Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Phillis Wheatley 1753- 1784"

 Phillis Wheatley 1753- 1784

A little African girl had arrived after being stolen from her home in Senegal Africa, aboard a slave ship bound for America she landed with the rest of the others, and waited to be sold like an animal.

For little Phillis was so young, desiring to win the approval of those who mistreated her, yet it was Susannah Wheatley whose eyes spotted the frail little girl, and just that quick Mr. Wheatley raised his hand as he bid for the precious girl, she was sold unto the Wheatley Family.

She never was treated as a slave; neither did she become a servant. She became Ms. Phillis Wheatley, their daughter. Never did they treat her as a slave, but always as their brilliant daughter, and they loved her, and raised her in love, to know love, and not to know servitude, or slavery as her master.

But Phillis Wheatley became a writer, an author, and wrote a poem to encourage the then General George Washington.

General George Washington did respond back to Phillis saying, he would be happy to see such a person unto whom G-D richly had liberally, and benevolently bestowed such a poetic gift.

General George Washington did invite Phillis to his Headquarters to visit with him there.

Phillis also wrote, and I quote a portion of another of her poems.


Being Brought From Africa to America 

She wrote, 'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, and Taught my Benighted soul to understand, that there's a G-D, that there's a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew, Some view our sable race with such scornful eye, Their colour is but a diabolic die.

Remember, Christians, Negroes, black as Cain, May be refin'd, and join the angelic train.

Joshua Carl's Commentary:
Phillis Wheatley may have been a slave to other Americans, but to the Wheatley's the beautiful Phillis was never a slave, but she was a member of their very own Family.

African Americans thus now arise in true Dignity, and be Proud of who G-D has made you to be through the noble sacrifice of the many gone before thee.

For of this true story, it is only a small piece of the puzzle of your heritage, of your rich inheritance unto which you now ought draw forth from the wells of Antiquity, of the cool waters of the legacy of the many who left such a rich heritage of the legacy of your rich African history.

Arise, and Shine, and Raise the Standard for ALL to see, for you are better off than many, tried, tested, and found duly true, enduring, honorable, yet strong, and yet resoundingly found so true.

Be who G-D created you to be! Be you! Live Responsibly, and Honor the lives of those whose lives paved the way for many of the very freedoms we culturally diverse as a people do now so embrace.

We are America; We are the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave!

Amain, and Selah.

Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of Our Blessed L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
My Shofar Trumpet Shall Soon Sound, Calling Out My Ekklesia Whom is My Almah, and Who Shall Become My Eternal Calah, My Eternal Bride*

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