Monday, August 5, 2013

“The Unregenerate Mind In Need of Regeneration in G-ds Word”

The Unregenerate Mind In Need of Regeneration in G-ds Word

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Let’s Us Pray Now,

“Our Father, we realize that the mountain Jesus told us we could speak unto and command that it be cast into the depths of the sea was our own minds, the beast that keeps us back from being all you want us to become for your holy Kingdom.

Help us to discern between right thoughts, and dark thoughts, to know the difference and to cast down every imagination, every high thing exalting itself against the knowledge you have of us, show us of whom you say we are, for we are more than conquerors through Messiah Yeshua our L-rd Jesus who died to save us, who if we obey in the sincerity of our hearts, we are your children, being admonished by your Holy Spirit, taught of your Kingdom precious Father and one day no more will we be children, but your Sons, and Daughters O Father.

Thank you Precious Holy Spirit, for you know our deep wounds, our hurts, how we cry when no one but you sees us weeping uncontrollably. Comfort us now Holy Spirit, and groan within us as the Scripture says with utterances that cannot be spoken, but you know O G-d what you’re saying through us back to yourself. For deep calls to deep, for your Spirit O G-d calls to you O Father, and at the noise of your water spouts, all your billows, all the waves of your sweet presence flow over us, and your staff lets us know your holding us in your arms, and your rod of correction lets us know we are your own, and it keeps us reverent before you.

Thank you Jesus for not leaving us orphans, but sending your Holy Spirit to us, and coming unto us by him, and for never leaving us alone for even a minute, even when we think you leave, you have never left us alone, and your always there to pick us up again when we fall, every time we call you answer, your name L-rd Jesus is the sweetest name of all, Amain.”

In Colossians 3:5-10 we have here in the word of G-d revealed to us a phenomenal group of words presenting us with an equally phenomenal set of revelations stemming from the holy words of G-d.

It says in Colossians 3:5, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; which are fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is “Idolatry”. The Greek word for Inordinate is the word Pathos. We derive terms such as Pathological from Pathos because we get patterns from pathos, especially lusts of many types. 

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I looked up the many meanings of pathos in the Greek, and what struck me was the consequentially great value of the meaning the Holy Spirit pointed out to me.

Pathos is, “the diseased condition of the soul out of which are birthed various lusts, and this is pathos”

Pathos is inordinate on the other hand coupled with the next word, Affections, is the Greek word, “Epithumia” And Epithumia is, “the active lustful desire resulting from pathos {the diseased condition of the soul} being acted out.

Another noun used for affection in Greek is the word, “Splanchna” and it denotes and points to, “the Bowels” In other words the seat of fervent passion, inward affections. Look it up yourself in Vines Expository Dictionary, Reference #4698 suggests these emotions are centered in the spleen region of the human body. Webster’s Dictionary states, “Our spleen is located in our upper left side of our abdomen, and it impacts and effects certain modifications in our blood”

It is where the seat of our most intense passionate feelings are stored up, then begin to bubble up when our anxiety levels can no longer store up anymore, nor take on anymore because our human frame was never created to store such volatile emotional states.

In many instances unforgiveness is a huge player in this scenario. Our ill tempers and our spitefulness spring forth from there and can originate from lust too, which lust in its raw state is simply put “desires” be it for revenge, or hatred, variance, emulations, all which are fruits of the flesh, and glorify man and not the Holy Spirit.

Not only do we get into darkness by giving heed to seducing pathological spirits of inordinate affections {Pathos Epithumia} but these emotions open wide the doors of our spirit for an entourage and range of other demonic influences to walk right into our lives by way of our Pathos {Inordinate} Epithumia {Affection}

Epithumia is inner connected with the Greek word, “Orexis” which means, Appetite, Lust, and Concupiscence. It strongly suggests an ever growing passion which involves almost always reaching out to obtain the object of one’s desires with deliberate intent and purpose of taking possession of our desire by whatever means necessary.

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May I ask you today what your desires are? What are your objectives focused on? Do you seek out lost souls to reach out to them with and in the pure love of our Savior? For many, not all, he is our L-rd Jesus of Nazareth. If ye love one another as I say’s Jesus have loved you. Could the objects of your desire be hindering you from the purposes G-d sent you here upon his Earth to accomplish?

Are men your object of affection? No? Ok then maybe women? No? Ok then maybe the objective of your affections might be set upon other things like sex, maybe drugs, or maybe porn, or how about even the love of having money?

Ok maybe not any of those, but what about that married man you keep eying every service, making him uncomfortable? Or that married woman you keep trying to seduce with your eyes and your untoward-{morally blemished} suggestions?

No matter whether the object of your affection is animate or inanimate, that is irrelevant. Jesus is jealous for your affection, for he died for you and he is worthy of all the Love you can lavish on him. But the L-rd is rarely the focus of any of our attention, and the only time Jesus gets our attention is when we become affected by our emotions which are set upon things of earth, not of heaven and we become so enslaved to the point we cry out G-d save me!”

