Monday, February 11, 2013

"Now Unto Him Who Is Able"

"Now Unto Him Who Is Able"
"The Danger of Generalizing Our Own Sins, And Iniquities"

We as humans are the highest of the Creations of the L-RD our G-D, the Elshaddai, the Almighty himself.

But there are times we can act worse than the basest animals.

We are still in a fallen world, even though we've been Redeemed, we are still in the Sanctification Process.

Just because we left our worldly life, it hasn't ceased warring against us, or against our souls. 1st Kefa {Peter} chapter 2:11*

And we grow in the Grace of the L-rd Jesus from Nazareth our King and our Messiah, and then once we are grown up we lose sight of who we were, where we came from, all our circumstances which Jesus saved us from.

Why have we lost out spiritual sight? And why have we allowed who the Master has sent us unto, as his Father sent him unto you and me, that we run them off.

We have become so selfish, so motivated, to be critics of newly born again citizens of G-Ds holy Kingdom.

Do you not remember the Elder Son and how he resented his Father for celebrating the return of his younger son? Luke 15:11-32*

Are we so super duper that we have forgotten about our own transgressions, and iniquities?

Are we so mature, so holy, or so sanctified that we are allowing ourselves, and have even gone so far as to begin to permit ourselves to become critics of newly born again believers as we used to be?

Where has our sensitivity unto the moving of the Precious Holy Spirit receded unto?

We must ever be so carefully aware, ever vigilant and increasingly mindful that we bite not one another in backbiting, or matters of carnally natured arguments.

Be careful you do not bite and chide each other, lest you be devoured, and consumed by one the other. Read in the Book of Galatians 5:13-15*

My Beloved children, hear my instruction, and attend unto the words of the law of my lips {precepts} for I give you sound doctrine, and depart not from the wisdom of the Holy One, blessed be He.

For every finger you point at another, point 3 at yourself first!

Judge, Yes, but judge not wrested perverse judgments, and accept no gifts, nor bribes from anyone's hand, lest your judgment become that of a favorable disposition unto those from whom you accepted a bribe, or a gift.

Hear the entire matter from everyone who was involved in the issue at hand first, and then deliberate, taking heed unto the L-rd to receive his council from his word.

Then confirming it was in fact G-D you heard from, and have the referenced word from the Holy Bible substantiating your findings, and you can rest safely knowing you have done judgment and justice.

Yet make sure you have heard from the L-RD and his word before saying "this is what the L-rd says" Psalms 119:120-121*

Remember to have your own obedience in completion before the L-rd before avenging any disobedience, or your words will be invalidated and without power to manifest the presence of rational judgment, lest you unhappily find yourself in dire perilous danger.

Read in: 2nd Corinthians 10:5-6, and Acts 19:13-16*

Greet the holy brethren with a holy kiss cheek to cheek, and let the brethren see they honor the sisters abroad, that the body of believers look not foolish and in disunion not being of the same mind one toward another in Christ our King, and our beloved soon coming Bridegroom.

Thus you ought therefore all the more be sober, ever vigilant, watching for the season of his eminent return, alway in an unmovable, unshakable, and uncompromising continual mode of prayer.

Read in the Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13, and 1st Thessalonians 5:17*

Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ever ask, and pray unto Him for, that he may guard your hearts, and keep your minds, as you keep his words lodged deeply embedded within your hearts, being if you so desire him to protect you, and honor his end of the Covenant, you too so then must honor your end of the Covenant likewise. Isaiah 26:3, and Colossians 3:16*

Let I pray, you remain, and stay loyal, steadfast, be unshakable, unmovable, maintaining the godly sound root by which you have been deeply rooted, and firmly grounded within the Faith which was so deeply vested within your hearts by your invested obedience unto G-Ds holy word. Colossians 2:4-7*

Be stablished, and be ye prepared, ready unto every good work, and as you are able, do distribute unto those in need out of your abundance, Amain. Romans 12:6-13*

May the Grace of our L-rd Yeshua, our Messiah, and Soon Returning King be with you all, Amain.

Love Brother Joshua Carl*
     1st Corinthians 13*
                              The Symbol of  the Precious, and Blessed Holy Spirit*
                                        Our Precious L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth
                                                 the Risen Messiah, the Christ*
The simple servant of Adonai Yeshua from Nazaret*

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