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“Flag of United Arabia”
“They who live by the Sword will die by the Sword”
Matthew 26:51-53*
“They who live by the Sword will die by the Sword”
Matthew 26:51-53*
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No matter the vice, whether your addiction is to online pornography, or offline, or cable TV, whether our sins be murder, or gluttony by overeating, or are we busybodies who interfere in other men, and women's lives?
Or if we entertain gossiping about others, or if we speak using profanity, or no matter whatever your vice, sins, or temptations are, we can never be free of them until we refuse to surrender our desires, our will, and emotions to those things which do so easily ensnare us, captivate us, and therefore do control us, and the life patterns which have become our habits, and cycles of bitter bondage.
And because deep down inside in your heart, you don't want to do what you are doing because you know you were not meant to be that way.
So my beloved, what we prioritize we will always make room for. We must stop making room for lust, greed, anger, gossip, gluttony, abuse, profanity, or whatever your vice is, give no more conditions of peace unto it, but realize this is war! No More Concessions, Not One More!
And until we do quit placing swords into the hands of our enemies we ought to not ever expect they will not use them against us. We shall never have the victory until we stop arming our enemies!
We need to stop compromising our convictions, and we must return unto Him who created us to live in perfect peace with him forever, and ever, even forever. He is G-D Almighty our Abba Father.
Say Amain!
I will tell you as in times past I have told you many times before, for this is war, and it won't be won easily. Yet hear me now saints of the Most High G-D, and hear you me very well.
We Can Do It!!!
We need to Submit unto G-D, and then we must resist the enemy of our souls, and only then will the enemy flee from us. And only then will we receive the Victory from G-D that overcomes this world, even the Victory being our Faith, even by the Faith of the Son of G-D, our L-rd Yeshua, Christ our Messiah from Nazareth, world without end, Amain.
Romans 6:16 and Galatians 5:13* JCLHT*
Do you not know? Do you not realize to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you are unto whom you obey?
For if you surrender unto the law of sin unto death, then unto the law of sin you are enslaved to death. But if you submit unto the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, you thus yield unto obedience, which afterwards yields the peaceable fruit of the righteousness of G-D.
Therefore brethren, you have all been called to liberty; only abuse not your liberty as an occasion unto the flesh, but by unfeigned, and genuine love, so let us learn to serve one another in the bond of unity in the Faith, and by the love of G-D.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth & Voice of the Prophetic Updates
Our Beloved Comforter, and Guide, G-D the Precious Holy Spirit*
Our Beloved Master, L-rd, and Husband, Jesus the Christ from Nazareth, Our Holy Saviour*
The Beloved Servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty*
The L-rd watching over His Holy Bride & Body of Many Innumerable Members*
We Will Never Forget - In Memory of 9/11
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