Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Sin was Wrong then, Sin is Wrong Now, and Sin will Never be the Right Choice" 1st TIMOTHY 5:6-15*

"Sin was Wrong then, Sin is Wrong Now, and Sin will Never be the Right Choice"

****************1st TIMOTHY 5:6-15****************

I Will Forever Stand With the L-RD G-D of Yisrael and the Stance of the role of men and women in Society.

Men are by the commandment of G-D are to provide for those of their own household, and the women married to their husbands bear children and guide the household while the husband brings in resources to provide for their family.

All this feminist garbage that women are somehow better than, and can do a better job than men at being providers is IRRELEVANT!!

G-D Said Men protect, Women Guide the House.

Where is the Confusion coming from? Why is that so difficult for us to understand?

G-d didn't speak in a riddle ok! Either we obey G-d or we will obey Feminism.

Choose whom you will serve! Either G-D Almighty?

Or Aphrodite the smokescreen Icon for Lilith who is the Satan {Adversary of} Mankind masking her identity now using Radical Feminism. Lilith is the Mother of it, she has birth it, and did so at the Garden of Eden when she tempted Eve to rebel against G-ds command to not eat of the tree of Knowledge, then used Eve to get to Adam who promptly allowed himself to fall into sin as well.

Sin was Wrong then, Sin is Wrong Now, and Sin will Never be the Right Choice!!



Or You Shall Perish. ******ISAIAH 1:16-20*******

                             The Symbol of  our Beloved L-RD G-D, the Holy Spirit*
                                          Our Beloved L-rd Jesus from Nazareth*
                                                    The servant of the Most High G-D*

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