Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Today's Transfiguration Confirmation Transforming, and Life Altering Discourse Today"

"Today's Transfiguration Confirmation Transforming, and Life Altering Discourse Today"

You must become impregnated with purpose in the womb of your spirit first before you can birth it to fruition in the mentally natural realm, and then, and only then can you be enabled to bring it forth onward into the physical visible realm where you can run with it. Proverbs 25:28.

But before you ever do any of that, you must become impregnated with it in your heart of hearts, within your inner-most-being, your spirit-man, then write the vision you’re so passionate about in word document, make it plain so that they who read it may run with the vision God instilled within you too. 1st John 3:9.

Always remember, If you’re vision is able to be achieved by you alone, it was not inspired by God.   

A Vision given by God will require the faithfulness of Ministry friends and Partners to whom you know on a personal level deeply and trust them also unto the same level. Romans 12:6-11.

If God guided you into it, money will follow, because finances always show up where God divinely leads. If no money is there it was not God. Perry Stone, whom I consider to be a Spiritual Elder and Brother unto me said one time and I quote, "God if you do not provide the needed finances, I won't pursue the venue, because Jesus it takes money, so Brother Perry Stone said as bluntly and politely as can be, God I need you to provide so I know your with me in the Ministry, and as you provide I know in the confidence of my heart it is where you are guiding me.1st Thessalonians 5:12-13.

Now I agree wholeheartedly with Brother Perry Stone. If there is no Inspired Vision from God, then you’re dead in the water, if NO Money, No passion, No Passion, no Purpose, NO Purpose, No Pursuit, No Pursuit, Ultimately leads to a unfulfilled life and utter frustration. Romans 5:3-6 and 2nd Peter 1:3-11.

As Humans we need to feel loved, we absolutely must have a sense of destiny, a pursuit of the Divine, and we must have an utter knowing in our knower, as Oral Roberts has said, "You gotta know it in your knower"

That is where God can in an instant send you a dream, instantaneously bypass your arguer also known as your mind and convince you of the reality of his existence. Yes Oral Roberts was totally right and I am convinced of it.  I love that man, Oral and his Wife Evelyn Roberts too, even though they went to be with the Lord, They knew the LORD and was one of the most prolific healing ministers and Preacher couples of the modern era of our time. We now have Oral Roberts University because Oral cared about people, because the DNA of Almighty GOD was in Oral Roberts DNA and God made sure of that! Job 33:14-17.

Please O LORD our GOD, give us more Men of Oral Roberts Caliber to show us what you show them, O God grant unto us more and more Watchmen upon the walls of America, before America falls and never recovers from her moral depravity and decline from the word of your Spirit O L-rd. And the Bride & Body of Jesus Christ says, Amein!

"My Prayer for Us All this day of August 16th, the year of our L-rd 2012 AD"

Father G-d, grant unto us the felicity to know the difference between human pride and human dignity, to forsake our independence for inner-dependence upon you. O Where is the L-RD G-D of Elijah, as Elisha spoke saying before he took the Mantle cloak coat of Elijah and smote the waters of the Mighty Jordan River and then they parted, not by mystical power but by thy Divine Delegated Authority unto your Prophets especially Elijah the Prophet, and his protégé Elisha the Prophet. Numbers 12:6.

Let I pray Lord Jesus that the Sweet Holy Spirit may enable and empower each and everyone today reading this blog post on Voice of the Prophetic , so today, let us be fought for by you Lord, as we listen to the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit when he guides us saying, "Not that way, but walk within this pasture, in this meadow brook, I will bless you there" O that men would not turn away their heart from thee O Righteous and Holy Father. You are kind, patience and good to all. Matthew 11:25-30.

O What is the sum of the whole matter before God and man? Let us hear it. "Fear God, and walk quietly and humbly with your God" Micah 6:8.

Now may you always desire The L-RD and his Truth, and another gospel shall not cling unto you, save that the Gospel of our L-rd Jesus from Nazareth, the One and Only true and living Messiah, the Beginning, the End, Yes, he is the Everlasting Unending Amein, So be It and It is so!

Truthfully His,

Prophet Joshua Carl*

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