Saturday, November 23, 2013

"The Betrayal of the Five Foolish Virgins" Matthew 25:1-13*

The seed of Serpent Lilith has cunningly crept into the chambers of the true Temples of the believers of the L-rd and of his Christ.

This has been occurring in very subtle attempts to intoxicate, fascinate, and to purposely bewitch the true believers of G-D the Father, G-D the Son, and G-D the Holy Spirit in an attempt to allure them out of My Father’s House back into the fallen operating system of this broken world.

These are the seducing spirits which Paul wrote unto Timothy about in 1st Timothy 4:1-2.

And these masculine devils, and feminine demons have been spewed out from the bottomless pit, and have been sent from the Abyss with the explicit purpose of seducing my people, and my servants the Prophets back into this worlds fallen operating system of the works of sin through the mindsets of my people whose minds these masculine devils, and feminine {Jinn - in Arabic} demon spirits possess, for they control their beliefs, and are teaching my sheep heresies through those evil vipers whom they control in order to cause my people to become drunken with the wine of their vile wicked betrayal.

This is which in nature is both physical, and sexual fornication, and also stemming into spiritual fornication through the things my people view on television in their own homes, and also in my houses which are supposed to be solely dedicated unto My Worship, for it is written, you shalt have no other gods before me saith the Living G-D Jehovah, but these things are being committed by my people, and the leaders of my people love to have it as so.
1st Timothy 4:1-2 KJV

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

[2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

This is a gross violation of my Torah Laws saith G-D whose Name is the L-RD. Cease and Desist the evil of your doings O’ My People which you do and say, the L-RD sees us not. But I see ALL things, even the hidden secret things you do in the secret chambers of your hearts, and even in the midst of my Temples.

All is visibly naked before me, and seen by my eyes saith the L-RD of G-D Israel, I AM the Almighty.

The Enemy has achieved this partially by use of the false teachers permitted in the synagogues and in the churches around the entire world as they go back and forth, to and fro, teaching others their teachings which are the doctrines of masculine devils, and of the feminine demons through those the unbelievers whom they are controlling.

These are they of whom are being used by the Enemy whom is Satan the Adversary Lilith who is exactly as she always has been, and exactly as rebellious as she was at the very onset of the Creation of the Son of G-D during the Rule of the first Adam, which I the L-RD set up the very Government of Mankind.

But Lucifer, Lilith and the Masculine Devils, and the Feminine Demons were as they remain, and are opposed unto, and have violently set themselves in utter opposition unto the very authoritative Dominion of the Divine Rulership of Mankind, and are vehemently, aggressively, and violently fighting against the Renewed, Revitalized, and Resurrected Kingdom of the Holy Dominion of Mankind which was Reclaimed by myself, the L-rd Christ, Jesus from Nazareth your L-rd, and given to those who believe on my name.

The Enemy was, is, and is forevermore defeated by the precious Spirit of the blood of our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, the Christ which he has so willingly allowed to be violated, and shed which has occurred now for over two thousand years.

We are The Redeemed of The L-rd, so let us hold fast unto the professions of our Faith, and continue onward to proclaim our undying proclamations, as we affirm, and reaffirm our Declarations against the Regime of Lucifer, Lilith the Serpent Satan the Wicked One who is our Adversary, and also against all the Demonic Masculine Devils, and all the Feminine Demons we hold the Complete Victory over.

And as we execute judgments against their secondary dominions, evict them from their current dwellings, and residences, as we continue to cast them out, and sentencing them to eternal torments in the Bottomless Pit, for this is our Hour, and the time of the complete reinstatement of our Delegated Authority which G-D our Father gave to our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, which he has given back unto us.

For We Are the Sons of Almighty G-D who is our Father, G-D ALMIGHTY.



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Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*

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