Thursday, February 21, 2013

"To Be, Or Not To Be Set Free from Porn: That Is The Question"

"To Be, Or Not To Be Set Free from Porn: That Is The Question"

Are you seeking to be married for the benefits derived through being married, then you are not ready for marriage.

Marriage isn't for sex, it is for companion relationship between a man, and his wife.

Sex is just a benefit of such a union of a man married to his wife, and meant for procreation.

Don't seek marriage for the sex benefit, because the porn issue will still remain an issue, and if the porn use is not eradicated, it will lead to the eventual dissolution, and destruction of that marital union.

Be not deceived, the issues of porn use, whether by internet, or store outlets that are facing men/and women, and teens too did not become such a fortress of Satan overnight.

Satan has had 6000 years to mastermind the ability of using sex as a manipulation tactic to achieve the purposes of the kingdom of darkness, wickedness, and absolute lawlessness.

Only Jesus from Nazareth can overpower Satan, but he will never overpower Satan out of our lives if we do not surrender those areas of our life over to Jesus from Nazareth.

Jesus from Nazareth is either L-rd of All our life, Or he is not L-rd of any bit of our life.

He is L-rd of All, or not L-rd at all!

You make the call. As for me and my house, Jesus is L-rd of ALL, Amain. 

Joshua 24:14-15*

The battle waged and fought against porn is a battle of imagery fought and waged upon the battlefield of the mind.

Ephesians 6:12-20*

It cannot be won by the mental strength of the mind, but the individual seeking victory over the demons of lust must take the power of the word of G-D, and possess his/or her own soul by evicting the devils out of every room of the innumerable rooms within their mansion they call their soul by the Authority of the holy word of Almighty G-D.

 Luke 21:19, and Luke 10:19*

Love Always in the Holy Spirit,

Writer & Author, Life Coach & Mentor,

Prophet Joshua Carl*
1st Corinthians 13*
              The Symbol of our Beloved Comforter
                                        G-D the Holy Ghost*

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