Monday, August 13, 2012

Who Is Man that You are Mindful of Him LORD?

Why do you care for me Jesus when all I continually do is fail? What good do you see in me?

I Do not deserve you Master, I feel so worthless now, please Lord turn from me for I am a sinful man, Your Father and my Father am I no longer worthy of him calling me his Son, for I have squandered his blessings and have ate with pigs in the dungeons of this world.

I am sad LORD, for I have everything but truly have nothing at all without you in my heart. Please come back into my life Master, and protect me from myself and my foolishness and bad decisions, for I cannot bear to be without you. Let me not enter eternity without you to be parted from you forever, let this not be my lot O Father.

Please Holy Spirit remove from me my spiritual blindness and save me from myself, for my soul is that mountain you said if I had faith as a grain of mustard seed, I could say to it to remove and be cast into the sea out of my way.

But it is too powerful for me, the desires of this human frail body you have bestowed unto me has overwhelmed me, and if you do not intervene on my behalf I fear being eternally lost to you because of the pride of my human heart to bewitch myself into believing I can save my own self, but I cannot, and there is no Savior but thee O Lord Jesus my Savior Yeshua from Nazareth, blessed forever, the Amein*

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