Is that what G-d is to us in our day in this our era, in our generation? Why do we treat our G-d as a G-d to call on when we become involved in trouble? Do we think that he is our drive thru G-d, and we approach the throne and say can I order some mercy today, and a cup of blessing to wash it down?

G-d is not amused, so why are we treating him like an amusement park custodian to come clean our messes up whenever we need him to fix what he told us not to do, but we didn’t bother to obey when we heard his voice?

We have all gone astray, seeking our own Pathos Inordinate Epithumia Affections upon objects that do not profit us. Isaiah said it best in Isaiah chapter 59:1-16.

Jeremiah spoke out too in saying essentially that were looking for justice and find none, we seek out many a man out of the many myriads of men and women, yet we find not even one person who desires righteousness, equity, fairness unto all in righteous judgment. Jeremiah Chapter 5:1-7.

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No matter who we hurt, we have seared our consciences with as a hot iron. We have become so desensitized to the issues of our day that we say things like, “that is horrible but I am sure there will be an outcry against that movement” but no outcry is ever heard, no one seeks justice, we have all gone after our own Pathos.

Our Epithumia rules us, our own self seeking Pathos Inordinate Epithumia Affections rule us, and we have forsook the L-rd Sunday after Sunday after services too many times, and for the rest of the week until next Sunday we hide the mask, then on Sunday we bring the mask we know so well, we slap it right back on again.

We may fool one another, but we never fool the L-rd! Listen to me carefully, this attitude and lifestyle of idolatry is wickedness in his sight, it is wrong, it won’t ever be right and we need to repent right now!

Either we will create order with our actions, or we will create disorder with our actions. For every action there is a reaction, and every reaction brings a litany of circumstances which in turn result in a litany of negative or positive consequences.

If we will but repent, and work toward sowing to ourselves righteousness, by breaking up our fallow ground, sowing mercy, loving honest judgment, holy justice, plead for our widows and the fatherless, then our health would spring forth speedily, and our righteousness would go before us.

Jesus secured this for us. Because of him, we can become the righteousness of the torah in Him. Romans 8:4, Isaiah 58:1-11, Isaiah 32:15-20, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, and Job 33:14-17.

So my question I ask now of you is, are you’re actions emulating righteousness, or are your actions emulating the stubbornness of the spirit of your flesh which fights against the law of the Spirit of life whom G-d gave to those who love him to be renewed in the spirit of our mind? What Spirit do you subscribe unto?

Is it the Holy Ghost? Or are you given over to the Pathos Epithumia of Inordinate Affection flowing from the spirit of your flesh that rages against and is warring against the spirit of your mind? For the spirit of your mind delights in the law of G-d after the inward man, but the law of sin and death only serve to torment us.

You cannot have two Masters. You will serve the one and despise the other at the onset of every occasion and chance you are presented with. I say this not to make you feel badly, but to help you realize what team your fighting on. If you have been a double agent, be not a double agent anymore.

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If you are, be not double minded {a double agent} anymore. Colossians 2:4-7, 1st Corinthians 14:40, 2nd Chronicles 29:30-36, and Job 10:22.

Remember holy Brethren and Sisters, Elders and Mothers, that you were not created for disorder, but for the divine order of things in the way Almighty G-d does things in his Kingdom.

G-d created you to live a life of ease, not disease, a life of Hope, Belief in G-d, and Faith to sail you to the other side of the wondrous glories of heaven to meet him who created you to be in fellowship with him for all eternity.

Look at your motives from now on, and look to perceive if you are sowing seeds that will produce a harvest of Life, or a harvest of Death. Be not fooled, for G-d is not mocked, for whatsoever you sow, you shall reap in due time by G-ds just decrees and laws.

Every word is a seed, every action is a seed, and every seed has attached to it an instruction, and what instruction are you attaching to all those seeds you sow daily. All of Your words are seeds, and all of your actions are seeds.

Be it actions, imaginations, perceptions of how you perceive others and form opinions about them in the cognitive abilities of your mind. Where did those thoughts come from, how did they pop in your mind, are they really your thoughts or did the enemy sound so much like you he deceived you into believing your thinking those things? 2nd Corinthians 10:5.

We must cast down every high thought, imagination and every form of demonic knowledge exalting itself against the knowledge of G-d in your life. Whatever exalts itself against who G-d says you are, that is a high thing and must be cast out of our mindsets.

Whatever exalts itself against the Knowledge of whom G-d says you are, and whoever G-d says you are, that’s who you are. The Word of G-d declares it, and that settles it. Our carnality is our biggest enemy, so destroy it out of your lives, as you learn to possess your soul in your patience, and your vessels in honor and sanctification, Luke 21:19 and 1st Thessalonians 4:3-8, and 1st Peter 3:15, and Philippians 4:6-9.

Saints, I love all of you, yes, each and every one of you.

Ever in the Bosom of my Father,

*****Joshua Carl*****
 **1st Corinthians 13**
The Symbol of G-D the Precious Holy Spirit who Descended as a Dove Upon Jesus from Nazareth Our L-rd*
Our Beloved & Precious Savior and L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, Our Messiah, the Christ of Almighty G-D*
The L-rds simple servant and watchman*

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