Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"In My Father's House Are Many Mansions, and I Go to Prepare a Place For You Says the L-rd"

For G-D who did not spare his own Son, but willingly gave him to die for our sins, how should we live any longer therein in our old lives of sin.

Rather we live out the days of our lives in jubilant praises unto him who sits upon His Throne as the Ancient of the Ages, and we remember him who said, I raise my hand to Heaven and declare I AM Forevermore.

And we rejoice before The L-RD in his holy name, and as his holy name, because we married him the day we accepted the gift of our eternal salvation which he sent his One and Only Son to pay the ransom price for us his holy Bride and Body.

And by our acceptance of The L-RD as our Husband in our acceptance of our L-rd Yeshua from Nazareth, G-Ds One and Only Unique Son, we thus received, and took his name as a blushing bride does when she is married unto her bridegroom as we did when we became his name in holy eternal matrimony.

And this we delight in him for the rest of our eternal existence with him, that we mayest live with him as we daily rejoice continually everlastingly forevermore rejoicing within his sight abiding within Our Fathers House full of many Mansions.

Therefore thus I do go now, that I may prepare a place for you.

And because I go, I will return for you, that where I AM, there shalt you assuredly be there with me also, world without end, Amain.

Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*

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