants, the Nephilim were born into the earth through those unlawful unions between the angels and women.

Thus so those angels rebelled against G-ds orders to which they were sent in order to teach men ordinances and lawful order before the Torah was given on Mount Sinai to Moses. These Angels were not those who originally fell with Lucifer. These Angels are recorded as reserved under darkness in great chains in the book of Jude 1:6.

But G-d saw the wickedness that the angels had wrought in teaching mankind all sorts of enchantments, the cutting of roots, and all manner of wickedness. They totally erred from the mission that G-d had originally sent them to perform in teaching men righteousness before the Torah was given by Moses later on.

Instead they rebelled and through seduction by the women who seduced the angels, and by Lilith teaching Semjaza how to alter his bodily form, in turn Semjaza teaching the other angels his brethren how to do so the same, they went and fell into unlawful sexual unions with those women and thus the plan of G-d was aborted at that time.

Giants were born to them and mankind was polluted with the seed of angels along with the seed of women as a part of mankind not the whole. And through such abominations they taught mankind the art of war and ever other evil under the Sun. And when there was not sufficient sustenance to sustain both mankind and the Giants, the Giants turned on mankind and began to consume mankind to sustain their own lives.

When G-d saw the wickedness and pollution of mankind he decided to put an end to mankind for that the error of the angels had greatly ruined the purity of the seed of Adam and Eve. But G-d saw Noah who was a man pure and untainted by angelic impurity in that Noah was not mixed with the mixed multitude polluted by the seed of angels also.

So G-d saved Noah, and his wife, and their sons along with their sons wives. Eight souls saved from that great deluge of disaster that G-d sent to eradicate the error the angels made to paradise he created for Mankind.

And G-d started all over again with Noah, his wife, and their sons, and their wives of their sons. But the seed of the Nephilim survived onward in the wife of Noah and the wives of his sons too. For Noah’s wife and his sons wives were the offspring of the offspring of the Nephilim which were born to the Angels who had first fallen.

This happened because of the lack of pure angelic seed in that it was now mixed with the seed of man, having been mixed with the offspring of the Nephilim which were the offspring of the Fallen Angels who left their first estate, whose wives gave birth to those who were the wives of the sons of Noah and Noah’s wife who also was mixed with the seed of the Nephilim, thus the lineage of the Nephilim has so survived up to that time.

That is how Goliath with his brothers who were also Gibborim the prodigy of the Nephilim survived. But a man by the name of David became King in Israel. And this same King David is the one who annihilated the remaining brothers of Goliath after he destroyed that miserable Goliath for defying the ranks of the armies of the L-rd, the Living G-d. Halleluyah!

Hence thus is a brief detailed outline of the lineage of the fallen angels and women, how they came to be, who instigated it all being that it was Lilith who instigated it because she was satanically inspired by her father Lucifer to achieve those his purposes to defy the G-d who created even him pure until Iniquity was found in him. Read In: Isaiah 14:12-20 and Ezekiel 28:13-19.

 If you desire Almighty G-d to protect you, you only need be in an holy and spiritually intimate relationship with the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth. According to Psalms 91:1-16, John 3:16, Isaiah 26:3, Romans 5:1-6, John 14:27, and Philippians 4:4-7 G-d will protect you as you obey him.

I Love You All Eternally & Everlastingly In His Holy Name,

Ever Abiding In His Holy Spirit,

Brother Joshua Carl*
                       The Symbol of Our Blessed Comforter,
                               G-D The Precious Holy Spirit*
                            Our Precious Savior, and Our L-rd
                               Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ*
                     The L-rds willing and obedient servant*
                                Lilith The Mystery of Babylon,
                           The Mother of Harlots and Whores.

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