
“Peace, Be Still, For I
AM Coming Back Quickly”
are My Body Which Has Been Broken for the Remission of, and the
Forgiveness of the Sins of Many. Be You Faithful Even unto the Death,
For I AM With You Always, and I AM Your Comforter, Yes, and I AM Even
unto the End of the Ages of Mankind, and Then Forever. It Is
Remember this my beloved brethren, that it is with his stripes we get healed {the process of progressive healing} but the end is not yet.
For by his stripes we were {finished past tense having been formerly} healed by his stripes.
So with the stripes of King Messiah {present tense} we must endure them, and we will be progressively be healed, and by the stripes of King Messiah we were {past tense} having formerly been healed.
Isaiah 53:5* JCLHT*
But he was wounded, and violated for our transgressions, for he was bruised, crushed, and he was oppressed for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
And Also:
1st Peter 2:24* JCLHT*
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, so that we, being dead to sins, we now should live unto the work of his righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
And let us not forget that Jesus said, he, or she who dies, yet shall they live, for I AM the Resurrection, and I AM the Life, the Veil which whereby the men, the women, and the children of my Stauros, that is to say of My Cross may come to enter into the Presence of Almighty G-D, My Abba Father, and Your Abba Father.
For we are his body, and yes, we have been bruised, we have been
battered, crushed, wounded, terrorized, tormented, and broken, and not
without a cause, for the cause is of our Father, who art in all of the
Shamayim, the Heavens, for we are his Seed, and verily we must needs be
sown into corruption {our words as our seed} sown into the lives of the
lost sinners, and even the ungodly sinner who once was saved, yet lives
now like a devil, let us pray they repent, so that the sacrifice of our
lives, even now I AM ready to be poured out as Rabbi Sha'ul, the Apostle
Paul said in the Holy Scriptures as he said "I AM ready to be poured
out as a drink offering unto G-D" and Sha'ul said also I pray you return
to G-D lest that my labor have been in vain, O' I pray it be not yet in
vain, but let my life be counted as that with such is a great purpose,
the kernel of wheat fallen into the ground, sown in corruption, which at
the last day at the Resurrection of the Just I will be raised
incorruptible with all of my other brethren for which I have been found
in like fashion created to be visible to my brethren even though I came
from the invisible realms of the boundless regions of Eternity.
Let I pray thee my children, let me I pray you run with my joy says the L-RD, for my Joy is full of glory, unspeakable, and yet the earth is full of the glory which My Father has given to me which he has glorified me with as it was from the beginning when I ever was by his side as I was even before the creation. Let not my work upon the Xulon {Tree} of Life be for nought, let not my Stauros be borne by me in vain O' ye my people.
Come ye, all of you who labor, and are heavy laden, and who are burdened by the weights that this world heaps upon you, and I will give you rest, and you shall find comfort in your ever present, and the current distresses which do perplex you.
Now my words are ended upon this my present discourse, and we shall yet think upon excellent things later when I will yet open up my mouth unto you, the sons of men, and speak yet again of the hidden manna in the secret places of my tabernacle saith the Most High G-D that I AM.
For I AM the First, and I AM the Last, I AM the Beginning, and I AM the End, they who trust in me rolling all their cares, and all their burdens onto me in prayers, and the intercessions of their hearts I Will Hear, for Deep calls out unto Deep, for hast not I said that the noise of my water spouts, that all the billows, and the waves of my Shammah Manifest Presence will wash over you, and be to you for comfort?
See Psalms 42:1-11 Memory Verse is the 7th verse.
Now may the words of the G-D of my Shalom find their rest in your hearts where he desires that his throne be stablished in each, and every one of you, his highest creations, for he lives evermore, world without end, Yea, and Amain.
Now may the words of the G-D of my Shalom find their rest in your hearts where he desires that his throne be stablished in each, and every one of you, his highest creations, for he lives evermore, world without end, Yea, and Amain.
Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
My Shofar Trumpet Shall Soon Sound, Calling Out My Ekklesia Whom is My Almah, and Who Shall Become My Eternal Calah, My Eternal Bride.
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